little girl in bloom

  1. 9.
  2. little girl in bloom
    with happy heart you wipe aside
    any sadness, sorrow or gloom
    tomorrow you'll be a blushing bride
    that loves her blushing groom

    little girl in bloom
    you watch the men play cricket
    from the window in your room
    see the ball go from bat to wicket
    pass away the afternoon

    little girl in bloom
    carries a secret
    the child she carries in her womb
    she feels something sacred
    she's gonna be a mammy soon

    when your daddy comes home
    don't tell him till alone
    when your daddy comes back
    go tell him the facts
    just relax and see how he's gonna react

    little girl in bloom
    all the clouds will go drifting by
    so sing your lullabying tune
    every word is in your eyes
    as you sit and softly croon

    little girl in bloom
    your love it fills the air
    with the scent of the sweetest, sweet perfume
    you feel so good you just don't care
    you're gonna be a mammy soon

    when your daddy comes home
    don't tell him till alone
    when your daddy comes back
    go tell him the facts
    just relax and see how he's gonna react

    enfes bir thin lizzy parçası.
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  3. 8.
  4. Yedinci harry potter kitabına dahil olan karakter.. filmde de rol alacakmış sanırım..
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  5. 11.
  6. 10.
  7. 7.
  8. gavurca.. çiçeği doğuran kadın..
    her seferinde diyorum ki;
    my freakshow will start tonight don't miss the right time
    hepsinde ıskalıyor, yakalayamıyor..
    little miss suntime
    arada kızıp da demese şöyle;
    the lord of darkness takes my soul
    and when i left the light
    it seems so easy
    everything is out of control
    güzel olacak ama yine de..
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  9. 6.
  10. pesimist ama güzel bir şarkı.
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  11. 5.
  12. 4.
  13. 3.
  14. sings a song...
    sounds like she's singing... ooo : )
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