unutulmaz şarkılar

entry216 galeri1 video2
  1. Captain Hollywood Project - More & More.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-rS174AUT0 .

    More and more and more
    I don't know where we're going to
    More and more and more
    There's so much we don't wanna do
    'Cause we lie, we cheat and we learn
    From each and every heart affair
    Yes, we lie, we cheat and we hurt
    'Til somebody's in despair
    Boom, keep in tune
    Hollywood will zoom left of the point
    Right to the point
    Smoke it, like it's a joint
    Ain't got time to be fakin'
    It's my turn and I'm takin'
    Everything without shakin', yo, here with the bacon
    Happy, is how we should be
    Realizin' we are wealthy
    Livin' here on this Earth
    Enjoy what it's worth
    Anger left behind you
    Just don't let it find you
    Love will not remain
    As long as you complain
    More and more and more
    I don't know where we're going to
    More and more and more
    There's so much we don't wanna do
    Yeah we lie, we cheat and we learn
    From each and every heart affair
    Yes, we lie, we cheat and we hurt
    'Til somebody's in despair
    More and more and more
    More and more and more
    More, more, bam, don't give a damn
    Pump the music and jam
    There's no time for the problem
    Not a thought to some
    But just make sure you get it
    Show the fellas you with it
    Being prompt, you get it
    Never will you forget it
    There's a way to stop this
    Listen to the prophets
    Everything they said
    Yo, it should be read
    More, he had to tell
    Things that made him well
    L-I-G-H-T is shinin'
    And my brother's heart cryin'
    More and more and more
    I don't know where we're going to
    More and more and more
    There's so much we don't wanna do
    'Cause we lie, we cheat and we learn
    From each and every heart affair
    Yes, we lie, we cheat and we hurt
    'Til somebody's in despair
    More and more and more
    I don't know where we're going to
    More and more and more
    There's so much we don't wanna do
    'Cause we lie, we cheat and we learn
    From each and every heart affair
    Yes, we lie, we cheat and we hurt
    'Til somebody's in despair
    More and more and more
    More and more and more
    0 ...
  2. 211.
  3. 210.
  4. 209.
  5. Tek bir söz " şarkılar daha bizi incitmezken. Eskidendi çoook eskiden"

    Bu sözün manasını şimdi daha iyi anlıyorum.
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  6. 208.
  7. 193.
  8. 192.
  9. 191.
  10. 190.
  11. ŞÜKRAN AY...
    Kalbimi Kıra Kıra...
    '' Vesikalı Yarim ''
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  12. 189.
  13. Koray avcının bi şarkısı vardı tam hatirlamadim ama unutulmayacak bi parçaydı.
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  14. 188.
  15. Haluk levent'in hemen hemen bütün şarkılarını rahatlıkla bu kategoriye koyabiliyorum.elfida'nın özel bir yeri var diğerleri arasında ritminden ve manalı sözlerinden dolayı.
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  16. 187.
  17. 186.
  18. 185.
  19. Survivor-eye of the tiger
    Bu şarkıyı sözlükte duymayan yoktur herhalde.
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  20. 184.
  21. 183.
  22. Ya bitane vardı bak adı aklıma gelmiyor şu an bombastik bişeydi böyle fantastik ama unuttum.
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  23. 182.
  24. Sibel Sezal- Bu Kalp Seni Unutur Mu.
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  25. 181.
  26. 58.
  27. 56.
  28. yıllar geçse de üstünden bu kalp seni unutur mu? fikret kızılok.
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  29. 55.
  30. asu maralman - bağrı yanık dostlara. şimdiye kadar unutulmadı şimdiden sonra da unutulacağını pek sanmıyorum.
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  31. 54.
  32. 53.
  33. 52.
  34. Fikret kizilok - haberin var mı?
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  35. 51.
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