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dokuzuncu nesil yazar 1 takipçi 0.60 ulupuan

    before today

  1. ariel pink's haunted graffiti adlı grubun 2010 yılında çıkan ve pitchfork'tan tam puan alan albümü. parça listesi aşağıdaki gibidir.

    1. hot body rub
    2. bright lit blue skies
    3. l'estat (acc. to the widow's maid)
    4. fright night (nevermore)
    5. round and round
    6. beverly kills
    7. butt-house blondies
    8. little wig
    9. can't hear my eyes
    11.menopause man
    12.revolution's a lie
    0 ...
  2. moon song

  3. tremolo e. p. albümünden bir my bloody valentine parçası.

    yukarıya yükseltir.

    hold me close
    i hate you the most
    when you are the only one
    (never could) forgotten one
    i can hear you dear
    i wish that i was never born
    when you are the only one

    you come to me
    (thoughts that) i can't see
    you're never real
    you're pretend to me
    when i'm with you
    i don't know what to do
    don't come back soon
    i don't want you to
    when you are the only one

    hold my hand
    but understand
    you are the hated one
    and you are the only one
    you can look
    and you can touch
    that's why it's never fun
    when you are the only one

    if they could see
    what you have done to me
    you will not be the only one
    you come back soon
    breaking up the room
    and soon you'll be the forgotten one
    and (to her) the only one
    only one
    (now you'll be) forgotten one
    0 ...
  4. paavoharju

  5. genel olarak psychedelic folk, experimental, ambient gibi türlerde eserler veren finlandiyalı grup.
    pimeankarkelo en güzellerinden.
    0 ...
  6. © 2025 uludağ sözlük