159 (çikita muz)
yedinci nesil yazar 1 takipçi 9.50 ulupuan

    let the kavurma begin

  1. ünlü thrash metal grubu danallica'nın harvester of koyun şarkısında geçen söz. nakaratıysa:

    harvester of koyun
    language of the 'meee'
    harvester of koyun
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  2. protest and survive

  3. anthrax'ın, discharge coverı. attack of the killer b s albümündedir.

    the savage mutilation of the human race
    is set on course
    protest and survive, protest and survive

    it's up to us, to change the course
    protest and survive, protest and survive
    protest and survive, protest and survive
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  4. yılmaz erdoğan olmadan çgh izlemek

  5. bayıklığın sebebinin sadece yılmaz erdoğan olmadığını görmemizi sağlamış.
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  6. lacquer head

  7. çılgın, azgın, uslanmaz, şizofrenik, afrodizyak etkili, kudurmuş bir primus şarkısı.

    sometimes bored sometimes lonely
    pimple faced and rather homely
    he wasn't much for socializin'
    the tv kept him mesmerizin'

    in one ear and out the other
    picked up a trick from his older brother
    got him a can of sniffin' salts
    pinned his mind upon the cross

    lacquer head knows but one desire
    lacquer head sets his skull on fire
    lacquer haed knows no in betweens
    huffin' on bags of gasoline

    sniffin' paint since the seventh grade
    she was high on gin and gatorade
    on turpintine she lost her luck
    fell in front of a speedin' pick-up truck


    he was a boy of soft demeanor
    and he loved his caburetor cleaner
    the vapor made a sweet aroma
    he sniffed himself into a coma

    lacquer head feeds his one desire
    lacquer head sets his brain on fire
    lacquer head knows no inbetweens
    huffin' on bags of gasoline

    keep on sniffin' till yer brain goes pop
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  8. kalamazoo

  9. michigan eyaletinin en büyük şehridir. ayrıca the brown album albümden güzel bir primus şarkısıdır.
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  10. mesutla gurur duyup ogün samast tan utanan gençlik

  11. ne yaptın adnan

  12. adnan polat'a sorduğumuz takdirde 'stad' diye cevap verir.
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  13. franks wild years

  14. tom waits'in, swordfishtrombones (1983) ve rain dogs (1985) albümleriyle üçlü oluşturan 87 çıkışlı başyapıtı. 55:34 dakikalık albüm, 17 şarkı içerir:

    1. hang on st. christopher
    2. straight to the top (rhumba)
    3. blow wind blow
    4. temptation
    5. innocent when you dream (barroom)
    6. i'll be gone
    7. yesterday is here
    8. please wake me up
    9. frank's theme
    10. more than rain
    11. way down in the hole
    12. straight to the top (vegas)
    13. i'll take new york
    14. telephone call from istanbul
    15. cold cold ground
    16. train song
    17. innocent when you dream (78)
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  15. karıyı kızı geçtim makinayı seçtim

  16. makinası elle çalışanların mottosu.
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  17. lars ın piçi

  18. turkish metallica'nın birinci bölümündeki hınzır ve stüdyo dağıtan velet. jason newsted'ın gruptan ayrılış sebebi.
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  19. metal thrashing mad

  20. anthrax'ın ilk albümü fistful of metal'ın 2. şarkısı, gazdır.

    racing down the road
    in a street machine of steel
    gears are jammed in full
    i'm the madman at the wheel

    got my foot pinned to the floor
    you can feel the engine roar
    i got thunder in my hands
    i'm metal thrashing mad, yeah
    metal thrashing mad, yeah

    driving like a maniac
    can't go any faster
    burning up the road
    headed for disaster

    got my foot pinned to the floor
    you can feel the engine roar
    got thunder in my hands
    i'm metal thrashing mad
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  21. davut suat mustafa

  22. bir gün tc vatandaşlığına geçerseniz, adınızı ne olarak değiştirirdiniz sorusuna dave scott mustaine'in verdiği cevap. röportaj bitiminde kameralara bakarak cep telefonuyla akrabalarını arayan davut'a dış işleri bakanlığı 'gel seni nüfusumuza alak' çağrısı yapmış, mustafa ise olaya sıcak baktığını açıklamıştır.
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  23. black box theme

  24. tom waits'in, the black rider albümünden korku filmi tadındaki enstrümental şarkısı.

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  25. ich bin der welt abhanden gekommen

  26. coffee and cigarettes filmindeki yaşlı amcanın, gözlerini kapadığında çalar.

    ich bin der welt abhanden gekommen,
    mit der ich sonst viele zeit verdorben,
    sie hat so lange nichts von mir vernommen,
    sie mag wohl glauben, ich sei gestorben!

    es ist mir auch gar nichts daran gelegen,
    ob sie mich für gestorben hält,
    ich kann auch gar nichts sagen dagegen,
    denn wirklich bin ich gestorben der welt.

    ich bin gestorben dem weltgetümmel,
    und ruh' in einem stillen gebiet!
    ich leb' allein in meinem himmel,
    in meinem lieben, in meinem lied
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  27. burma shave

  28. foreign affairs albümünden iç gıdıklayıcı bir tom waits şarkısı. oturup hiçbir şey yapmadan saatlerce dinlenecek cinstendir.

    licorice tattoo turned a gun metal blue scrawled across the shoulders
    of a dying town the one eyed jacks across the railroad tracks
    and the scar on its belly pulled a stranger passing through
    he was a juvenile delinquent never learned how to behave
    but the cops would never think to look in
    burma shave
    and the road was like a ribbon and the moon was like a bone
    he didn't seem to be like any guy she'd ever known
    he kinda looked like farley granger with his hair slicked back
    she says i'm a sucker for a fella in a cowboy hat
    how far are you going he said depends on what you mean
    he says i'm only stopping here to get some gasoline
    i'm guess i'm going thataway just as long as it's paved
    i guess you'd say i'm on my way to
    burma shave

    and her knees up on the glove compartment
    took out her barrettes and her hair spilled out like rootbeer
    and she popped her gum and arched her back
    hell marysville ain't nothing but a wide spot in the road
    some night my heart pounds just like thunder
    i don't know why it don't explode
    cause everyone in this stinking town has got one foot in the grave
    and i'd rather take my chances out in
    burma shave

    presley's what i go by why don't you change the station
    count the grain elevators in the rearview mirror
    mister anywhere you point this thing
    has got to beat the hell out of the sting
    of going to bed with every dream that dies here every mornin
    and so drill me a hole with a barber pole
    i'm jumping my parole just like a fugitive tonight
    why don't you have another swig
    and pass that car if you're so brave
    i wanna get there before the sun comes up in
    burma shave

    and the spider web crack and the mustang screamed
    smoke from the tires and the twisted machine
    just a nickel's worth of dreams and every wishbone that they saved
    lie swindled from them on the way to
    burma shave

    and the sun hit the derrick and cast a bat wing shadow
    up against the car door on the shot gun side
    and when they pulled her from the wreck you know she
    still had on her shades
    they say that dreams are growing wild just this side of
    burma shave
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  29. starving in the belly of a whale

  30. blood money albümünden mükemmel bir tom waits parçası.

    life is whittled
    life's a riddle
    man's a fiddle that life plays on

    when the day breaks, and the earth quakes
    life's a mistake all day long
    tell me, who gives a good gooddamn
    you'll never get out alive
    don't go dreaming
    don't go scheming
    a man must test his mettle
    in a crooked ol' world

    starving in the belly
    starving in the belly
    starving in the belly of a whale
    starving in the belly
    starving in the belly
    starving in the belly of a whale

    dan't take my word
    just look skyward
    they that dance must pay the fiddler
    sky is darkening
    dogs are barking
    but the caravan moves on

    tell me who gives a good gooddamn
    you'll never get get out alive
    don't go dreaming
    don't go scheming
    a man must test his mettle
    in crooked ol' world
    starving in the belly...

    as the crow flies
    it's there the truth lies
    at the bottom of the well
    e-o-leven goes to heaven
    bless the dead here as the rain falls
    don't trust a bull's horn
    a doberman's tooth
    a runaway horse or me

    don't be greedy, don't be needy
    if you live in hope you're
    dancing to a terrible tune
    starving in the belly
    starving in the belly...
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  31. axl pose

  32. aksel gül

  33. bir zamanlar istanbul'un çeşitli gece kulüplerinde çıkan, kızıl saçlı, kısa-dar tayt giyen, bandana takan, çatlak sesli bir garip oğlan.
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  34. bring tha noize

  35. i failed you anakin

  36. obi wan kenobi üstadın anakin skywalker'ın eline verdikten sonra, anakin'in i hate you çığırışlarından hemen önce söylediği söz.
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  37. swordfishtrombones

  38. down down down

  39. this is fun james

  40. bob rock'ın kayıt sırasında şaklabanlık yapan james hetfield'a söylediği, dilime pelesenk olmuş söz.
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  41. shit fuck satan death sex drugs rape

  42. penikufesin

  43. anthrax'ın 89 çıkışlı, 6 şarkılık ep'si. antisocial'ın fransızca versiyonunun bir kısmı joey belladonna tarafından kesit kesit söylenmiştir, bir kısmı da şarkının orijinal vokal kayıdıyla -şarkı trust grubuna aittir- tamamlanmıştır. friggin' in the riggin' ise grubun roadieleri için yapılmış olup cümbür cemaat söylenmiştir. parasite ise hoş bir kiss coverı olarak kulakların pasını attırmıştır.

    now it's dark
    friggin' in the riggin'
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  44. efilnikufesin

  45. anthrax'ın, among the living albümünde bulunup, john belushi için yazılmış bir şarkıdır, ana riff'i de komiktir. bildiğimiz komik.


    it started back in high-school
    so cool, king of the scene
    you found that making people laugh
    was more than just a dream
    the public took right to you
    like flies to a pile of shit
    so funny and smart so talented
    but success just couldn't fit

    wasting your life
    no future is bright
    dancing on your grave
    living like a slave, someone should've said...

    n.f.l., efilnikufesin
    n.f.l., efilnikufesin

    wake up dead, in a plywood bed six feet from the
    rest of your life
    and when you couldn't see your own dependency
    n.f.l., nice fuckin' life !

    the whole world is your playground
    yet you can't find your niche
    your only friends it helps you through
    helps you dig your daily ditch
    the bottom line can't touch you
    cause you're above the rest
    but your little friend's the enemy
    and the bottom line is death

    you lived a life of excess
    goddamn shame it's such a waste
    just one too many cookies
    from the batch no one should taste
    yet his memory still stays with us
    cause watching him was fun
    too bad things weren't different
    who knows what he'd have done
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  46. facebook places

  47. cristiano ronaldo'nun bir reklam filminde kullandığı fakat kesilmiş, televizyonlarda yayınlanmamış söz öbeğinin ingilizcesidir.

    " ... hot pıleysıs, kold pıleysıs, feysbuk pıleysıs... "
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  48. eric the king

  49. bone machine

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