dönem kliplerinden birisinde, şarkının tam bir masterpiece tam bir şölen olmasından mütevellit kopuşlara yelken açmasıyla sonlardaki soloların etkisiyle dinleyicilerden bir kadının bakışlarından fazlaca mana çıkardığım eşsiz eser.
kadın şunu diyordu evet koptum fakat bu rock kültürü ve terbiyesi bizde zaten mevcut. sanki çok tepinirsem yakışık almaz, karizmam çizilir, evet o manidar bakışları atan ablamız artık babaanne olmuş torunlarına never let go dinletiyor.. umarım, yaşıyordur...
edit: youtube'daki malum klibin 5. dakikasının 25. saniyesindeki bakışlar bu müzik bizim kültürümüz, bizim olmazsa olmazımızdan kesitler sunuyor.
camel dinleme sebebi olabilecek şarkıdır. introsu benightedda opeth tarafından çakılmıştır ve ne doğaldır ki benighteddan daha güzeldir. hatta, kabaca tabirle, duyulmuş en güzel introdur.
camel'in ilk albümünde 5. sırada bulunan,6.26'lık ve camel'in yaptığı en güzel şarkıdır.
Crazy preachers of our doom
Telling us there is no room.
Not enough for all mankind
And the seas of time are running dry.
Don't they know it's a lie...
Man is born with the will to survive,
He'll not take no for an answer.
He will get by, somehow he'll try,
He won't take no, never let go, no...
I hear them talk about Kingdom Come,
I hear them discuss Armageddon...
They say the hour is getting late,
But I can still hear someone say,
This is not the way...
Can you lay your life down, so a stranger can live?
Can you take what you need, but take less than you give?
Could you close every day, without the glory and fame?
Could you hold your head high, when no-one knows your name?
That's how legends are made, at least that's what they say.
We say goodbye, but never let go.
We live, we die,
'coz you can't save every soul.
Gotta take every chance to,
show that you're the kinda man who;
Will never look back, never look down,
and never let go.
Can you lose everything, you ever had planned?
Can you sit down again, and play another hand?
Could you risk everything, for the chance of being alone?
Under pressure find the grace, or would you come undone?
That's how legends are made, at least that's what they say?
We say goodbye, but never let go.
We live, we die, 'coz you can't save every soul.
Gotta take every chance to, show that you're the kinda man who;
Will never look back, never look down,
and never let go.
Gotta take every chance to, show that you're the kinda man who;
Will never look back, never look down,
and never let go.
We say goodbye, but never let go.
We live, we die, 'but you can't save every soul.
Gotta take every chance to, show that you're the kinda man who;
Will never look back, never look down,
and never let go.
Will never look back, never look down,
and never let go