bir bulgar piçiyle girilen tartışma buna örnektir.
you: hey
stranger: wassup
you: im fine, wbu?
stranger: nice
stranger: im fine too
you: good. it's awesome. *
stranger: where ae ou from
stranger: sorry for typing bad
stranger: lol
stranger: damn keyboard
you: no problem.
you: nevermind.
you: turkey.
stranger: oh
you: you?
stranger: bulgaria
you: border neighboor, huh? *
stranger: lol yeah
stranger: there are many turks here
you: yeah i know.
stranger: i know a turk in my class
stranger: his name is recep
stranger: recep selim recep lol
stranger: do u know him
stranger: ?
stranger: lool
you: recep is turkish name, actually. but how i can know him? there are millions recep.
stranger: turkish people lie alot
you: why?
you: you reach this desicion as look to recep?
stranger: i once gave him money and he never gave it back
stranger: turks lie
stranger: lol
stranger: baklava
you: you know it?
stranger: yeh
stranger: we eat baklava here
you: it's tasty food. *
stranger: yeah very good
stranger: and guvech
stranger: do you know guvech?
you: yeap, im turkish too. *
stranger: is guvech turkish food?
you: i don't know but in the turkey, you cand find it everywhere.
stranger: cool
stranger: and you are muslims
stranger: are you muslim?
you: yeap.
stranger: why
stranger: lol
you: because 99% turkey's people's are muslim.
stranger: and 1% is?
you: catolic, protestan, jewish etc...
stranger: so you believe in allah]]
stranger: ?
you: yeap.
stranger: why
stranger: ?
stranger: why dont you read bibble
you: because moslem is order it.
you: moslem say "you believe allah." and we believe allah.
stranger: is it true you go every day 5 times a day in a jamiah
you: i am not. but much people goes.
stranger: but isnt it strict to go
stranger: to pray
you: nope.
stranger: there are terrorists there
you: because we can pray to allah in our homes or elsewhere.
you: there where?
you: in the turkey?
stranger: turkey
you: do you mean as say "terrorists" attacking christians or terror organism calling pkk?
stranger: as in terrorists all over the country
you: yeap. unfortunately, there are.
stranger: how come in most muslim countrys there are terrorists
stranger: and in christian countrys not
stranger: ?
stranger: is islam evil?
you: actually moslem says "don't kill." but other countries like usa, russia, england etc help the terrorists.
stranger: really i didnt think usa helps terrorist
stranger: i think they hate them
stranger: i mean remember 9/11
you: hmm.
you: i can explain.
stranger: anyway is it true your women wear togas or some masks or wrapping
stranger: you know
stranger: to cover
stranger: theyr head
you: yeah, it's moslem's order too.
you: and usa seen as turkey's friend but actually usa is turkey's enemy. i want to say. keep going.
stranger: but isnt it sexist for your women to wear those wrapping on theyr head
stranger: in christian countrys women wear what they want
stranger: whats ur name
stranger: lol
you: i know.
you: but this is religion's order. it's dogmatic.
you: my name is mustafa.
stranger: cool im kristin
you: kristin?
you: sounds like you are female.
stranger: no
stranger: im m
stranger: lol
you: okay. *
you: no problem.
stranger: dont you hate it that your country is so horrible
stranger: ?
stranger: why dont become christian
stranger: ?
you: i love my country and my religion. why don't you stop carnage?
you: to the turkish, in your country.
stranger: in my country turkish and bulgarians are equal
you: nope.
stranger: yup
stranger: lol
you: because of your's carnage, thousand's of turkish, migrated to turkey.
stranger: what carnage?i dont understand
you: carnage=massacre.
you: understand
you: ?
stranger: that was 30 years ago
stranger: when my counttry ws comunist
stranger: now its diferent
you: nope. your government still doing this.
you: not a massacre.
you: turkish people don't equal bulgarians.
stranger: what do they need to be equal?
stranger: they have many right
stranger: rights
stranger: we call turkish ppl bulgarians they dont look diferent than us
you: but not only your country. all of the world, muslims and turkish are humiliated.
you: because of your great awesome religion calling christian.
stranger: christians atleast give rights to women and is peaceful
stranger: and islam its killing
you: christian is peaceful? do you believe it?
stranger: and make women wear
stranger: makss
stranger: masks
stranger: yes
stranger: how come there are always islam terrorist
stranger: on the news
you: france made massacre in the algeria.
stranger: always
you: usa killed millions of muslims in the iraq.
stranger: usa didnt kill muslim they were protecting
stranger: the muslim
stranger: from terrorist
you: england made colony on the moslem's country.
stranger: attacks
you: your country and all of the communist country made massacre.
you: to the turkish people.
stranger: im talking about today how come in every arab country there are killings and in christian peace
you: china is still killing turkish.
stranger: because islam people always have bombs or guns in theyr hands
you: that's reason is your religion, your vatican churc's decision, your antagonism for moslem and turkish.
stranger: i dont hear killing in the vatican and terrorists there
stranger: i dont hear bombings
stranger: in vtican
you: arabic terrorist organisms take help from the many christian country. there are evidence files about it.
stranger: vatican
you: they are not muslim.
you: jewish world media is announcing it for you think that muslims are killer.
stranger: why does christian countrys have peace and in the muslim countrys killing why?
you: don't you hear me? i'm explaining. just read it.
stranger: your explaining lies
stranger: there is nothing true in what u say that usa helps terrorism
you: how do know it?
you: because you heard it.
stranger: because there is no proof
you: they told you as you say.
you: i said "there are evidence files."
you: isn't proof?
stranger: then why in muslim countrys they say "kill america"
stranger: in the news they show live how muslims burn american flag
stranger: i dont see americans doing that
you: wait wait wait.
stranger: to turkish flag
you: in the news...
you: the american church father, burnt the quran.
you: all of us watched him.
you: and what he did.
you: if you can search google, you can find this news.
you: quran is muslim's book like bible.
stranger: that is because the quran wants killings and bloodshed
stranger: and hates other religions
stranger: the bible doesnt say horrible things like women must wear wrappings and men must wear the togas
you: women mustn't seen sexy.
you: sex isn't everything.
stranger: im not talking that women must look sexy im talking they must have rights to choose what to wear
you: have you ever been turkey?
stranger: no
you: right.
you: if you come, you see, many women isn't wearing it as you say.
stranger: i will ok
stranger: lol
stranger: long debate
stranger: on religion
stranger: xd
you: you argued with me about my religion with your wrong ideas and you say xd?
stranger: im not saying wrong things
stranger: they are true
you: according to you, to your religion they are true.
you: you can't see objective.
stranger: why was there 9/11 because muslims sayd "hey lets bomb those towers for fun"
stranger: and they took many lives
you: and usa enter the afghanistan?
you: why?
stranger: to bring order
stranger: to that horrible country
you: to destroy the taliban.
you: you say as that.
stranger: ofcourse the americans arent terorists
stranger: they wanted to help
you: because taliban is a terrorism organism and usa king of the world and has right to enter the afghanistan.
stranger: the usa wanted to stop the taliban from making more attacks
stranger: and how do the talibans have right to kill ppl in us for no reason?
stranger: to enter us
stranger: you see muslims want war christians peace
stranger: thats the truth
you: they didn't enter usa. so, can you tell me, in the country with very strong security like the usa, how can the 2 fly of the taliban enter the usa?
stranger: they stole the planes
stranger: under disguise
stranger: they killed the ppl by theyr plans idk the security cant always know whats happening
stranger: those planes were us but piloted by the terrorists
you: let assume that. so, how can fly the plains? without permission of radars?
stranger: they dont need permission the terorists why would they??they just want to kill they dont care
stranger: so what your saying the terrorists did good by killing innocent people?
you: usa has a reason for enter to any country. because saddam they entered iraq, because bin ladin entered the afghanistan.
stranger: yes usa has a reason i agree whats your point?
stranger: ?
you: usa has a reason for entry any country. it's logical?
you: country that it wants.
you: maybe bulgaria.
you: maybe turkey.
stranger: no they dont do that
you: usa have a mission like protect the world peace.
you: ?
stranger: not world peace
stranger: peace in muslim countrys
stranger: the other countrys
stranger: dont need peace
stranger: the christian
stranger: and jew
stranger: its not a mission they want to protect because they are good
you: jewish are everywhere in the usa, they even direct obama.
you: and i say again, usa killed 2 million muslims in the iraq.
stranger: look at muslim countrys they kill each other they have civil wars because of this horrible religion
you: israel still killing the people in the palestine.
stranger: atleast thank the us for helping you have peace and not kill each other
stranger: the us soldiers rick theyr lives
stranger: risk
stranger: to bring peace to those countrys
you: killing 2 million muslims, it is the peace?
stranger: and what do you do?you say "kill america" or "we hate america"
stranger: killing taliban is peace
you: everyday baghdat is bombed.
stranger: they dont kill the innnocent muslims
stranger: people
stranger: they protect them
stranger: from taliban
stranger: there is diference
you: baghdat in the iraq, not the afghanistan.
you: stop the sayingt taliban.
you: saying*
stranger: what do you mean?
you: i am writing about the baghdat and iraq, you are writing about afghanistan.
stranger: no im writing about all muslim countrys
stranger: because they are the same
stranger: they kill each other
stranger: and have terrorists
you: and i say "america bombs baghdat and killing hundred muslims every day.
you: is it peace?
stranger: muslims who want to bomb other countrys
stranger: yes it is
you: you say "america doesn't bomb baghdat." ?
stranger: america doesnt bomb badghdad
stranger: they help baghdad from killings
you: then, news what we watched was the lie.
stranger: look your a muslim right?america wont kill you they will kill the terrorist muslims because you are not terrorist
you: video about bombing baghdat.
stranger: its real because its true
stranger: and live
you: so, why do you say "america doesn't bomb baghdat?"
you: if the videos true.
stranger: because she doesnt
stranger: why do you say america bombs it?
you: because we watch the bombing minutes in the news.
you: we read it newspaper.
you: we see everyday.
stranger: and you think its true and real?lol
stranger: the bombings are from terrrorists
stranger: not americans
you: you believe in the news but i can't?
you: you believe burning flags and i can't believe news?
stranger: the news all over the world is the same and there is no way its lying
stranger: they say the same
stranger: and you think its lie
stranger: why
you: because you think its lie.
stranger: why do you think it is when the world is saying the muslim countrys are killing each other
you: i don't believe your news because you don't believe my news.
stranger: your news lies
you: why?
you: because we are muslim.
stranger: the world is saying the truth and your muslim news lies
stranger: im talking about every other religion saying that yours is lying
you: and you are screamin peace, peace.
you: and then muslims are lying, you say.
you: is it peace?
you: is it equivalent?
stranger: i wished muslims stopped killing then there would be peace
stranger: but they continue
you: first of all, you have to stop humiliating muslims, if you want peace.
you: if you want anything, you start work from yourself.
stranger: i dont humiliate them i say the truth
stranger: i mean arent there killings in arab countrys?theres peace in arab countrys ?lol
you: you said even our news are lying, and then you said "i dont humiliate". lol
stranger: thats not humiliation
you: its true, i know, i know.
you: same things always.
stranger: are you safe in your country
you: christians and christian countrys have right what enter the other country?
stranger: why cant christians enter muslim countrys?is that illegal?
you: if the civil war doesn't go out other countries, answer is no.
you: i meant "enter" start the war, not a tourist.
you: if you want come as a tourist, come in ankara, we will travel. its not problem.
stranger: no christian country has "started a war" in an muslim country,its always the muslims killing each other and starting a war
you: so usa?
stranger: usa hasnt started a war
you: in the iraq?
stranger: she wanted to stop a war
stranger: in the muslim country
stranger: civil war
you: when the america entered the iraq, iraq hadn't a civil war. even if it had a civil war, america or other countrys haven't right that telling anything about that subject because civil war is internal affairs.
stranger: thats abseloute lie,iraq was having a horrible dictatorship and the people were having civil war in there us wanted to stop the civil war
you: just read it again my last sentence after the "even if it had a civil war...."
stranger: yes but that civil war could have treaghted to other countrys
you: nope. that's isn't right.
stranger: and instead of civil war,iraq vs russia or iraq vs turkey
you: other countrys include usa?
you: thousand of miles far away?
stranger: no why
stranger: ?
you: so, why usa entered the iraq, about the subject what didn't concern ownself.
stranger: usa entered iraq,im telling you because they wanted to stop the voilence there
stranger: not because the "innvaded" them
you: but why usa? why isn't turkey or russia or iran or saudi arabia or syria? why usa?
stranger: turkey or russia dont have the big army to help bring order
stranger: us had the biggest army
stranger: and the other countrys didnt want to help bring peace
you: russia hasn't a big army? 17 million square kilometer country?
stranger: they only cared about themselves
you: which country think except ownself in the world?
stranger: ok russia has a big army but she doesnt care about iraq or iran
you: russia didn't care neighboor but usa did?
stranger: yes because us is good country and russia was a communist horrible country
stranger: back then
you: so it's like bulgaria doesn't care turkey but usa do. haha.
stranger: why would bulgaria care she was ruled by the ottomans
stranger: the turkish empire
stranger: who killed innocent bulgairans
you: then killed the turkish.
stranger: bulgarians
you: in the communist time
stranger: ?
you: ottomans killed you?
stranger: yes and ruled for 500 years or more
you: communism didn't that?
you: so why did you leave from communism then?
stranger: im talking not when we were under communism
stranger: im talking when we were under the turkish rule the ottomans
you: don't change the subject.
stranger: ?
you: ottomans killed you and you entered communism autority then you left from communism.
you: then why did you kill turkish and not russian?
you: russia ruled for years, too.
stranger: we killed turkish??lol we didnt kill any turks
you: yes, of course, sure.
stranger: the only thing that we did to turks was rename them to bulgarian names
you: killed and asimilated turkish.
stranger: lol
you: so why? for peace?
stranger: we didnt kill them and what your saying is lie *
stranger: why are there turks now in bulgaria because we didnt kill anybody
you: im telling about your writings about bulgarian names. why did you do to turkish people? for peace?
you: your freedom and equivalent ideas like this?
stranger: the bulgarian names idk it was the idea of the communists but idk why
stranger: and why did you enslave us back then
stranger: 500 years
stranger: killed so many bulgarians
stranger: the russians helped us to get out of ottoman rule
stranger: if it wasnt for them there wouldnt have been a bulgaria
you: your history books isn't objective. ottoman empire had allowance. and ottoman empire didn't force to change any name, any religion. if he did this, we have a colony in the many countrys, like england.
stranger: abseloute lies lol,ottoman rule changed our religion names
you: if he force to change everything about you, you speaking turkish, not a slang russian.
stranger: the ottoman rule enslaved many bulgarians and treated them like dirt
stranger: becuase we didnt follow your horrible religion
stranger: you had to kill so many of us
you: enslaved where? in the ships? in the palaces?
stranger: in the whole country there were bulgarians slaves to turkish
stranger: rulers
stranger: bashibozuks
you: enslaving is forbidden in the moslem.
you: you lie.
stranger: yeah yeah "forbidden" thats why you killed so many of us lol
stranger: come to bulgaria and ask every bulgarian and see if i "lie"
you: yeah yeah christian is a peaceful religion that's why you burnt our books.
you: come to turkey and you see same thing.
stranger: lol burn your books??then you made new books no big deal
you: book=quran
stranger: why?you wanted us christians to become muslims like you?/
stranger: and say "allahu akbar" all the time
stranger: and kill children and women?
you: your peaceful religion burnt our religion's book. what do you say?
stranger: if the whole world was christian there would ahhve been peace,if the whoole world was muslim there would have been war all the time
stranger: your "peaceful" religion burnt our people
you: and then kill ottomans in 1800's.
you: for revenge.
stranger: umm it was actually you who were killing us in the 1800s
you: and your brother russia came for help you. and you became bulgaria.
stranger: we were wanting to get out of ottoman rule
stranger: and we finally became a country again
you: country? under the communism control? yeah yeah this is peace.
stranger: you tried to stop us but good thing theres still a bulgaria
stranger: well atleast we were a country again so?every east country in europe was comunist
you: so why were you communist? for thanks to russia?
stranger: plus the rulers werent turks anymore they were bulgarians
you: russians rules were peaceful too.
stranger: russia made communist every country in eastern block after ww2
stranger: we werent under the control of russians we were controlled by ourselves
you: so you didn't anything to russia so russia was a big force at the time.
stranger: ?
you: you made riot to the ottomans for setup your country and get out of turkish control.
you: but you can't riot russia for communism.
stranger: we didnt make "riot" we tried to free our country from ottoman rule by making revolution
you: if russia didn't break in early 1990's, you are still communists.
stranger: the only thing that russia did to us was change our political system
you: and washing your idea structure.
stranger: and actually the communist system was better back then because atleast people had jobs
stranger: and now they dont
stranger: you dont know anything about bulgaria,you think the ottoman rule was "good" but in your history books its says all kinds of lies
you: you made mass grave with the turkish's death bodys in the past 1800's. they were found.
stranger: in your books it says death to every non muslim country
you: you cut the pregnant women's abdomen and kill even her fetus.
stranger: the killings you did to bulgarians were far more
stranger: no not only bulgarians but every other ottoman country
stranger: they wanted to get out of ottoman rule and thank god the succeeded because all of europe could have been ottoman empire
you: you can say any mass grave made by ottomans?
you: maybe your history books are lying. how do you know it?
stranger: there is a mass killing in batack in bulgaria you killed women and children
stranger: in batack
stranger: you dont know that because in your books it says bulgarians are evil and all other stuff
stranger: because all of my parents the people,the old people know what happened there are skulls of the women and children still
stranger: form the killings
you: my old people says against your telling. what should we do?
stranger: many countrys old people say the same as we do,that ottomans killled so many innocent people
stranger: hungary
stranger: romania
stranger: macedonia
stranger: greece
stranger: serbia too
stranger: all of them say the same
stranger: and only you are lying
you: why are you intolerant for me? you don't even know argument rules
stranger: you think the ottomans were good but go to any country in the balkans and ask the people if they liked beeing enslaved by turks
you: you think you are objective but you aren't.
stranger: if thats the way you think ok,but everything im saying is true
stranger: you think your religion is nice and peaceful but tommorow probably there will be a civil war in you street and then you will be wnting help from the us or other countrys
stranger: and what if you dont get help?you will all kill each other and become like the other terrorist countrys
stranger: poor
you: when turkish people want to help from other country? you did but i didn't.
stranger: and with crying women
you: you poor.
stranger: im poor yes but not as poor as your people who kill to get money
you: you have brother. russia etc. if they aren't you didn't anything. you are asking every step you want.
stranger: yes and?
stranger: i dont get your point
you: so you agree it? and you said "we become bulgaria." the independent country like that?
stranger: umm we arent dependent yes
stranger: and?
stranger: lol
you: you asking russia before every step, every behaviour and you aren't dependent?
stranger: when russia helped us we didnt chant "kill russia" we actually thanked them
stranger: and they helped us when we were communist
you: and still thanking.
stranger: yes because we arent like you saying "go to hell america"
stranger: and burning the flags of the people who helped us
you: i said a couple of times.
you: america burnt the quran.
you: is it peace?
you: is it help?
stranger: i think they made that because they were angry of what you did in 9/11
you: and i follow cnn, last year i watch the news about turkish flag's burning in the usa.
stranger: you didnt help america you actually made an attack on them,so it was right to burn the quran
stranger: you burn the us flag,they burn your quran
stranger: but that doesnt mean the us will make an attack on them
you: nope, father who burnt quran said "moslem should be destroyed."
stranger: it just shows if you attack us,we dont like you
stranger: and the whole world doesnt like you because what you did in 9/11
stranger: but i dont see the whole world making terrorist attack on you,the muslims
you: so, if we burnt the us flag, they should burnt the turkish flag. they shouldn't attack our religion.
stranger: you burnt the us flag,and you attacked them they burnt your quran,but they didnt attack you
you: nation vs. religion. is it equal? my point it is.
stranger: and all of a sudden you cry how evil they are and all kinds of lies
you: so go back.
you: martina baleva lied?
stranger: i dont know of martina baleva
you: in 2007, martina baleva, she is a bulgarian academician, make a conference.
you: in the sofia.
you: don't you remember?
stranger: no
you: lol i know but you don't know.
stranger: i havent heard of it
you: conference's subject was batack massacre.
you: baleva, serve the evidence and proofs what she found in the bulgarian government and state archives.
stranger: and?
you: and her point is batack massacre was a lie and communism propaganda.
stranger: lol yeah sure "communist propaganda" what kind of lies
stranger: who made that up
you: what?
you: search martina baleva in the google.
you: and read bulgarian news you want.
stranger: there are skulls of the children and people killed in the massacre
you: if you don't believe me.
stranger: well shes probably hating her country
stranger: and saying stupid things
you: yeah it is proof. sure.
stranger: there is no proof of it beeing a "lie"
you: how do you know that?
you: your every sentence is true?
stranger: the turks wanted to kill the bulgarians
stranger: all of them
stranger: and they almost did
you: almost?
stranger: but russia helped and they stopped
you: russia? when?
stranger: when were trying to free from ottoman rule
stranger: we
you: bulgarians are everywhere in the world, in the bulgaria there are millions of bulgarians and we made massacre to you.
stranger: today yes,but im talking about when you were ruling us
you: so, let believe you. we made massacre in the batack. and elsewhere?
stranger: there are even more millions of turks in the world and we "killed"you back in the communist time lol
you: massacre don't include 1000-2000-5000 kill.
you: more.
stranger: what?
you: i didn't say you made massacre, you killed us. but you say we made massacre.
stranger: we "killed" you?!lol then how come there are so many turks in the world
you: you can find one mass grave and we made massacre? massacre is easy as that?
you: not all of us stupid.
stranger: you dont understand you enslaved and killed many bulgarians we didnt even do anything to you
stranger: and you just had your fun
stranger: by killing people
stranger: you should be ashamed of your history
you: you too.
you: we find mass graves made by you.
stranger: we were trying to free ourselves from the horrible ottomans with bravery,why would i?
you: not one, more than one.
stranger: we barely had any weapons we didnt even have an army but we fought bravely
stranger: to free from turkish rule
you: yeah yeah. you didn't take any gun from russia, your brother.
stranger: no we didnt
you: yeah, sure.
stranger: what do you mean
you: please do research.
you: read history, bulgarian or english.
you: read articles.
you: don't enter the argument with your hearing and feelings.
you: how old are you?
stranger: and you should read how many arab countrys are full of terrorists who are muslim
stranger: you are many of you are terrorists
stranger: and you aree proud?lol
stranger: the evil ones are you
you: many? %?
stranger: what?
you: you are stupid. you don't even understand this as easy as 2+2.
stranger: remember this,you are all evil terrorist muslims who have wars all the time
stranger: you are an idiot for thinking your religion is peace
you: wait, im not a terrorist. don't attack me.
stranger: go fuck allah or a terrorist,goodbye i hope you get nuked by the us peace of shit muslim
you're now chatting with a random stranger. say hi!
you:türk müsün?
you:senin amına koyim.
stranger:wait please.
you:translate çevirmez yavrum onu zorlama.
you: hi
you: how are u?
Stranger: fine. U?
You: fine. Where are u from?
Stranger: turkey.
You: ulan valla anlamistim. Naber amk?
Stranger: iyi kanka senden naber?
you: anaa türk lan. Naber türk?
stranger: memeni açsana.
you: yaşın kaç senin?
stranger: 8
you: aynı şey senin anana bacına yapılsa?
stranger: ya lütfen.
stranger: nolur.
stranger: hadi lütfen.
you: çocuk lütfen dedi ama o zaman açalım tabi.
You: hi 35m istanbul/turkiye
Stranger: 21 f ljubljana
Stranger: slovenia
You: oh hi
You: how r u?
Stranger: hi
Stranger: very dobro very dobro
You: dobrovski *
Stranger: jest tako je
Stranger: čok teekrederum
You: wow
You: u know turkish?
Stranger: nasl sn
You: iyiyim
You: sen nasilsin?
Stranger: yes from seria
You: *
Stranger: čok čok
You: sen istiyor beni önce alacak duj
You: *
Stranger: a ne znam tolko bolan
Stranger: ehrezada
You: oh u r so funny
You: my name is ******
Stranger: čok teekrederun
Stranger: my name is oguzfun
Stranger: hahhahahh
Stranger: trolololo
Stranger: j
You: niye işletiyon lan sen beni
You: mınakodumun zıpçıktısı
Stranger: ma začepi bolan
Stranger: haj bježi
You: hac bezi sensin
You: naber *
Stranger: this is me
Stranger: hihi
Stranger: kidding
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
connecting to server...
you're now chatting with a random stranger. say hi!
you: hi
stranger: hi
stranger: where are you from?
you: turkey, you?
stranger: uk
you: sektir lan türksün sen
stranger: i don't understand
you: lan uzatma türksün işte arkadaki perdeden anladım
stranger: hadi ya
stranger: çok belli oluyo mu lan
connecting to server...
you're now chatting with a random stranger. say hi!
stranger: karı arıyom ben.
you: keraneye git o zaman.
your conversational partner has disconnected.