Kürek sporu jargonunda numara yapan kürekçiye denir. Ne numarası diye soracak olursanız, malum kürek zor bir branştır. Çekilen her kürek sizi daha da yorar. Bir teknede birden fazla kürekçinin bulunduğu kategorilerde, "nasılsa kimse anlamaz elimdeki küreğe ne kadar güç verdiğimi biraz dinleneyim bari" diye düşünüp bunu uygulayanlara kaşıkçı denir.
Amerikalı müzik grubu The Cheers'in 1955 yılına ait parçası.
he wore black denim trousers and motorcycle boots
and a black leather jacket with an eagle on the back
he had a hopped-up 'cicle that took off like a gun
that fool was the terror of highway 101
well, he never washed his face and he never combed his hair
he had axle grease imbedded underneath his fingernails
on the muscle of his arm was a red tattoo
a picture of a heart saying mother, i love you
he had a pretty girlfriend by the name of mary lou
but he treated her just like he treated all the rest
and everybody pitied her and everybody knew
he loved that doggone motorcycle best
he wore black denim trousers and motorcycle boots
and a black leather jacket with an eagle on the back
he had a hopped-up 'cicle that took off like a gun
that fool was the terror of highway 101
brief instrumental interlude
mary lou, poor girl, she pleaded and she begged him not to leave
she said i've got a feeling if you ride tonight i'll grieve
but her tears were shed in vain and her every word was lost
in the rumble of an indian and the smoke from his exhaust
spoken then he took off like the devil and there was fire in his eyes
he said i'll go a thousand miles before the sun can rise. but he hit a
screamin' diesel
that was california-bound sung and when they cleared the wreckage, all
they found
was his black denim trousers and motorcycle boots
and a black leather jacket with an eagle on the back
but they couldn't find the 'cicle that took off like a gun
and they never found the terror of high way 101