"kadıköy kısa" başlığı altında ilki düzenlenecek olan 1. kadıköy kısa film festivali, 02-03-04 haziran 2006 günleri içinde kadikoyweb.com tarafından, caddebostan kültür merkezi (ckm) işbirliği ile gerçekleştirilecektir.
"kadıköy kısa"organizasyonun amacı, ulusal kurumların en iyi seçkileriyle, yabancı ülkelerin en iyi seçkilerini biraraya getirmek ve izleyiciyle buluşturmaktır.
etkinliklerimiz 3 gün boyunca halka açık ve tüm etkinlikler ücretsiz gerçekleşecektir.
programda her bir ülke seçkileri için ayrı bir seans düzenlenmiştir. her seans toplamda 1.30 saattir.
"maynard james keenan" denen üstün insanın dudaklarından dökülen en şahane şerkı budur işte.. "undertow" albümünden bir "tool" şarkısı.. bir de klibi vardır ki onu anlatmaya kelimeler yetmez..
there`s a shadow just behind me
shrouding every step ı take
making every promise empty
pointing every finger at me
waiting like a stalking buttler
who upon the finger rests
murder now, the pattern called "must we"
just because the son has come
jesus,wont you fucking whistle ?
something but the past and done
jesus, wont you fucking whistle
something but the past and done
why can`t we not be sober?
ı just want to start this over
and why can`t we drink forever?
ı just want to start this over
ı am just a worthless liar
ı am just an imbecile
ı will only complicate you
trust in me and fall as well
ı will find a centre in you
ı will chew it up and leave
ı will work to elevate you
just enough to bring you down
mother mary, won`t you whisper?
something but what`s past and done
mother mary, won`t you whisper?
something but what`s past and done
why can`t we not be sober?
ı just want to start this over
and why can`t we sleep forever?
ı just want to start this over
and why?
ı am just a worthless liar
ı am just an imbecile
ı will only complicate you
trust in me and fall as well
ı will find a centre in you
ı will chew it up and leave
trust me
trust me
trust me
trust me
trust me
why can`t we not be sober?
ı just want to start things over
and why can`t we sleep forever?
ı just want to start this over
and why?
ı want it when ı want it
ı want it when ı want it
ı want it when ı want it
ı want it when ı want it
it took so long to remember just what happened.
i was so young and vestal then,
you know it hurt me,
but im breathing so i guess im still alive
even if signs seem to tell me otherwise.
i`ve got my hands bound,
my head down , my eyes closed,
and my throat wide open.
do unto others what has been done to you
i`m treading water,
i need to sleep a while.
my lamb and martyre, you look so precious.
won`t you come a bit closer,
close enough so i can smell you.
i need you to feel this,
i can`t stand to burn too long.
released in this sodomy.
for one sweet moment i am whole.
do unto you now what has been done to me.
youre breathing so i guess youre still alive
even if signs seem to tell me otherwise.
won`t you come just a bit closer,
close enough so i can smell you.
i need you to feel this.
i need this to make me whole.
there`s release in this sodomy.
for i am your witness that
blood and flesh can be trusted.
and only this one holy medium brings me piece of mind.
got your hands bound, your head down,
your eyes closed.
you look so precious now.
i have found some kind of temporary sanity in this
shit blood and cum on my hands.
i`ve come round full circle.
my lamb and martyr, this will be over soon.
you look so precious.
a perfect circlenin mer de noms albümünden şahane bir şarkı.. belki de en güzel şarkıları hatta..
my reflection wraps and pulls me under
healing waters to be bathed in brena
guide me safely in
worlds i`ve never been to
heal me heal me
my dear brena
so vulverable
but it`s all right
heal me heal me
my dear brena
show me lonely and
show me openings to
lead me closer to you
my dear brena
so vulnerable
but it`s all right opening to heal