dark jihadul
72 (misyonunun farkında)
dokuzuncu nesil yazar 1 takipçi 4.00 ulupuan

    şarkıcı kadın

  1. çok bilindik bir ritmin üzerine söylenmiş, "fena değilmiş be" dedirten fakat anathema dinlerken bölünüp dinlenmicek şarkı.
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  2. tuvaletçiden para üstü almak

  3. he sen o kapı kollarını tut ordaki musluğu aç sabunluğun basma yerine bas, sonra para üstü alırken titizleş birden denilebilicek eylemdir.
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  4. yaran diyaloglar

  5. sabah kahvaltı yaparken iki abimiz arasında geçen dialog;

    - abi senin uykun gelmiş git yat, ben nöbetten geldim senin kadar esnemedim yaa
    + la oğlum ne uykusu iyiyim ben, çorba ısmarla da içek
    - iyi misin? warner bros aslanını geçtin, kapat ağzını biraz

    uyku sersemi parçaladı bizi.
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  6. bilgisayarımın saati bozuk

  7. daha 18 yaşında bile olmayan kıza yazan adam

  8. 16-17 yaşlarında evlenen anneleri, halaları, teyzeleri unutmadan efendi efendi konuşulması gereken konudur.
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  9. dinle ilgisi olmadığı halde heryerde s a diyen tip

  10. manasının "allahın selamı" olmadığını söyleyenler bir daha araştırsın tabi. fıkıhta verilen manası farklıdır, arapça terim olarak verilen manası varlıdır. "selime" "selamet" kökünden gelir ki bunun dışında "selam" zaten allahın ismidir. fıkhi manası "allahın selamı üzerine olsun" demektir. ayrıca "benden emin ol ben müslümanım" manasına da gelmektedir kadim zamanlarda. birşeye yok demek bazen varlığının kanıtıdır, dikkat etmek lazım tabi.
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  11. ville laihiala

  12. bu adamın rock the nations ta insanların arasından geçtiğini gördüm. sonra arkasınan 200 kadar hatun kişi "ciyaaak" diye bağırdılar ve koşmaya başladılar. amcanın elinde sigara vardı ve arkasına baktı hem de ters ters baktı "noluyo lan manyadınız mı" gibi. sonra tekrar dönüp dışarı çıktı. konserde ise "everything is nothing" çalınmazdan evvel "every time i fuck my mother" deyince bu sefer biz "noluyo lan manyadın mı" dedik. yanımdaki arkadaşım birkaç yuhalamaya "türkü bozdu hacı" cevabıyla beni öldürdü. konser harikaydı tabi.
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  13. blue suede shoes

  14. ayrıca bir kip winger şarkısıdır. sözleri şöyledir:

    I am the son who believed in the call
    Standing beside you I witness it all
    Walk hand in hand through cities of clay
    Far from the ocean so far from the ocean

    You wonder why
    Don't you know someone you'd die for?

    Put on my blue suede shoes all for you...

    I'm not a trophy you hang on your wall
    Levy illusion rob Peter pay Paul
    I brave the distance I take the fall
    Of extreme words unspoken with deeper devotion

    Free to decide
    Salute the lives laid down before me

    Put on my blue suede shoes ah...
    Red, white and blue suede shoes all for you...

    One look around
    Won't you see someone you live for?

    Put on my blue suede shoes ah...
    Red, white and blue suede shoes all for you...
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  15. yumiyum

  16. eskiden yerdik ama artık yemiyum.
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  17. 92 li erkekler

  18. 91 li erkeklerden 1 yaş küçük fakat üzülmesinler diye 93 lü erkeklerden de bir yaş büyüktürler. bu 94 lü 95li 96lı olarak devam eder sonunda milenyum çocuklarına bağlar. finalde 38 li nineler, dedeler görünebilir. ama onlarda üzülmesin sonuçta 39 lulardan bir yaş...
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  19. yapılmış en aptalca dalgınlık

  20. genel itibariyle "hassiktir" ile başlar bu dalgınlıklar. her insan potansiyel olarak bu fıtrata sahiptir, o sebeple dalgın bir aptal görürsen "aaa hem dalgın hem aptal yıh yıh" diye barni moloztaş gülüşü atma yarın sana "uhah hah hah" diye ilyas salman gülüşü atarlar sıkıntı çıkar.
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  21. yenilikci dervis

  22. "dervişlik" kavramının içersinde "yenilikçi" manası zaten vardır, bilen bilir. yaşamış hiçbir derviş gerici olmamıştır. eğer gericiyse derviş değildir zaten. "iki günü bir olan aldanmıştır" kaidesini benimserler tabi. herkese yar ve yardımcı olup, herkesle edecek iki lafları olur mutlaka. derviş kelimesini ve dervişliği bilen birisi başına "yenilikçi" koyuyorsa diğerlerini "gerici" görüyodur manası çıkar. bir insana sadece "derviş" olmak yeterlidir, başka sıfatlara gerek yoktur.
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  23. story of jonathan

  24. wasp the crimson idol albümüün sonundaki hikayedir. 16 dakika 37 saniye sürer fakat o süre sizi sıkmaz daha ziyade güzelleştirir, arkadaki gitar sesi aşinadır. sözleri şöyledir:

    i was born jonathon aaron steel, to the parents of william and elizabeth
    steel. i am a leo, born under the sign of the lion and i was raised in a
    lower middle class family with only one brother michael whom i love
    dearly. he was five years my senior. my father's nickname was red which i
    could never understand why because his hair was sandy blond. nevertheless,
    the name stuck. so when my brother was born my father became big red and
    my brother little red. i should have known from the first time when i
    realised their special connection, that i just didn't fit in to my
    father's plans. and as i grew older the constant comparison between my
    brother and myself left little doubt who was the image of perfection in my
    father's eye. to him, my brother could do no wrong and i became the
    invisible boy, the proverbial 'black sheep' and i soon figured out that
    red and black don't mix. the beatings i received became more and more
    frequent to the point where i would ask my father "am i the orphaned son
    you would never need"? but oddly enough i worshipped the ground my father
    walked upon.

    my brother and i were a strange mixture, as different as daylight and
    dark. looking back, it's hard to imagine we came from the same parents. i
    sometimes wondered if we had the same father, but i always dismissed that
    idea as my mother was far too religious, my father as well, to ever even
    think of such a thing. but my brother who had always sensed my parent's
    instilled insecurities tried his best to encourage me. for i was born
    different and he knew it. he often told me when i was born an angel flew
    over my bed and christened me with a magic wand and said "you shall be the
    one". and i had no idea what 'the one' was, but as i grew older i began to
    understand. most boys put their mother on a pedestal and worship them like
    the virgin mary but with her too my relationship was different and not for
    the good. she was opinionated, uneducated, sometimes prejudiced,
    overbearing, believed everything she read, true or not, and when it came
    to religion was over-zealous to say the least. a mind boggling combination
    but she was pretty, very pretty and i would often wonder, bordering on
    complete confusion, how a person of this description could rationalise life.

    this was a series of characteristics that many times in my life i would
    look back on in bewilderment and the women i sought after when i was older
    would be nothing like her. in the pain of youth, the misery of my neglect,
    would manifest itself in many ways; depression - my enemy, fear - my
    friend, hatred - my lover, and anger - fuel for my fire. these four
    characteristics of my personality would become the guiding force of my
    life and would control everything i did or was to become. i shall explain
    later in the story about them which i call my four doors of doom.

    the mirror, the great plaything for man's vanity. the mirror was to
    become, at times, my altar of refuge and other, my alter ego and its
    magnificent obsession with a relentless pursuit of attention. it served as
    a chilling reflection of my own wretchedness and my greatness. it was the
    one place i could go to see inside myself, to find love, in an otherwise
    loveless household where i could be great, where i could be anything or
    anyone i wanted to be - one hundred percent pure escapism until i
    discovered its precious secret. the mirror lives, it breathes, it talks,
    it lies, it has a personality all its own. it is a genie that grants all
    the wishes you could ever dream, at least in my case - all except two.

    it was my 14th birthday, the day that changed my life forever. my brother
    michael, the one person who was my guiding light, my friend, my hero, was
    killed by a drunk driver in a head-on collision. he died instantly. i
    couldn't even bring myself to go to his funeral. my agony was so great i
    just couldn't come face to face with him that one last time. my failure to
    attend intensified my parents' resentment for me even more. but from that
    moment on, nothing seemed to matter, especially that living hell called
    'home'. for one year after his death i roamed the streets in a fog barely
    conscious of anything or anyone. i discovered alcohol, and girls, drugs
    and in general a life i had never known which was exciting, frightening
    and wonderfully dangerous. and it was then as i staggered through a down
    town city street in one of my drunken rages i stumbled across a small
    music shop and in the window stood the instrument, the fiery tool that
    would become the object of my new found desire. the instrument of my
    passion, my obsession, the blood-red six string. it was like i'd known
    the thing all my life.

    i soon found it was the only way i could truly express myself. it was a
    way to vent all my frustrations and all my pain - completely opened all my
    four doors of doom and i found myself going to the mirror for counsel less
    and less. because of this my songs seemed to write themselves and i knew
    my destiny was in my music but i was going to have to get out of this
    backwards town i was in if i was ever going to succeed. i was 16 going
    nowhere and the only thing my parents knew was 'live, work, die. ' and if i
    stayed there that was exactly what was going to happen to me - i was gonna
    die. so i ran away to the big city with the lights, excitement and danger
    and a chance for me to finally live and do my music without the
    persecution i had known for so long. i hitchhiked all the way with a
    suitcase in one hand and my guitar in the other and as i stood at the edge
    of the city the magic of the place was incredibly intense. it was to be my
    new home the place i would call the 'arena of pleasure'. i lived and
    struggled in the arena for two years trying to get a break in music and
    make a record and that's when i ran across a delightful business man named
    charlie. he had been a lawyer for 25 years before he discovered he could
    fuck over more people in the recording industry then he ever could in a
    court of law and he was the president of one of the biggest record
    companies in the world. the music business to charlie was nothing more
    than a sacrificial lamb to be led to slaughter and the weapon of choice
    was his record company that he'd wield like a mighty sword. the great tool
    he would lovingly refer to as 'the chainsaw'. the morgue, charlie said,
    was the music business where everyone sells out. where all the artists
    will eventually whore themselves to commercialism, the place where the
    music comes to die. and through him i learned everything i needed to know
    about the music business and even things i didn't want to know. he said he
    could make me a star, one of the biggest things the world had ever seen.
    the big time was calling and i was on my way. he introduced me to an
    aspiring young manager named alex rodman and together we took on the whole
    fucking world and kicked it square in the ass.

    just before the release of my first album i was sitting on the steps in
    front of my apartment when a gypsy woman passed by. she stopped and asked
    me if i would like my fortune read and i had never had it done so i was
    more than happy to say yes. she revealed a deck of tarot cards and began
    to tell me of my past in which she went into great detail about the pain
    of my youth, my brother and my parents. she saw my present with my great
    struggle to succeed and fulfillment of my dreams and new found happiness
    but after about ten minutes she stopped and i wanted to know of my future
    and pleaded for her to go on and finally she spoke. she showed me a very
    disturbing vision of where i was going. i told her that i wanted a
    phenomenal wealth and fame and in the cards she saw a fallen hero and
    looked at me and said "be careful what you wish for - it might come true,
    for the face of death wears the mask of the king of mercy". i asked her if
    she was sure of what she had seen and with a blank stare she turned and
    walked away leaving me with the cards and a haunting that would follow me
    the rest of my life.

    success agreed with me with amazing ease. the more records i sold the more
    excess i had of everything - friends, money, women, cars, houses. it was
    at one of my nightly hedonisms where a flash individual entered the room.
    he introduced himself as the doctor. i asked him what kind of doctor and
    he smiled and said, "meet my friend uncle sam". the mirror that was once
    on the wall, my alter ego, was now talking to me from the table and the
    next three years were a blur. drugs became the new candy and alcohol
    became the new coca cola and doctor rockter was my new best friend and i
    never heard the mirror speak again until tonight.

    i was at the peak of my career and the world saw me as i had always wanted
    it, the idol, the great crimson idol. now i had everything it seemed,
    everything but the one thing that would have meant more to me than
    anything. the pain that manifested itself into my obsession, the
    acceptance of me by my father and mother, who i had not spoken to since
    i had left home.

    one morning my manager alex came in and broke up one of our nightly easy
    rider parties. an easy rider party was when everybody would come over to
    my house, the band, the doctor, hot and cold running women etc. and we'd
    watch the movie and do everything going on the film only a lot more. and
    he threatened to leave me if i didn't clean up. it was not that he cared
    about me as a person he was only interested in my talent and what i could
    do to further his own career as a true showbiz mogul. but it was then i
    realised just how far things had gone. so i sat there alone in my palace
    of pain and i was just numb from the alcohol and the drugs but equally as
    intoxicated by my own fame and i had just enough courage to pick up the
    phone and dial the number. my mind went into a whirlwind thinking of what
    would happen and the fear overcame me and i started to put down the phone
    but before i could a voice at the other end rang out and it sent a chill
    through me that i had never known. it was my mother. it was hard for me to
    speak, my heart pounding out of my chest but when i did i did the best i
    could. she was very cold. but i knew the shock of suddenly hearing from me
    after all these years was overwhelming and i was hoping that all the time
    that had passed would heal the deep wounds between my parents and me
    but... i desperately wanted them to approve of me, to accept me - it was
    all i ever wanted. i hoped my success would finally prove my worthiness
    and they would welcome the prodigal son home. all i wanted was for them to
    be proud of me but less than 50 words were spoken. the last four were "we
    have no son".

    some wounds never heal and mine had scarred me for life. a great star fell
    from the sky that night and with its descent left a scorched path in its
    way - a great path of self-destruction before burning out. and on this
    night the great finale is finally here. 'be careful what you wish for - it
    may come true. ' long live, long live the king of mercy
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  25. terra

  26. bir rock grubudur. "nova" isimli albümleri harikadır. "lovesick" "here's to you" "how" şarkılarını dinleyin, dinletin.
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  27. swedish erotica

  28. isveçli glamrock grubudur. "sweetest of sins" şarkısı dinlenmediyse sadaka verilmelidir zira başa bela gelebilir.
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  29. never let go

  30. terence trent d arby

  31. the fan film müziklerinden "letting go" gibi iç acıtan şarkıya imza atmıştır.
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  32. bonfire

  33. 2009 yılında çıkardıkları "you make me feel" albümlerinde friends adlı harika bir şarkıya sahip grup. sadece bu şarkı için bile dinlenir.
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  34. soul asylum

  35. runaway train haricinde misery adında harika bir parçaları da vardır.
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  36. saigon kick

  37. love is on the way gibi, i love you gibi, spanish rain gibi bir çok ballad parçaları mevcut olan aşmış gruptur. dinlenilmesi, bilinmesi, müşahede edilmesi şiddetle önerilir.
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  38. spread eagle

  39. tam olarak ne zaman müzik yapmaya başladılar bilmiyorum fakat "thru these eyes" şarkılarını dinlediğimde beni dehşete düşüren gruptur.
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  40. otobüsten nefret etme sebepleri

  41. gidilen güzergaha göre değişen nefret sebepleridir. sultanbeyli otobüsüne binersen mesela ya katil olursun ya da uyuyakalmışsındır. çünkü katil olmuyosan gafil olman lazım. 500t ölüm vuruşudur. http://imageshack.us/phot...76/135858275sfg5.jpg/sr=1 bu resimden de anlaşılabilir dehşetin boyutları.
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  42. sözlük yazarlarının film tavsiyeleri

  43. öğrenci evi çekyatı

  44. 10 tl ile 20 tl i geçmeyen çekyattır. çekebilirsen yatarsın da olabilir adı. şahsen bir sabah uyandığımda beni gülmekten öldürmüştür. arkadaş üzerinde yatarken yayı sıkıştığından dolayı sabah uyku sersemi çekyatın kendi kendine kapanması sonucu havada bir eğim çizerek yere düşmesi, adamın yüz üstü yere çakılmasıyla 1-2 dakikalık aptallaşması.. ah be üstad ne güldük ne güldük.
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  45. yanlış anlaşılmış şarkı sözleri

  46. ezginin günlüğü - düşler sokağı şarkısında benimle iddia edenlerle aramızda geçen dialog;

    - bir kuş konsa hani parmağıma diyo olum...
    + hani ne lan? badi parmağıma diyo
    - badi mi zuhahaha asıl badi ne olum ( o dönem hepimiz üniversiteye hazırlanıyoruz, içler acısı )
    + badi parmağı işte şu parmak dombili olan, şaka mı yapıyosun lan
    - abi badi dedi adam ya...

    şeklinde sürmüştür. tabi sonunda "badi parmağı" galip gelmiştir. dalga geçme, gülüşler, bayrak merasimi, kapanış şeklinde nihayete ermiştir.

    bundan kellisi de başka bir arkadaşımın iron maiden - afraid to shoot strangers i "fetişist strencırs" olarak söyleyişidir, fatality.
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  47. anlık telefon cüzdan anahtarlık paniği

  48. hiçbir gerçek müslüman atatürk ü sevmez

  49. biz aynı topraklarda yaşayan insanlarız, vatandaşız. din kardeşi olmak zorunda değiliz. "vatandaş" kelimesi minibüslerde otobüslerde söylendiği kadar çerez olacak bir kelime değildir. aynı toprakları vatan diye benimsemiş dedelerin ninelerin torunları demek. vatandaşlık küçümsenmeyecek kadar önemli bir bağdır. bizi zamanında sağcı solcu diye birbirimize düşüren zihniyet malesef ki şimdi "kemalist" "dinci" diye birbirimize düşürmeye çalışıyor ki şurda bilmemkaç tane başlık açılıyo bu örnek üzerine. hayretler içinde izliyorum tabi. bu topraklarda yaşayan ve bu toprakları seven insanları artık "kemalist" "dinci" diye ayırmaktan vazgeçin yahu!. herkesin elle tutulacak bişeyleri var, birbirinizi tutun lan artık, ayırmayın denyo gibi yeter. allahta birbirini seven insanları sever, atatürkte sever, bende severim, herkes sever. fikirlerinize seviye atlatın artık. ayırmayın kimseyi o böyle bu böyle demeyin, dalga geçmeyin kimseyle. burayı da tuhaf tuhaf başlıklarınızla chat odalarına çevirmeyin. imanlı adam vatanını da sever ona hizmet eden herkesi de sever.
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  50. yurt genelinde mezuniyet gecelerinin iptali

  51. aldığım bilgiye göre (yok öyle bir bilgi) ankarada serbestmiş gençler.

    koşun la cemil cümle ankara ya gidiyoruz. hatta bu akşam saat 20:00 itibariyle halay kaldırıyorum istanbul otogardan ankara ya. dahil olacak arkadaşlar mesaj atıp isimlerini yazdırsınlar.
    not: işlemeli oyalı transparan ya da sert kumaştan fark etmez mendilleriniz almayı unutmayın.
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  52. zıpkın avı

  53. "zıpkın avı" diil de "zıpkınla av" yahut "zıpkınla balık avı" olarak açılsa daha net kafaya oturacak av çeşididir. zıpkın mı avlıyosunuz canım?

    edit: samimiyetimden "diil" yazdım boku çıkmasın
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  54. mini etekle anıtkabir e giden bir grup laik kız

  55. sol taraftan yüz tane başlık silsende sonunun gelmeyeceğini anladığın saçma sapan fikir sahiplerinin ürünü. allah akıl fikir versin diyelim. "kemalist" demek "laik" demek "islam" adı altında saçma sapan yorumlar yapan böyle bir iki tane süslü cümle kurup içinde "izm" barındıran "oloji" ya da "loji" ile biten kelimeleri cümle içinde kullanınca ne dediğinin önemi olmaksızın cahil cahil konuşmaktan ibaret. evvela savunduğun şeyi düzgün savun. ait olduğun yerin ahlakına sahip ol ki dışardan bakan her türlü insana hitap edebil. sen o mini etekli kızı kötüleme, sen öyle bi ol ki o da oraya öyle gitmemesi gerektiğini anlasın. ne desek boş o ayrı tabi.
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  56. daha fazla entry yükleniyor...
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