-4 (düz adam)
üçüncü nesil yazar 3 takipçi 3.90 ulupuan

    allahsiz spline

  1. elipsoid'den kopmuş olanın allahı dini imanı olmaz dedirtgeci olmuş genelleme sözü.

    (bkz: zamanın kısa tarihi)
    (bkz: kara delikler ve bebek evrenler)
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  2. blue bell knoll

  3. 1988 tarihli cocteau twins albümü ve aynı adlı muhteşem şarkı :

    Each is not my love, moan I for what
    I make up hundreds so I know how to make love
    There, you can have my youth, I know I have loved
    Started to see him, till when I married him

    To yearn admits youre outside to me
    Grow up

    I have seen these all my life, perhaps a lot more
    And I have been so naive
    All move and try he knew not
    And your spangle, how it hurts, and I have feelings

    To yearn admits youre outside to me
    Grow up
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  4. lady lazarus

  5. büyük sylvia plath şiiri :

    i have done it again.
    one year in every ten
    ı manage it--

    a sort of walking miracle, my skin
    bright as a nazi lampshade,
    my right foot

    a paperweight,
    my face featureless, fine
    jew linen.

    peel off the napkin
    o my enemy.
    do ı terrify?--

    the nose, the eye pits, the full set of teeth?
    the sour breath
    will vanish in a day.

    soon, soon the flesh
    the grave cave ate will be
    at home on me

    and ı a smiling woman.
    ı am only thirty.
    and like the cat ı have nine times to die.

    this is number three.
    what a trash
    to annihilate each decade.

    what a million filaments.
    the peanut-crunching crowd
    shoves in to see

    them unwrap me hand and foot--
    the big strip tease.
    gentlemen, ladies

    these are my hands
    my knees.
    ı may be skin and bone,

    nevertheless, ı am the same, identical woman.
    the first time it happened ı was ten.
    ıt was an accident.

    the second time ı meant
    to last it out and not come back at all.
    ı rocked shut

    as a seashell.
    they had to call and call
    and pick the worms off me like sticky pearls.

    ıs an art, like everything else.
    ı do it exceptionally well.

    ı do it so it feels like hell.
    ı do it so it feels real.
    ı guess you could say ı've a call.

    ıt's easy enough to do it in a cell.
    ıt's easy enough to do it and stay put.
    ıt's the theatrical

    comeback in broad day
    to the same place, the same face, the same brute
    amused shout:

    'a miracle!'
    that knocks me out.
    there is a charge

    for the eyeing of my scars, there is a charge
    for the hearing of my heart--
    ıt really goes.

    and there is a charge, a very large charge
    for a word or a touch
    or a bit of blood

    or a piece of my hair or my clothes.
    so, so, herr doktor.
    so, herr enemy.

    ı am your opus,
    ı am your valuable,
    the pure gold baby

    that melts to a shriek.
    ı turn and burn.
    do not think ı underestimate your great concern.

    ash, ash--
    you poke and stir.
    flesh, bone, there is nothing there--

    a cake of soap,
    a wedding ring,
    a gold filling.

    herr god, herr lucifer

    out of the ash
    ı rise with my red hair
    and ı eat men like air.
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  6. voyage au bout de la nuit

  7. gecenin sonuna yolculuk

  8. st ives

  9. Cornwall'da bulunan bir tate modern şubesinin de yeraldığı ingiltere'nin en şirin ve entellektüel kasabası.
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  10. my girlfriend s girlfriend

  11. type o negative grubumuzun yüreklere gülümseme düşüren halay çekilesi polygam şarkısı:

    ıt's no secret we're close
    as sweaty velcro
    like latex, fur and feathers

    ın their '62 'vette
    sharing one cigarette
    ın a black light trance then
    go go dance
    go go trance

    they keep me warm on cold nights
    we must be quite a sight
    ın our meat triangle
    all tangled

    my girlfriend's girlfriend
    she looks like you
    my girlfriend's girlfriend
    she's my girl too

    her and me and her and she and me
    an uncrowded couple; are we three
    hey we don't care what people say
    when walking hand in hand down kings highway
    two for one today

    my girlfriend's girlfriend
    she looks like you
    my girlfriend's girlfriend
    she's my girl
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  12. eli the barrowboy

  13. Dertli ve muhteşem the decemberistşarkısıdır bu:

    eli, the barrowboy of the old town
    sells coal and marigolds and he cries out
    all down the day
    below the tamaracks he is crying
    "corn cobs and candlewax for the buying!"
    all down the day

    "would ı could afford to buy my love a fine robe
    made of gold and silk arabian thread
    but she is dead and gone and lying in a pine grove
    and ı must push my barrow all the day
    and ı must push my barrow all the day"

    eli, the barrowboy, when they found him
    dressed all in corduroy, he had drowned in
    the river down the way
    they laid his body down in a church yard
    but still when the moon is out
    with his pushcart he calls down the day

    "would ı could afford to buy my love a fine gown
    made of gold and silk arabian thread
    but ı am dead and gone and lying in a church ground
    but still ı push my barrow all the day
    still ı push my barrow all the day"
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  14. musette and drums

  15. Cocteau Twins'den içburkan bir deha örneği :

    Did it again
    We're fast follow trained, yes
    Money and
    Watching gets too hard
    Writes a song
    The favor of Juliet's
    She turned thirteen oh

    Tragedy end
    Am I pretty enough

    Musette and drums
    Our answer Juliet's
    She turned thirteen oh

    Writes a song
    The favor of Juliet's
    She turned thirteen oh

    Tragedy end
    Am I pretty enough

    Musette and drums
    Watching is too
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  16. fireworks night

  17. carnival albümünden bir acayip new model army şarkısı. Kişisel tarihimizde dinlediğimiz en büyük müzik..Sözlerimi? Korkunç * * :

    all the mistakes that i have made
    all the things i should have seen but i looked away
    all the things we should have shared that we kept to ourselves
    all the things that we shared we should have kept to ourselves
    and i guess it's the modern way - the phone call that comes
    flying out of a blue autumn day and suddenly everything
    goes so and quiet and soon everyone seems to be alone
    with their own thoughts and now it's as if i'm standing
    beneath a torrent of falling water, feeling things i don't
    want to feel, remembering things i don't want to remember
    but we said what we said and we made what we made

    and so i say the things i have learned to say
    thankful for words that can be used
    we were both like waves not able to break
    rolling and turning and turning and rolling
    but still not able to break

    and i'm numb, i'm numb like when you've been driving
    so fast for so long that it feels as if you're hardly
    moving at all, my body rigid with tension, my sould all
    wound up like a twisted tree, the way we used to be when
    we sang of passion and justice and faith was easy and
    celebrated in a ritual of curling smoke, arms all raised up
    towards the lights...

    and we said what we said but we made what we made
    and so by now you'll be further on that i ever went; and is
    it still painless? do you get to float and look down and do
    all of that? tonight would be as good a night as any..
    you'll see the city alive like a great resting animal
    lying in the lea of the hills and the moorland and
    breathing little patterus of fire out into the cold dark
    coming of winter. and i'm warming my back against
    the heat of a bonfire - like the ones you so loved so build
    and i'm thinking about it all - and i'm sorry and im not sorry.

    our time was made up of confused emotions and little
    whirlwinds and all that stuff we couldn’t really talk about
    but most of all it was sealed in sacred moments like these
    and then it was gone...
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  18. ovabuku

  19. Datça yarımadasının sonlarında mesudiye'de bir şirin geniş koy'un adıdır.iki yanında palamut bükü ve hayıt bükü yeralır.
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  20. silverstone

  21. ingiltere Northampton yakınlarındaki formula 1 pistinin adıdır.
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  22. türkiye nin ruhu

  23. Oguz Atay hazretlerinin yazmadan gittiği romanının adıdır.Yazılmış olsa Anadolu'da nesneler yerçekiminden sıyrılacak , insanlar rahatlıklarından kopup düşünceli düşünceli semaya bakacak hep , hayvanlar ve bitkiler tohumlarını kardeşliğe serpecek idi.Ruhlar renkverecek.
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