281 (zehir gibi)
dördüncü nesil yazar 1 takipçi 11.10 ulupuan

    cicekli bahcenin yollarinda kosmak

  1. daha dun annemizin kollarinda ya$arken,bugun okullu olduk gotumuz kalkti diye gercekle$tirdigimiz eylem.
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  2. bring up

  3. zynga

  4. seyahat jurnali

  5. direktor ali bey tarafindan yazilmi$,yayinlanmi$ ilk gunluk ornegi.
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  6. crushing day

  7. mountain song

  8. joe satriani'nin strange beautiful music albumunden biraz kiyida ko$ede kalmi$,guzel bir parca.
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  9. mind storm

  10. come on up

  11. seinfeld'de jerry seinfeld'in asagidan zile basildiginda soyledigi,yukari gel anlamindaki soz.

    -who is it?
    +it is george.
    -come on up.
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  12. zurg

  13. buzz lightyear'in ezeli du$mani ayni zamanda babasi olan toy story 2 karakteri.$ekil ve ses itibariyle darth vader'a benzer.
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  14. light year

  15. hudson hornet

  16. 1951-1954 yillari arasinda uretilmi$ hudson modeli.

    (bkz: doc hudson)
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  17. doc hudson

  18. 3 piston cup kazanmi$,bir sezondaki en fazla galibiyet rekoruna sahip* cars karakteri.1951 model bir hudson hornetdir.
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  19. buzz lightyear

  20. kendini space ranger sanan,komik,woody'nin en iyi dostu olan toy story karakteri.

    (bkz: to infinity and beyond)
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  21. woody

  22. tom hanks tarafindan seslendirilmi$, buzz lightyear'in kankasi,batinin en acimasiz kovboyu olan toy story karakteri.

    (bkz: there's a snake in my boot)
    (bkz: somebody's poisoned the waterhole)
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  23. to infinity and beyond

  24. devil went down to georgia

  25. charlie daniels band'in million mile reflections albumunden muhte$em bir parca.

    the devil went down to georgia, he was looking for a soul to steal
    he was in a bind 'cos he was way behind: he was willin' to make a deal
    when he came across this young man sawin' on a fiddle and playin' it hot
    and the devil jumped upon a hickory stump and said: "boy let me tell you what:
    "i bet you didn't know it, but i'm a fiddle player too"
    "and if you'd care to take a dare, i'll make a bet with you"
    "now you play a pretty good fiddle, boy, but give the devil his due:"
    "i bet a fiddle of gold against your soul, 'cos i think i'm better than you."
    the boy said: "my name's johnny and it might be a sin,"
    "but i'll take your bet, your gonna regret, 'cos i'm the best that's ever been."

    johnny you rosin up your bow and play your fiddle hard.
    'cos hells broke loose in georgia and the devil deals it hard.
    and if you win you get this shiny fiddle made of gold.
    but if you lose, the devil gets your soul.

    the devil opened up his case and he said: "i'll start this show"
    and fire flew from his fingertips as he resined up his bow
    and he pulled the bow across his strings and it made an evil hiss
    then a band of demons joined in and it sounded something like this
    when the devil finished, johnny said: "well you're pretty good ol' son"
    "but if you'll sit down in that chair, right there, and let me show you how its done"

    fire on the mount'n, run boys, run
    the devil's in the house of the risin' sun
    chicken in the bread pin, pickin' out dough
    "granny, does your dog bite?"
    "no, child, no."

    the devil bowed his head because he knew that he'd been beat
    he laid that golden fiddle on the ground at johnny's feet
    johnny said: "devil just come on back if you ever want to try again
    "i told you once, you son of a bitch, i'm the best that's ever been"

    and he played fire on the mount'n, run boys, run
    the devil's in the house of the risin' sun
    chicken in the bread pin pickin' out dough
    "granny, does your dog bite?"
    "no, child, no."
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  26. belonging

  27. keith jarrett ve jan garbarek'in 1974 yilinda kaydettikleri jazz albumu.albumde bulunan sarkilar:

    spiral dance
    long as you know you're living yours
    the windup
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  28. spiral dance

  29. trash can

  30. acid 2

  31. turnip head

  32. charlie'nin aaron'a taktigi lakap. (bkz: lost)

    (bkz: $algam kafa)
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  33. winner winner chicken dinner

  34. gavurlarin herhangi bir oyunu(kumar) kazandiklarinda soyledikleri soz. (bkz: winner winner chicken in the dinner)

    efsaneye gore seneler once las vegas'da her gazino'da 3 parca tavuk,patates'in bulundugu yemek $1.79'mi$.standart iddia onceden $2'mi$.bu yuzden iddiayi kazanirsan ak$am yemegine yetecek kadar kazanmi$ oluyormu$sun. (bkz: urban) (bkz: slang)

    (bkz: 21)
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  35. monster cock

  36. gavurlarin kol gibi diye tabir edilen penise verdikleri isim.

    (bkz: cinsel icerikli entry girerken utanmak)
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  37. i fuck myself

  38. memo tembelcizer'in karikaturunde t-shirt'unde bulunan yazi.
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  39. uther lightbringer

  40. anybody home

  41. ing. "evde kimse var mi?" anlaminda kullanilan soru cumlesi.
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  42. macide

  43. $an ve $eref sahibi anlaminda arapca kokenli bir kadin ismi.
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  44. eden project

  45. cornwall'da bulunan, icinde farkli iklimlerden binlerce bitkinin bulundugu,2001 yilinda acilmi$ biodome.
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  46. ice rink

  47. uzerinde buz pateni yapilabilen, buz hokeyi oynanabilen alana verilen ingilizce isim.
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  48. alert

  49. daha fazla entry yükleniyor...
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