Self-titled albümün dokuzuncu sırasında bulunan whitesnake parçasıdır.
You say your dreams are burned to ashes
And your smiles have turned to tears,
It seems to me you welcome sanest
As you surrender to your fears
So what's a man like me supposed to do
When all I want is just to make love to you
Don't turn away, before the night is over
Don't turn away, before the night is gone
Don't turn away, the night may hold the answer
So don't turn away, before the night,
Before the night is gone
You say your heart is lost forever
And you're always gonna give your love in vain
So you paint yourself a lonely portrait
And hide your love away again
You turn away from what you feel inside,
You can't forget all your foolish pride
Don't turn away, before the night is over
Don't turn away, before the night is gone
Don't turn away, the night may hold the answer
So don't turn away, before the night is gone
So now I'm asking you this question
Am I gonna give you all my love in vain
Do you wanna drown in your own sorrow
Or are you gonna try to love again
Don't turn away from what you feel inside,
You should try to forget about all your foolish pride
Don't turn away, before the night is over
Don't turn away, before the night is gone
Don't turn away, the night may hold the answer
So don't turn away, before the night,
Before the night,
Before the night is gone
Don't turn away from me baby,
No, no, no, no.
Don't put me away,
Don't walk away from me darling
I need your love,
Oh baby,
I need your love to rescue me,
An' I'm coming for you, baby...
Somebody told me, it's all the same now
Somebody told me, we've had our turn
I gotta believe that times still ours
I gotta believe it's still ours to burn
The light seems to be fading
I'm crawling back into that hole
Where the soul seems to awaken
Them days of rock 'n' roll
Days of rock 'n' roll
Somebody told us to shake and shiver
He left the building not long ago
Somebody sold us down the river
Full of scratches and bullet holes
It comes raging out of nowhere
Like some wreckage to behold
We still drink out of the fountain
Of them days of rock 'n' roll
Days of rock 'n' roll
Days of rock 'n' roll
It comes raging out of nowhere
Like some wreckage to behold
We still drink out of the fountain
Of them days, them days of rock 'n' roll
Days of rock 'n' roll
Days of rock 'n' roll
Büyük gitarist Abimiz John sykes'ın "Loveland" albümünün 2. Sırasında bulunan muhteşem balladımsısıdır. Her dinlediğimde 1987whitesnake'ine bir selam çakıyor gibidir.. içeriğinde oldukça "damar" bir solo barındırır.
So, I finally found Heaven, When I first laid eyes on you
I took your love for granted But who was fooling who
Oh, now you're gone I can't go on
You're always on my mind
I love you
I really do
Now the winter winds
They whisper
Your name throughout the night
My friends say time will ease the pain
But I don't believe they're right
I can't go on
I ain't so strong
Without you by my side
I love you
I really do
Didn't we say love would last forever
Didn't we say we belonged together
Didn't you say you'd be mine till the end of time
Didn't you feel all the pain inside
Didn't you cry all the tears I've cried
Couldn't we try just one more time, My love
Cause you're the one my heart's still dreaming
Happy days that fade away
My clouds of grey are blue
Where are you ?
Now you're gone
It's hard for me
I'm still in love with you
Where are you
Didn't we say love would last forever
Didn't we say we belonged together
Didn't you say you'd be mine till the end of time
Didn't you feel all the pain inside
Didn't you cry all the tears I've cried
Couldn't we try just one more time, My love
Cause you're the one my heart's still dreaming
jailbreak'li iOS cihazlarda olmazsa olmaz tweaktir. Ekranın belli Başlı noktalarına dokunarak atayacağınız Uygulamaları / işlemleri kolayca ve pratik yoldan yapabilir.
Ör.; üstteki saat simgesine çift dokunma ile uygulama kaydırıcıyı açmak veya ses arttırma yada ses kısma tuşuna basılı tutma ile kilitli olsa dahi müzik çalardaki parçaları Değiştirmek vb.
2010 çıkışlı self-titled periphery albümünün altıncı sırasında bulunan mükemmel introya sahip parçasıdır.
Moments lost searching for a dream that's real
From my heart
I'd give it all away just to know
Holding with every answer sealed.
The path is hollowed, immortality we seek.
Light streaming from below, this life is reborn.
Drifting away
In truth revealed
With perfect order life repeating endlessly
Light streaming from below
This is life reborn
From the shadow to the light
Moving through the time
It's a cycle that repeats
Don't touch the spinning wheel
Risking progression just for a little taste
But it's so natural
Call it human if you wish to save face
Losing control
Go with the flow
Get swept in the undertow
Where do we go
You ask in simple question
Let me show you
Give me your hand and we shall fly
Seeing all from infant eyes
Moving all through me
It's a cycle that repeats
ios için iyi bir browserdır. Chrome'dan yandex'e sıçramış, indirme işlemlerini puffin browserdan yapan şahsıma, görselliği ve akıcılığı ile şimdilik olumluluklara yaşatmıştır. Ayrıca uygulama simgeside mevzu bahis chrome ya da yandex gibi kolpa değil, gayet orijinal ve alımlıdır.
Yaklaşık iki yıl boyunca drive, compressor, wah, equalizer analog set-up ın yanında modülasyon efekletleri için kullandığım; tüm olarak ele alındığında çokta yukarılara çıkamayacak ancak modülasyon efektleri olarakdeğerlendirildiğinde analog pedal mantığı ile çalıştığından muadillerinden bir adım önde gitar prosesörüdür.
1979 çıkışlı efsanevi selftitledtoto albümünün ikinci sırasında bulunan eğlenceli ve o dönem müziğini bangır bangır duyuran muhteşem parçadır. David Paich tarafından bestelenmiştir.
You supply the night, baby,
I'll supply the love
You supply the night, baby,
I'll supply the love
I see a horseman in the sky,
It makes me turn and wonder why
I hear the same old fourteen reasons,
Must be the changin' of the seasons
I met the girl across the sea,
She saved my life and came with me
A tender night of dark persuasion,
Could be my first and last occasion
Baby, I'll supply the love, baby,
I'll supply the, I'll supply the love
Popüler analog gitar pedalların klonlarını üreten, boyutları ve fiyatı(!) standart bir boss Pedalın yarısı kadar olan, bazı modellerde klon olarak baz alındığı modelden bir kaç artı sahibi olarak dizayn edilmiş başarılı, ucuz ve ergonomik pedal markasıdır.
89 çıkışlı*the real thing Albümünün dördüncü sırasında bulunan ve zannımca progresif trafikte rock'ın köklerinden sayılabilecek Faith No more Parçasıdır.
Sözleri ;
Surprise! you're dead!
Ha ha! open your eyes
See the world as it used to be when you used to be in it
When you were alive and when you were in love
And when I took it from you!
It's not over yet
You don't remember?
I won't let you forget
The hatred I bestowed
Upon your neck with a fatal blow
From my teeth and my tongue
I've drank and swallowed, but it's just begun
Now you are mine
I'll keep killing you until the end of time
Surprise! you're dead!
Guess what?
It never ends...
The pain, the torment and torture, profanity
Nausea, suffering, perversion, calamity
You can't get away
Sözlük Blues ahalisinin dikkatinden kaçmış muhteşem joe bonamassa Albümüdür. Ayrıca aynı albümde aynı isimli parça ise baritone Akordlu, crunch Tonlu, gaz riffli gitarlarıyla muhteşem olmuştur.
pride And joydaki shuffle ritmin az buçuk modifiyeli ve daha hızlı versiyonunu barındıran srv enstrümentalidir. Dinlendiği esnada akla "texas... Kovboylar..." Düşüncelerini getirir* .