tematigi seven bir yazar. ama yazma amaci entry sayisi artirmak degildir. isteyenler baska sozluklerdeki calismalarima ayni isimle yada ben direkt isim vereyim
(bkz: vermillion)
(bkz: i won't let this build up inside of me)
gibi nicklerle farkli tematikler adi altinda 10.000 uzerinde entry'mi bulabilirsiniz. girilen tum sozcukler bizzat kendi ders notlarimdan girilmistir ki benim bunu soyleme mecburiyetim olmasa da sirf insanlar beni sozlukle gezen biri saniyorlar ona uzuluyorum. fransizcayi cok iyi konusmamakla beraber yazarak ogrenenlerden familyasindanim. bakkalin terazisinde tassak tartma amaciyle girilmiyor bu entryler. sevmeyen de olsun alisigim ben. kufurlerinizi ,hakaretlerinizi mesja kutuma begenilerinizi ismim altina entry olarak girmenizi rica eder huzurlarinizdan ayrilirim. yeni bir sozluk buldum, direkt copy paste yontemiyle bulusmak uzere.
tovbe tovbe)
(bkz: swh)
ödevini yerine getiren yazar. hani ortaokulda ingilizce derslerine yeni öğrendiğimiz kelimeleri, hocalar 5 er kere defterinize yazın derdi ya, bu da onun sözlük versiyonu olsa gerek.
SlipKnot'un "Vol 3: (The Subliminal Verses)" albümünden bir şarkı...
She seems dressed in all the rings
Of past fatalities
So fragile yet so devious
She continues to see it
Climatic hands that press
Her temples and my chest
Enter the night that she came home
Oh (She's the only one that makes me sad)
She is everything and more
The solemn hypnotic
My Dahlia bathed in possession
She is home to me
I get nervous, perverse, when I see her it's worse
But the stress is astounding
It's now or never she's coming home
Oh (She's the only one that makes me sad)
Hard to say what caught my attention
Fixed And crazy, Aphid Attraction
Carve my name in my face, to recognize
Such a pheromone cult to terrorize
I won't let this build up inside of me
I won't let this build up inside of me
I won't let this build up inside of me
I won't let this build up inside of me
I'm a slave, and I am a master
No restraints and, unchecked collectors
I exist through my need, to self oblige
She is something in me, that I despise
I won't let this build up inside of me
I won't let this build up inside of me
I won't let this build up inside of me
I won't let this build up inside of me
I won't let this build up inside of me
I won't let this build up inside of me
I won't let this build up inside of me
I won't let this build up inside of me
(She isn't real, I can't make her real)
(She isn't real, I can't make her real)