kendileri ve 9. nesil sabirtasi yazarlar disinda, diger tum yazarlarin gammaz yapildigini ogrenen yazarlardir. kesinlikle 2. sinif insan muamelesi gormektedirler. modlarin gozleri hep ustlerindedir. eski nesiller ise surekli dis bilemektedirler. provakatorler sayesinde ucurulmalari da an meselesidir.
24 saat boyunca uyuyabilmektir sirf can sıkıntısı yuzunden.
bir zamanlarak severek yaptiginiz ugraslarin ilginizi cekmemesidir. paylasacak biri yoktur cunku ortalikta.
zaman zaman 'cok gucluyum ulan' triplerine girmektir. cunku herseyi tek basiniza yapiyorsunuzdur ya. kimseye ihtiyaciniz yoktur hani. sinemaya bile tek basina gitmektir, guclusunuzdur cunku.
50 cent'in umursamaz, sessiz ve sakin tavirlarini goren annemin, "oturakli, efendi bir cocuk ama degil mi rendekar?" diye sormasina sebebiyet vererekten beni "ne desem bos" triplerine sokan programdir.
sadece annelere mal edilmemesi gereken, sigara icerken sizi goren sefkat timsali sayabilecegimiz herhangi bir akrabanin agzindan da dokulmesi muhtemel sozler.
uyudugunuz odanin ve mutfaginizin bitisik olmasindan hareketle, annenin mutfakta kahvalti hazirlarken radyoyu son ses acmasi bu yontemlerden biridir. annenin arabesk muzik hastasi olmasi eylemi basarili kilmaktadir. takdir edersiniz ki, sabahin dokuzunda son ses cigiran bir ferdi tayfur uyuyan bunyeyi uyandirmaktan cok daha fazlasina kadirdir.
"peki bu yazarlara 'mal' denmesi, sozluk formatina ne kadar uygundur?" sorusunu akla getiren tespit.
zamanla, sozluk formatina hakim olabilerler. sozluk de hangi butonun ne ise yaradigini ogrenebilirler. sozluk sayesinde cevrelerinde olup bitenlerden biraz daha fazla haberdar olabilir ve olaylara kendi yorumlarini getirebilirler. biraz hosgoru gosterilmeli diye dusunmekteyim. ha bu surecte mallik denilen durumdan vazgecmeyenler su ve ya bu sekilde kaybolacaklardir zaten.
"kacan kovalanir" masalina hala inanmalari. kactikca kizlarin peslerinden kosacagini zannetmeleri. ama bilmiyorlar ki kizlar, bu masala erkeklerden daha fazla inaniyor.
so you'd sing a lullaby to get me to sleep
so it's no surprise my eyes are never heavy
for i've not seen you in the flesh for so long
that i'm not sure we would know each other at all
oh the weight it must be light wherever you are
and i know you don't think twice wherever you are
oh the weight it must be light wherever you are
and i know you don't think twice wherever you are
so i will hum alone, too far from you
all that i say now is nothing to you
we will lie under different stars
i am where i am and you're where you are, you're where you are.
oh the weight it must be light wherever you are
and i know you don' t think twice wherever you are
and i'd ask if you're all right wherever you are
and do you think of me, you might, wherever you are.
'Twas in the merry month of May
When green buds all were swellin'
Sweet William on his death bed lay
For the love of Barbara Allen
He sent his servant to the town
To the place where she was dwellin'
Saying, "You must come to my master dear,
If your name be Barb'ry Allen"
So slowly, slowly she got up,
And slowly she drew nigh to him,
And the only words to him did say
"Young man, I think you're dying"
He turned his face unto the wall
And death was in him welling
Goodbye, goodbye to my friends all
Be kind to Barb'ry Allen
When he was dead and laid in grave
She heard the death bells knellin'
And every stroke to her did say
"Hard-hearted Barb'ry Allen"
"Oh mother, oh mother, go dig my grave
Make it both long and narrow
Sweet William died of love for me
And I will die of sorrow"
"Oh father, oh father, go dig my grave
Make it both long and narrow
Sweet William died on yesterday
And I will die tomorrow"
Barb'ry Allen was buried in the old church-yard
Sweet William was buried beside her
Out of Sweet William's heart there grew a rose
Out of Barb'ry Allen's, a briar
They grew and gew in the old church-yard
'Til they could grow no higher
At the end they formed a true lovers' knot
And the rose grew 'round the briar