
death'in human albümünün 3. şarkısıdır.

labelled a creation of evil
ridiculed for their shocking appearance
sharing both pleasures and pain
two minds, two hearts, one soul
separating mentally
an illusion of privacy
together - they absorb each others lives
as one - they will live and they will die
a living hell has begun

displayed as a nightmare
criticized through words and eyes
as they stare
to the normal it seems grotesque
connected by a bond of flesh
sharing both pleasures and pain
two minds, two hearts, one soul
separating mentally
an illusion of privacy
together - they absorb each others lives
as one - they will live and they will die
a living hell has begun
the cure'un en son hiçlik sunumunun açılışı görevini başarıyla yerine getiren "underneath the stars" isimli şarkıdaki kalbin doruk noktasında duyulan dizedir. şarkıda robert smith on üç milyarlık tarihi birkaç dizeyle özetlerken, yıldızların altındaki duygunun yerini göstermiştir, ve altın bir kapta eritmiştir.

söz konusu dize ve yakın çevresi şu şekildedir:

And everything gone
And all still to come
As nothing to us
Together as one
In each others arms
So near and so far
Forever as now
Underneath the stars

As the waves break...
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