Birkaç gün önce takıldığım cafenin garson kızından öğrendiğim ve müptelası olduğum ne bileyim çok garip bir şarkı lan bu bebe'nin düşük sonucu kaybettiği çocuğuna yazdığı benim ise dinlerken o cafedeki garson kız aklıma geldiği tonuna aşık olunası parça.
bebe kürtaj yaptırdıktan sonra pişman olur ve kaybettiği bebeğine ithafen bu şarkıyı yazar. "Seni içimde hissetmek ne güzeldi." Dizesi ilk bakışta anlamsız gelse de asıl kasdettiği bebeğidir. Hüzün kokar bu şarkı ama asla bir ajitasyon değildir. Şimdilik hayatımın şarkısı, dinledikçe güç verir. Ayrıca sözlere eşlik etmek de çok keyiflidir.
Bu harika şarkının ingilizce çevirilmiş sözleri için ;
How to say that the tips of my bones
crack into a thousand pieces,
that all the plans in my life have crashed
now that everything was perfect.
And more than that,
you brainwashed me and they told me the weight
of this tiny body of mine
that has become a river
of this tiny body of mine
that has become a river.
It's hard for me to open the eyes
and I do it little by little,
should I no longer find you near
I'll keep your memory
as the best secret,
how sweet it was to have you inside.
There's a glimmer of light
in this darkness
to lend me peace.
Time calms everything,
the chaos and the calm,
time calms everything,
the chaos and the calm.
With me always
the peaceful voice of the sea,
breathing again the rain that will fall
over this body and will water
the flower that grows inside me,
and laughing again
and each day a moment to think of you again.
The peaceful voice of the sea,
in breathing again the rain that will fall
over this body and will water
the flower that grows inside me,
and laughing again
and each day a moment to think of you again.
How to say that it splits me in a thousand
the tips of my bones,
that all the plans in my life have crashed
now that everything was perfect.
And more than that,
you brainwashed me and they told me the weight
of this tiny body of mine
that has become a river
of this tiny body of mine
that has become a river.
With me always
the peaceful voice of the sea,
breathing again the rain that will fall
over this body and will water
the flower that grows inside me,
and laughing again
and each day a moment to think of you again.
The peaceful voice of the sea,
in breathing again the rain that will fall
over this body and will water
the flower that grows inside me,
and laughing again
and each day a moment to think of you again.