
bir travis şarkısı. good feeling albümünün 2. şarkısı. sözleri şöyledir:

i met a girl in l.a.
the million dollar kind
she was all for all or nothing
open all the time
but when i called her number
her mother's on the line sayin'
you've no business
as god's my witness
with a child as young as mine.

so make sure that she's old enough
before you blow your mind
she may look like she knows enough
but look her in the eye
and if so
let her go
you'll let her down in style

i met a girl in paris
she talked like vera lynn
and her eyes were full of dew drop
the moment i walk in
she was awfully nice
the kind you like to win
but if i'd been wiser
a whole lot wiser
then i might have thought again.
çalmaya başladığı anda zıp zıp zıplatmaya başlayan hareketli travis şarkısı.

tanıma uygun insanlar ise şu linkten görülebilir; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XDzY0Sij1Q
başıma bir şey gelmeyecekse bu şarkıya aşığım.