megadeth'in endgame albümünün en gaz parçalarından sadece biri.
sözleri şöyledir:
It's time to take your last walk in this world before your journey begins underground.
Not before we torment you from here, sent straight to hell!
Shortest order in between.
Begging for mercy you're all alone, unable to handle the pressure.
Before its mortification!
Now let the torture begin!
Death by the Headcrusher
Head crusher!
Death by the Headcrusher!
Got a ripping torture device for those who fail interrogation,
The most painful technique ever known,
People search for the worst
The stuff that's in exploration.
Beaten, broken, in bloody wreck
Bagging hits off the waste its payback death
It's much too late.
Now let the torture begin!
Death by the Headcrusher
Head crusher!
Death by the Headcrusher!
On your knees, prisoners, take your positions
Place your face forward into the restraint
Your head slowly caves in from the compression
You'll faint to black out from the infernal pain
Way to stay as long as the sky is blue.
You'll see how to break it loose; try to make your way out.
When in doubt, cutting through like broken glass,
seeing through, impregnates the sky, battery clouds,
28 temmuz salı yani an itibariyle bu gün klibi çekilecek olan endgame albümünün ilk singleı.dave mustaine ve saz arkadaşları tüm ekibi toplayıp los angles a klip çekmeye gidiyorlarmış * ha birde klipte rol alacak 18 yaşını geçmiş megadeth hayranları arıyolarmış ilgilenenler için
ahanda buyrun burdan da kopi peyst olaraktan sözleri . . .
Its time to take your last walk in this world
before your journey begins underground.
Not before we torment you
from here, sent straight to hell!
Shortest order in between.
Begging for mercy youre all alone,
unable to handle the pressure.
Before its mortification!
Now let the torture begin!
Death from the Head crusher!
Head crusher!
Death from the Head crusher!
Got a ripping torture device.
for those who fail interrogation,
the most painful technique ever know,
people search for the worst
the stuff thats in exploration.
Beaten, broken, in bloody wreck
Adding insult to injury!
Heed the cast but its much too late
Now let the torture begin!
Death from the Head crusher!
Head crusher!
Death from the Head crusher!
On your knees prisoners take your positions
place your face forward into the restraint
your head slowly caves in from the compression
youll faint to black out from the infernal pain
Way to stay, as long as the sky is blue.
Youll see how to break it loose;
try to make your way out.
When in doubt, cutting through like broken glass,
seeing through, impregnates the sky,
battery clouds,
Theres Nothing You Can Do!
tüm dünyada ilk kez bu gün türkiye saatiyle 19:00da yayınlanan yepyeni megadeth şarkısı. ilk izlenimlerime göre ve taraflı yorumuma göre mükemmel olmuş lan oh yes. merak edenler aha bu linkten indirsin:
15 eylülde çıkacak olan yeni megadeth albümü endgameden yayınlanacak olan ilk single olarak seçilmiş şarkı. 7 temmuzda roadrunner records un resmi sitesinden beleşe indirilebilecekmiş haydi bakalım.
megadeth in ilk kez dün gece slayer ile çıktıkları dört konserlik kanada turnesinin (bkz: canadian carnage) ilk ayağı olan vancouver da çalmış olduğu yeni şarkısı
megadethin 12. stüdyo albümünde yer alıcak olan şarkılardan biri. ayrıca albümden yayınlanan ilk şarkı aynı zamanda. prodüktör andy sneap in yayınladığı 6 dakikalık viyodan dinlenebiliyormuş. ama dinlemek için megafanclub üyesi olmak gerekli.