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Thom: "I've got sick of planes and what they do to my body. I'm sure it shrinks your brain (laughs)."
Q: "But the bus is survivable?"
Thom: "Yes. Although, every time it judders it reminds me you're asleep in a sort of coffin. Last night I was having visions of how you could be asleep and drive off a cliff and not even wake up."
Q: "Is 'Airbag' off OK Computer about that kind of feeling?"
Thom: "Mmm, 'Airbag' is more about the idea that whenever you go out on the road you could be killed. Every age has its crazy idiosyncracies, crazy double-think. To me, for our era it's cars. I always get told off for being obsessed about it, but every time I get in my car I have to say to myself that I might never get out again. Or I might get out but I won't be able to walk."
Q: "That's a very, uh, acute awareness."
Thom: "I suppose it just comes from being a worrier. But Airbag is also about how, the way I've been brought up and most of us are brought up, we are never given time to think about our own death.
In fact everything you do stems from trying to offset that fear with the idea of immortality. Especially doing what I do. If you're a pop star, all you're trying to do is search for immortality. Or that's the cliche at least. Yet you're constantly a knife -edge away from being killed in a car accident. (Smiles) It's great!"
Q Magazine, October 1997 (day off between Atlanta and Washington)
Ed: “'Airbag' was an attempt to do something like DJ Shadow. But because we haven't paid the dues, if you like, to play those types of music, we fail to get what we hope to achieve. But by going down that route, we find our own thing."
(guitar world, april 1998)
Thom: "Has an airbag saved my life? Nah...but I tell you something, every time you have a near accident, instead of just sighing and carrying on, you should pull over, get out of the car and run down the street screaming, 'I'm BACK! I'm ALIVE! My life has started again today!'. In fact, you should do that every time you get out of a car. We're just riding on those things - we're not really in control of them."
(Select, unidentified issue)
Thom: "Then there's '4 Minute Warning' which begins with the lines, 'This is just a nightmare/ Soon I'm going to wake up.' It's a song that's been kicking around for ages but I really, really like it. It's very, very simple. Almost too simple. In fact, it might ultimately get thrown away for being too simple."
(Mojo, august 2006)