on the turning away

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  1. sözleri ekşi sözlükten alınmıştır...

    on the turning away from the pale and downtrodden and the words they say which we won't understand "don't accept that what's happening is just a case of others' suffering or you'll find that you're joining in the turning away" it's a sin that somehow light is changing to shadow and casting it's shroud over all we have known unaware how the ranks have grown driven on by a heart of stone we could find that we're all alone in the dream of the proud on the wings of the night as the daytime is stirring where the speechless unite in a silent accord using words you will find are strange and mesmerised as they light the flame feel the new wind of change on the wings of the night no more turning away from the weak and the weary no more turning away from the coldness inside just a world that we all must share it's not enough just to stand and stare is it only a dream that there'll be no more turning away? yet another movie one sound, one single sound one kiss, one single kiss a face outside the window pane however did it come to this? a man who ran, a child who cried a girl who heard, a voice that lied the sun that burned a fiery red the vision of an empty bed the use of force, he was so tough she'll soon submit, she's had enough the march of fate, the broken will someone is lying very still he has laughed and he has cried he has fought and he has died he's just the same as all the rest he's not the worst, he's not the best and still this ceaseless murmuring the babbling that i brook the seas of faces, eyes upraised the empty screen, the vacant look a man in black on a snow white horse, a pointless life has run its course, the red rimmed eyes, the tears still run as he fades into the setting sun

    türkçe çevirisi:

    yuz cevrilirken
    solgun ve ezilmi$ olandan
    ve onlarin soyledigi sozcuklerden
    ki bizim anlayamadigimiz
    "onlari kabullenmeyin
    yalnizca ba$kalarinin aci cektigi bir durum olarak
    yoksa siz de katildiginizin farkina varacaksiniz
    yuz cevirmeye"
    bir gunah bu, bir yolunu bulup
    i$igin golgeye donu$mesi
    ve ortusunu sermesi
    tum bildiklerimizin ustune
    habersiz olarak ordularin nasil geli$tiginden
    gudulecek ta$ bir kalp tarafindan
    farkina varabiliriz tumuyle yalniz oldugumuzun
    magrur olanin du$unde
    gecenin kanatlarinda
    gunduz kimildanirken
    suskunlarin birle$tigi
    sessiz bir uyumda
    kullaniyorlar sozcukleri, bize yabanci
    ve buyuleyici gelen, onlar ate$i yakarlarken
    hisset yeni degi$im ruzgarini
    gecenin kanatlarinda
    artik yuz cevrilmeyecek
    zayif ve yorgun olandan
    artik yuz cevrilmeyecek
    icerdeki sogukluktan
    tek bir dunya bu hepimizin payla$masi gereken
    yalnizca durup bakmak yeterli degil
    bu sadece bir du$ mu olmayacagina dair
    artik yuz cevirmenin?
    0 ...