1979 senesinde kurulmuş olan, spandau ballet adlı grubun, belki de en bilindik parçası olan, duyulduğu andan itibaren, ''aa, bak ben bu şarkıyı biliyodum sanki!'' dedirten hoş, tam 80'leri andıran şarkıdır, ki özellikle vokaldeki 'tony hadley'in sesi de, aşırı derecede, 'ben dave gahan'ım' demektedir..
sözleri de şöyledir efenim parçanın;
thank you for coming home
ım sorry that the chairs are all worn
ı left them here ı could have sworn
these are my salad days
slowly being eaten away
just another play for today
oh but ım proud of you,but ım proud of you
theres nothing left to make me feel small
luck has left me standing so tall
always believe in your soul
youve got the power to know
youre indestructable
always believe in,because you are
glad that youre bound to return
theres something ı could have learned
youre indestructable,always believe in
after the rush has gone
ı hope you find a little more time
remember we were partners in crime
ıts only two years ago
the man with the suit and the pace
you know that he was there on the case
now hes in love with you,hes in love with you
and my love is like a prison wall
but you could leave me standing so tall
always believe in your soul
youve got the power to know
youre indestructable
always believe in,because you are
glad that youre bound to return
theres something ı could have learned
youre indestructable, always believe in...
bir yazılımın ya da oyunun piyasaya çıkarkenki sürümü. diğer adı general availability release dir. kusursuz oldukları asla söylenemez ve zaten hiç bir firma da bunu düşünmez.
kesinlikle alışveriş yapılmaması gereken teknoloji mağazasıdır. ürününüz bozulduğunda ve geri götürdüğünüzde 2 dakkada sattıkları ürünün sağlamını almak için 2 ay bekleyebiliyorsunuz. tabi bu süreye değiştirdikleri ya da yaptık diye geri verdikleri ürünün yinelenen biçimde bozuk çıkması sebep olmaktadır. getir götür yaparken harcadığınız stres de cabası...
the once filminin muziklerinden biri olan sarkı, sözleri:
And I love her so
I wouldn't trade her for gold
I'm walking on moon beams
I was born with a silver spoon
And I'm gonna be free
I'm gonna be free
I'm walking on moon beams
and staring out to sea
and if a door close
then a road for home start building
and tear your curtains down
for sunlight is like gold
And you better be you
And do what you can do
When you're walking on moon beams
Staring out to sea
Cause if your skin was soil
How long do you think before they start digging
and if your life was gold
how long would you think you'd stay livin'?
sözü, müziği ve yorumuyla fergus o'farrell'dan dinlenmesi gereken insanın adeta mna kyn şarkıdır.
and i love her so
i wouldn't trade her for gold
i'm walking on moon beams
i was born with a silver spoon
and i'm gonna be free
i'm gonna be free
i'm walking on moon beams
and staring out to sea
and if a door close
then a road for home start building
and tear your curtains down
for sunlight is like gold
and you better be you
and do what you can do
when you're walking on moon beams
staring out to sea
cause if your skin was soil
how long do you think before they start digging
and if your life was gold
how long would you think you'd stay livin'?
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