
wayfair çocuk ticareti skandalı

batılı hakim sınıfın rezaletleri arasıra patlak
verir . çogu kez üstü örtülür . ancak iş iyice
açığa çıkmaya başladı .

bunun trump veya seçimle bir ilgisi yok ....



Dutroux was convicted in 1989 for the abduction
and rape of five young girls (with his then-wife
Michelle Martin)

In 1996, Dutroux was arrested on suspicion
of having kidnapped, tortured and sexually
abused six females aged between 8 and 19,
four of whom died. His widely publicized trial
took place in 2004

ingiliz kraliyet ailesinin yakından tanıdığı

jimmy savile

Jimmy Savile sexual abuse scandal


The Jimmy Savile Investigation was shown on ITV on 21 November 2012.[141] In March 2013 Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary reported that 214 of the complaints that had been made against Savile after his death would have been criminal offences if they had been reported at the time.

Sixteen victims reported being raped by Savile when they were under 16 (the age of heterosexual consent in England) and four of those had been under the age of 10.

Thirteen others reported serious sexual assaults by Savile, including four who had been under 10 years old. Another ten victims reported being raped by Savile after the age of 16.

türkiyede de pis işler yapan hollandalı joris demmink

Hollanda Adalet Bakanlığı Genel Sekreteri Joris Demmink'in Türkiye'de 12 ve 16 yaşlarında iki çocuğa cinsel istismar uyguladığı iddia edildi


batıda pedofiliyi savunan gruplar .....


dany cohen bendit ve yeşiller ...

Arbeitsgemeinschaft "Schwule, Päderasten und Transsexuelle" ("Working Group 'Gays, Pederasts and Transsexuals'").

A 1980s faction of the German Green Party
involved in pro-pedophile activism.
Now defunct and viewed with embarrassment.[9]

köle - efendi düzeni . kölelerin ahlağı , ailesi

cinsiyeti olmaz . önce lgbt sonra pedofili .

devam ederiz ..............

şimdilk bu kadar .....
Gündemdeki Haberler
güncel Önemli Başlıklar