
entry8 galeri0
  1. ing. varlık yerine göre durum anlamına gelir.
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  4. kişilik anlamına da gelen ingilizce sözcük.
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  5. 4.
  6. led zeppelin'in 1976 yılında yayınlanmış albümü.
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  7. 5.
  8. 6.
  9. led zeppelin albümü. achilles' last stand gibi bir açılış şarkısına sahip olması albümü dinletmeye yeter de artar. kıymeti bilinmese de bence güzel bir albümdür.
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  10. 7.
  11. anathema'nın we're here because we're here (2010) albümündeki 06 numaralı parça. (bkz: lee douglas)'ın vokali, şarkıya başlıkta geçtiği üzere "ağıza sıçan" cinsten bir hava katmıştır.


    One has to come to terms with one's own mortality.
    And you can't really help people who are having problems with mortality,
    If you've got problems of your own.
    So you have to begin to sort things out,
    And I thought I had sorted things out until I saw this excerpt from this book,
    Of certainty I shall remember what it said:
    "Life is not the opposite of death. Death is the opposite of birth. Life is eternal."
    And I thought that it's the most profound words I have ever heard about that issue and it really put me in peace.
    (I felt it was a wonderful story.)
    And that's it.
    What else is there to say?
    Life is eternal.
    Surely the opposite of life is not the death, but life is eternal.
    There is no opposite.
    And so, what happens is, I suppose,
    (And isn't it a raging or outrageous)
    State of pure consciousness, stillness and silence?
    Yeah, what we are looking for now,
    We are searching for and we have been searching for,
    Now we've become closer it and now we know it's already there,
    Is there for ever to seek,
    It's there,
    And it's going be there,
    All the time,

    Only you can hear your life
    Only you can heal inside

    (Life is eternal...)

    edit: şarkı numarası.
    büdüt: lee douglas'a bakınız.
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  12. 8.
  13. led zeppelin'in en güzel albümlerinden belki de en güzeli. achilles last stand gibi bir şaheseri barındırması bile yeter. herhangibir grubun herhangibir albümünde olsaydı achilles last stand, şu anda methiyeler düzülmüş sayfarca entry girilmişti. ama konu led zeppelin olunca 8 entry ile hak ettiğini bulamamış albüm.
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