yazarların şu an okuduğu kitaplar

entry161 galeri99
  1. subjects of desire, hegelian reflections in twentieth-century france. yazar: judith butler.

    hegelyan bilincin refleksifliği ile ilgili şöyle bir döngüsellikten bahseder: "it requires mediation to know itself, and knows itself only as the very structure of mediation; what is reflexively grasped when the subject finds itself "outside" itself, reflected there, is the very fact itself, that the subject is a reflexive structure, and that movement out of itself is necessary in order for it to know itself at all."

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  2. 10.
  3. (bkz: dokuzuncu hariciye koğuşu)
    An itibariyle yediden okuyorum peyami üstad süper bir konuya değinmiş. Helal olsun.
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  4. 9.
  5. Saygı Öztürk - devletin derinliklerinde.
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  8. 6.
  9. 5.
  10. Artık okumuyorum çünkü az önce bitirdim
    (bkz: bîra qederê)
    (bkz: kader kuyusu)
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  11. 4.
  12. 3.
  13. 2.
  14. 1.
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