
entry31 galeri3 video3
  1. ayrıca bir savatage şarkısıdır. şarkıyı da siz bulursunuz artık.
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  2. 22.
  3. ayrıca bir slowdive şarkısıdır.

    (bkz: slowdive)
    (bkz: shoegaze)
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  4. 21.
  5. karanlık ve kasvetli havanın şarkısı sanki...

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  6. 20.
  7. nebuchadnezzar's dream diye bir şarkısı olan grup.
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  8. 19.
  9. 1963 yılında çekilen 5,5 saatlik film.
    Filmin premier'ine katılan 9 kişiden ikisi ilk saatte s,nemadan çıkmıştır.
    film boyunca John Giorno uyur ve 5.5 saat boyunca kamera uyurken John Giorno'u gösterir.
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  10. 18.
  11. poets of the fall un güzel bir şarkısı. sevgiliyle dinlenilmesi daha uygundur.
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  12. 17.
  13. 16.
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  15. 23.
  16. andy warhol denen manyağın avrupa sineması'ndaki tüm boktanlıkları birleştirdiği filmimsi.

    uyuyan bir adamın 8 saat kamerayla kayıt edilmesi ve hiçbir kurgu olmadan bunun sinema perdesine aktarılmasıdır.

    (bkz: sinemacı manyaklıkları)
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  17. 22.
  18. 21.
  19. sözlerini de yazmak lazım.

    (bkz: meiko)

    When I woke up this morning
    you were so far away from me
    And I knew it was a warning
    of an empty space in between

    Feeling free when I'm with you
    But knowing I'm not far away from home
    Now what am I supposed to do,
    when the answers all come out wrong

    And I need something to help me sleep
    When I know you're not good for me
    And I need something I can keep
    From the empty space in between
    From the empty space in between

    You treated me like a goddess
    When we were around everyone else
    How come you couldn't notice me
    When I was standing by myself

    And I need something to help me sleep
    When I know you're not good for me
    And I need something I can keep
    From the empty space in between
    From the empty space in between

    Something to help me, Something to help me, Something to help me to sleep

    Something to help me, Something to help me, Something to help me to sleep
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  20. 20.
  21. şarkının başındaki yaşlı ses; şöyle der:

    ...and uh... anyways... let's see what else...i.. i.. uh... it was coney island, they called coney island the playground of the world. there was no place like it... in the whole world, like coney island when i was a youngster. no place in the world like it... it was so fabulous. now it shrunk down to almost nothing, you see.
    and... and i still remember in my mind how things used to be...and know... i feel very bad. but people from all over the world came here... from all over the world... there was a playground.. they called it the playground of the world... over here. anyways... uh .. i.. uh... you know. i even got.. when i was.. when i was very small, i even got lost in coney island, but they found me... on the.. on... on.. on the beach. and we used to sleep on the beach here, sleep overnight. they don't do it anymore, things changed.... see.

    they don't sleep anymore on the beach.

    ve ardından, duyulduğunda bir ömür boyu unutulmayacak sesler birleşimiyle karşı karşıya kalınır.
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  22. 19.
  23. 18.
  24. ingilizce çapak manasına da gelir.
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  25. 17.
  26. Trembling blue stars' ın broken by whispers albümünden güzel bir şarkıdır.

    Cover me with your blanket
    Get me out of this world
    For a spell
    Take me away
    To the world of dreams
    Where I'm not afraid of silence
    Where I'm not afraid to think
    I'm not so stupid I can't see
    There's nothing up ahead of me
    I'm not so stupid I don't know
    About all of the wrong roads
    the wrong roads
    the wrong roads

    Cover me with your blanket
    Somehow I always knew
    I would not make it
    I'm the sum of my mistakes
    I've only got myself to blame
    But what's on show -
    Do I want any of it anyway?

    Can there only be
    One ending
    One end for me
    Unsure and shy
    It was easier not to try
    Now I'm feeling lost and old
    And that there's nowhere left to go
    I'm forever seeing
    Myself running
    Heading for the horizon
    Escaping, escaping
    The choices
    I have made
    I chose this place
    I chose this place
    Take Me Away
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  27. 16.
  28. hayallerimdeki adanin ve adanin sakini olan birisinin hikayesinin anlatildigi godspeed you black emperor agiti.arka plandaki sesin bir yunustan ciktigini hayal ederim.ilk baslarda o ve adanin sakini bu guzel yerde huzurun ne oldugunu anlamaktaydilar.yunus ilk baslarda sarki soylemeye baslar.ilk baslarda her sey huzurludur.daha sonra adaya rahatsiz edici kisiler gelir ve yunusun sarkisi artik haykirislara donusmustur.buna dayanmakta gucluk cekmektedir.gokdelenlerin,fabrikalarin,kamyonlarin oldugu yerlerden gelen insanlar burayi da dayanilmaz hale getirmeye baslamislardi.bu o kadar huzunluydu ki sanki dunya uzerinde kalan tek guzel yer orasiydi ve orayi da bitirmislerdi.belki beraber yasayabiliriz diye umut etmisti adanin sakini ama onlar farkliydi.onlar sahili uyumak icin degil,guzel manzarayi seyretmek icin degil oteller yapmak icin kullaniyorlardi.kumsallari asfaltladilar,agaclari yerle bir ettiler,yunusun ailesini hapsettiler yapay bir siz de aglamaktaydiniz bunlar olurken,muzik calarken,umursamazca bitmemesini istediniz sarkinin.o kadar guzeldi ki...
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  29. 15.
  30. criss'i ve savatage'ı bir kez daha özleten, insanı alıp götüren bir şarkı..

    "So lay back
    Call off the attack
    Cause if you look deep
    Dreams are nothing that I lack"
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  31. 14.
  32. savatage'in edge of thorns albümünün son şarkısı. akustiktir ve insana huzur veren bir şarkıdır. ve sözleri geliyor...

    Hey there you
    Way out there in the distance
    Can you hear me
    Are you there

    I know it's late
    So please forgive my persistence
    But I'm hanging
    Do you care

    So lay back
    Call off the attack
    Cause if you look deep
    Dreams are nothing that I lack
    And all I seek
    A final chance to speak
    And I would let the whole thing keep
    If I could just sleep

    Hey there you
    Way out there could you show me
    Just a signal
    Or a sign
    That after all
    All these years that you've known me
    And I'm not just killing time

    So lay back
    Call off the attack
    Cause if you look deep
    Dreams are nothing that I lack
    And all I seek
    A final chance to speak
    But I would let the whole thing keep
    If I could just sleep

    As I lay there late at night
    Building castles in the air
    Out of alibis and all those little lies
    And then I look inside
    And pray that I don't care

    I don't care

    I don't care

    Hey there you way out there in the distance
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  33. 13.
  34. azure ray in güzel bir parçası

    Fill these spaces up with days
    in my room you can go you can stay
    I can't sleep
    I can't speak to you
    I can't sleep
    Now these years locked on my drawer
    I'll open to see just to be sure
    I can't sleep
    I can't speak to you
    I can't sleep
    And so i'm reaching out for the one
    And so i've learned the meaning of the sun
    And all this like a message comes to shift my point of view
    And watching through my own light
    As it tints the shade of you
    Hold my wine hold it in
    Nobody's lost but nobody wins
    And I can't sleep
    I can't speak to you
    I can't sleep
    I cant sleep, I cant speak to you
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  35. 12.
  36. the black parade albümünde sonradan keşfettiğim muhteşem my chemical romance şarkısı.

    some say now suffer all the children,
    and walk away a saviour
    or a mad man and polluted
    from gutted institutions
    dont you breathe for me,
    undeserving of your sympathy
    'cus their aint no one way
    that im sorry for what i did!

    and through it all,
    and could you cry for me?
    'cus i dont feel bad about it,
    so shut your eyes,
    kiss me goodbye

    and sleep,
    just sleep,
    the hardest part is letting go off
    your dreams

    a drink, for the horror that i made,
    for the good guys and the bad guys,
    for the monsters that i bare
    three cheers for tyrany,
    unapologetic apathy,
    'cus their aint no way,
    that im coming back again

    and through it all,
    and could you cry for me?
    cause i dont feel about it,
    so shut your eyes,
    kiss me goodbye

    and sleep,
    just sleep,
    the hardest part,
    the awful things
    i've seen

    just sleep
    just sleep
    just sleep
    just sleep
    just sleep
    just sleep
    (lie down!)
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  37. 11.
  38. 10.
  39. "sleep off" şeklinde kullanıldığında şu anlama gelir:

    spend, waste, get rid of, etc. by sleeping, as "to sleep of a headache [one's vexation, etc.]"
    (uyuyarak (kötü, istenmeyen) bir şeyden kurtulmak)
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  40. 9.
  41. bilgisayar, televizyon vb. elektronik sistemlerde stand by modudur, ve enerji kullanabilme sinyalini* bekler. iea* standartina gore, herhangi bir elektronik aracin sleep modunda maksimum enerji tuketimi 1 watt olmalidir.
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  42. 8.
  43. marianne faithfull şarkısıdır. bir şaheserdir mükemmeldir.
    sözlerini verelim tam olsun.
    It is safe to sleep alone
    In a place no one knows
    And to seek life under stones
    In a place water flows.

    It is best to find in sleep
    The missing pieces that you lost
    Best that you refuse to weep
    Ash to ash, dust to dust.

    It is strange to sleep alone
    In a place no one knows
    Strange to shelter under stones
    In a place water flows.

    It is safe to walk with me
    Where you can read the sky and stars,
    Safe to walk upon the sea
    In my sleep we can go far.

    It is safe to sleep alone
    In a place no one knows
    And to shelter under stones
    In a place water flows.

    It is strange to sleep alone
    In a place no one goes,
    Strange to seek life under stones.
    In my sleep no one knows.
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  44. 7.
  45. godspeed you black emperor şarkısı.adının hakkını veren bu şarkı kaç gece uykuma eşlik etmiştir kim bilir.they don't sleep anymore on the beach diyo abi ağlak sesle ama sayesinde ben deniz kum güneş üçlemeli rüyalara dalıyorum
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