the death of khadija left muhammad lonely, and, before he left for medina, it was suggested to him that he marry sawda bint zama, who had suffered many hardships after she became a muslim. muhammad married her in shawwal, when she was about 55 years old, in the tenth year of prophethood, after the death of khadijah. prior to that, she was married to a paternal cousin of hers called as-sakran bin amr. at about the same period, aisha (daughter of his close friend abu bakr) was betrothed to muhammad.[11] aisha was initially betrothed to jubayr ibn mut'im, a muslim whose father, though pagan, was friendly to the muslims. when khawla bint hakim suggested that muhammad marry aisha after the death of muhammad's first wife (khadijah bint khuwaylid), the previous agreement regarding marriage of aisha with ibn mut'im was put aside by common consent.[11]
as life became unbearable for him, muhammad migrated to medina. because of meccan attempts at his life muhammad traveled only with abu bakr and the rest of his family traveled in stages. his wife sawda and his daughters fatimah and umm kulthum traveled with zayd ibn harithah, while his other wife aisha travelled with her brother 'abd ar-rahman ibn abi bakr. regarding his other daughters: zainab's husband prevented her from migrating, and ruqayyah was with her husband uthman ibn affan in abyssinia and migrated much later.[12]
aisha was six or seven years old when betrothed to muhammad. she stayed in her parents' home until the age of nine, when the marriage was consummated in medina.[13][11][14][15] both aisha and sawda, his two wives, were given apartments adjoined to the al-masjid al-nabawi mosque.[12] muhammad wished to divorce sawda, who offered to give her turn of muhammad's conjugal visit to aisha to prevent this, and the incident is referred to in the qur'an 4:127.[16]
[11]^ a b c d e f g h i watt, "aisha bint abu bakr", encyclopaedia of islam online
[13]^ barlas (2002), p.125-126
[14]^ sahih al-bukhari 5:58:234, 5:58:236, 7:62:64 7:62:65,7:62:88, sahih muslim 8:3309, 8:3310,8:3311,sunnan abu dawud 41:4915, 41:4917
[15]^ tabari, volume 9, page 131; tabari, volume 7, page 7