241 (ilaç gibi)
üçüncü nesil yazar 2 takipçi 16.70 ulupuan

    ben artik buyudum

  1. genelde anne ya da babaya itiraz edilirken kurulan, "karışmayın bana" ya da "ben bunları yapabilirim" anlamındaki serzeniş cümlesidir.
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  2. katerina moutsatsos

  3. ilk olarak kayıkçı ile türk izleyicisinin karşısına çıkan, yılan hikayesi, yabancı damat ve tutkunum sana dizilerinde de rol alan, şu aralar bizim çorba reklamlarında görünen yünan asıllı 1972 california doğumlu yünan asıllı aktris.
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  4. hayat bağları

  5. bir zamanlar atv de gösterilen, melek baykal'ın baş rolünü oynadığı dizi.
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  6. mobleli

  7. möbleli: kiralık evler için kullanılan bir sıfat. dayalı, döşeli anlamındadır.
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  8. semsi inkaya

  9. üvey baba isimli acaip dizide, halil güneşli karakteriyle tanınan aktör.

    edit: bu bilgi içeren entry yi kötüleyen zihniyet ne düşündü merak ediyorum. hayır acaip dedim ona mı gocundu acaba.
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  10. feel blue

  11. ing. hüzünlü olmak, canı sıkılmak
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  12. bilmem nedendir

  13. m.v.a.b albümünden bir mfo parcası.

    şu sıra pek dertliyim
    parasızlıktan değil
    bilmez miyim hani ara sıra
    kendimi iyi hissetmiyor da değilim

    eskiden böyle miydim
    nerelerden geldim ben
    mutluymuşum da haberim yok
    bana birşeyler oldu yeniden

    bilmem nedendir
    bilmem nedendir
    öylesine kötümser olmuşum
    öylesine karamsar olmuşum ki
    bilmem nedendir
    bilmem nedendir

    delice bir sevda bu
    sürüyor hiç bitmedi
    unuturum sanmıştım
    hiç aklımdan gitmedi unutulmuyor
    bilmem nedendir
    bilmem nedendir
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  14. ten club

  15. izmir torba

  16. kura, tombala v.s de kullanılan hileli torba. iç içe iki torba koymak suretiyle yapılır hile.
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  17. kanqa

  18. mesajmakinesi ve ceppostaci adında iki adet fasilitesi bulunan bir site.
    birimiz hepimiz hepimiz birimiz için diye sloganları var. bir de kanqazinciri diye bir olay var ki akıllara titan saadet zinciri'ni getiriyor.
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  19. 2 subat 2007 fenerbahce genclerbirligi maci

  20. seyircisiz oynanacak olan 30 ocak 2007 fenerbahce genclerbirligi kupa maçından 3 gün sonra izmir'de fenerbahçe taraftarı önünde oynanacak olan lig maçtır. fenerbahçe'nin bu sezon izmir'de yapacağı 2. maç olacaktır ayrıca.
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  21. andy serkis

  22. 20 nisan 1964 doğumlu ingiliz aktör.
    yüzüklerin efendisi'ndeki gollum rolüyle, suratı gözükmediği halde en çok efor sarfeden oyuncu olma rekorunu kırmış olabilir.
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  23. yedinci sanat

  24. thru

  25. ing. direkt, bir uçtan diğer uca v.s
    "i'm thru with" şeklinde kullanıldığında bıktım, sıkıldım anlamı taşır.
    bir de (bkz: through)
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  26. san quentin

  27. abd de meşhur bir hapishane. bir johnny cash parçası.

    San Quentin, you've been livin' hell to me
    You've hosted me since nineteen sixty three
    I've seen 'em come and go and I've seen them die
    And long ago I stopped askin' why

    San Quentin, I hate every inch of you.
    You've cut me and have scarred me thru an' thru.
    And I'll walk out a wiser weaker man;
    Mister Congressman why can't you understand.

    San Quentin, what good do you think you do?
    Do you think I'll be different when you're through?
    You bend my heart and mind and you warp my soul,
    your stone walls turn my blood a little cold.

    San Quentin, may you rot and burn in hell.
    May your walls fall and may I live to tell.
    May all the world forget you ever stood.
    And may all the world regret you did no good.

    San Quentin, you've been livin' hell to me.
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  28. bizantyum

  29. sport

  30. stool

  31. ing. tabure, oturak, lazımlık hatta dışkı,kaka
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  32. attractive

  33. attract

  34. engin ulukaya

  35. 2003 yılında güney kore'de yılın bilim adamı seçilen, uludağ üniversitesi tıp fakültesi biyokimya anabilim dalında görev yapan donçent.
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  36. ester bagi

  37. alkollerle karboksilli asitlerin yaptığı bir bağ çeşidi.
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  38. a boy named sue

  39. bir johnny cash parçası.
    sue adında bir oğlan ile kendisine bu ismi verip kaçan babasının hikayesini anlatır.

    My daddy left home when I was three
    And he didn't leave much to ma and me
    Just this old guitar and an empty bottle of booze.
    Now, I don't blame him cause he run and hid
    But the meanest thing that he ever did
    Was before he left, he went and named me Sue.

    Well, he must o' thought that is quite a joke
    And it got a lot of laughs from a' lots of folk,
    It seems I had to fight my whole life through.
    Some gal would giggle and I'd get red
    And some guy'd laugh and I'd bust his head,
    I tell ya, life ain't easy for a boy named Sue.

    Well, I grew up quick and I grew up mean,
    My fist got hard and my wits got keen,
    I'd roam from town to town to hide my shame.
    But I made a vow to the moon and stars
    That I'd search the honky-tonks and bars
    And kill that man who gave me that awful name.

    Well, it was Gatlinburg in mid-July
    And I just hit town and my throat was dry,
    I thought I'd stop and have myself a brew.
    At an old saloon on a street of mud,
    There at a table, dealing stud,
    Sat the dirty, mangy dog that named me Sue.

    Well, I knew that snake was my own sweet dad
    From a worn-out picture that my mother'd had,
    And I knew that scar on his cheek and his evil eye.
    He was big and bent and gray and old,
    And I looked at him and my blood ran cold
    And I said: 'My name is Sue How do you do?
    Now your gonna die!" That's what I told him

    Well, I hit him hard right between the eyes
    And he went down, but to my surprise,
    He come up with a knife and cut off a piece of my ear.
    But I busted a chair right across his teeth
    And we crashed through the wall and into the street
    Kicking and a' gouging in the mud and the blood and the beer.

    I tell ya, I've fought tougher men
    But I really can't remember when,
    He kicked like a mule and he bit like a crocodile.
    I heard him laugh and then I heard him cuss,
    He went for his gun and I pulled mine first,
    He stood there lookin' at me and I saw him smile.

    And he said: "Son, this world is rough
    And if a man's gonna make it, he's gotta be tough
    And I knew I wouldn't be there to help ya along.
    So I give ya that name and I said goodbye
    I knew you'd have to get tough or die
    And it's the name that helped to make you strong."

    He said: "Now you just fought one hell of a fight
    And I know you hate me, and you got the right
    To kill me now, and I wouldn't blame you if you do.
    But ya ought to thank me, before I die,
    For the gravel in ya guts and the spit in ya eye
    Cause I'm the son of a bitch that named you Sue."

    I got all choked up and I threw down my gun
    And I called him my pa, and he called me his son,
    And I came away with a different point of view.
    And I think about him, now and then,
    Every time I try and every time I win,
    And if I ever have a son, I think I'm gonna name him
    Bill or George! Any damn thing but Sue! I still hate that name!
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  40. one fine day

  41. the offspringin insanı en çok gaza getiren, en hareketli parçasıdır.*

    If I had a perfect day,
    I would have it start this way,
    Open up the fridge and have a tall boy,

    Then I'd meet up with my friends,
    Head out to the game again,
    We don't even really care who wins,
    Hey! Wins! Hey! 1, 2, 3...

    Now excitement seems to grow,
    When we're hangin' with the bro's,
    When we're chillin' and we pound a case of Stroh's.
    Now the game is cool to see,
    You can "High 5" on TV,
    Count the riot on the one, two, three.
    Operation is inside,
    And the field is open wide,
    When you break it then you know you're still alive.
    If the cops don't make you pay,
    And you make your getaway,
    Then you know,
    That's one fine day.

    On that day before we're through,
    We could torch a car or two,
    Then have ourselves another tall boy,
    Water hoses and batons,
    That's the real game that's on,
    I don't really give a shit who wins,
    Hey! Wins! Hey! 1, 2, 3...

    Now excitement seems to grow,
    When we're hangin' with the bro's,
    When we're chillin' and we pound a case of Stroh's.
    Now the game is cool to see,
    You can "High 5" on TV,
    Count the riot on the one, two, three.
    Operation is inside,
    And the field is open wide,
    When you break it then you know you're still alive.
    If the cops don't make you pay,
    And you make your getaway,
    Then you know,
    That it's a one fine day.

    I believe it's my god-given right,
    To destroy everything in my sight,
    Cos' it never gets dull, it never gets old,
    The only thing it gets is more bold.
    Drinkin', Fightin', goin to the game,
    In our world it's a way to stay sane,
    If your asking me,
    To have it my way, I'd say that's,
    One fine day.

    Now excitement seems to grow,
    When we're hangin' with the bro's,
    When we're chillin' and we pound a case of Stroh's.
    Now the game is cool to see,
    You can "High 5" on TV,
    Count the riot on the one, two, three.
    Operation is inside,
    And the field is open wide,
    When you break it then you know you're still alive.
    If the cops don't make you pay,
    And you make your getaway,
    Then you know,
    That it's a one fine day.
    Then you know,
    That it's a one fine day.

    Hey Hey!
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  42. hammock

  43. ze

  44. randy newman

  45. genelde soundtrack'lerde karşımıza çıkan, if i didn't have you ile Monsters inc e en iyi özgün müzik dalında oscar kazandıran besteci.
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  46. scary movie 5

  47. 2008 de vizyona gireceği duyrulan film. sıkıcı olmaya çoktan başlamış serinin yeni halkası.
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  48. nacarlar

  49. sydney van hooijdonk

  50. pierre van hooijdonkun sarışın ve bembeyaz tenli sevimli oğlu(?). şükrü saracoğlu stadında zaman zaman Alex, zaman zaman da Van hooijdonk formasıyla top koştururdu.
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  51. daha fazla entry yükleniyor...
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