can dündar'a en iyi cevabı vermiş olan örnek bir türk genci. can dündar'a yazdığı mektup şöyledir;
Ben Bilkent Universitesi Bilgisayar Muhendisliği bolumunde yuksek lisans yapmakta olan bir oğrenciyim. Adım Ateş Akaydın. Ataturk ille ilgili yaptığınız belgeseli uzulerek soyluyorum hic beğenmedim. Ozetle belgeselde rahatsiz oldugum konular şunlar: Oncelikle, Vahdettin'in Ataturku bilinci olarak vatani kurtarmasi icin Samsun'a gonderdiği konusundaki iddia halen tartışılan,temelsiz ve acık soyleyim Fethullah taraftarları ve Osmanli sevdalilari tarafindan sIklikla dile getirilen bir goruştur. Boyle bir konuya belgeselinizin son derece taraflı yaklaşması kanimca cok uzucudur. Bilakis Vahdettin Ataturk icin tutuklama ve idam karari cıkartılmasına on ayak olmuş biridir. Ikinci olarak, Mustafa Kemal'i Ataturk yapan ve en buyuk savaşlardan biri çanakkale savaşına son derece az yer verilirken, Ataturk'un ozel hayatina,ozellikle Madame Corinne'e yazdiği mektuplara gereksiz derecede cok yerverilmistir. Belgeselinizde Ataturk'un yuksek idealleri ve amaclari etrafindasekillenmek yerine, Ataturk'un aldigi - ve kanimca alinmasi Cumhuriyetimizicin hayati zorunluluk teskil eden - kimi kararları Ataturk'un kişiliğinezarar verecek şekilde kullanmanız kabul edilemez. Ozellikle Ataturk'un Ankara Meclisinin acılması sırasında takiyye yaptiğini ima eder şekildeki aciklamalariniz, Ataturk'un Lenin kozunu oynadiğini dile getirirken ustune vura vura musluman ve komunist yoldaşlarım şeklinde ifadelerin gectiği gazete kupurlerine ozellikle yer vermeniz, uslupacisindan cok uzucudur ve kullandiginiz ifadeler de Ataturk'umuzu dinsizbir komunist gibi gostermektedir. Bu olaylar ile ilgili gercekler,maksatlar ve yontemler ayirt edilebilir şekilde ve duzgun bir uslup ile sunulabilirdi ama siz bundan gordugum kadariyla kacinmissiniz. Ataturk'un not defterindeki, kendisinin iktidara gelmesi halinde bir darbe ile ve zorla sistemi baştan aşagıya değiştirecegi konusundaki ifadelerinpek cok kere vurgulanmiş olmasi,Terakkiperver Cumhuriyet Fırkasınınliderleri ve silah arkadasları nı idama gondermiş olması ya da onları bastırmış olması, Mussolini'nin ressamina bir portresini yaptırmıs olmasına ve ressamin yorumlarina ozellikle yer verilmesi ve Avrupada kimigazeteler tarafından bir diktator olarak nitelendirilmesine ozellikle yer verilmis olması bence Ataturk'un kişiliğine hakarettir. Yine ayni donemdeki gazeteler Ataturk'un dunya tarihinde bin yilda bir gorulen bir dahi oldugunu beyan etmektedir. Ve sizin calismaniz, Ataturk'un butun dunyanin kabul ettigi bir dahi ve gercek bir lider oldugunu adeta saklamak ister bicimde secilmis gazete kupurleriyle doludur. Bunlar Ataturkumuzu sanki bir diktator gibi gostermektedir! Size soruyorum sayin Dundar sizŞeriatla ve Faşizmle yonetilen bir ulkede Cumhuriyeti getirmeyi başaran,kadınları sosyal hayata katan, nerdeyse hic okuma yazma bilmeyen bir halkı10 sene gibi kısa bir surede okuma yazma bilir hale getiren kac tanediktator gordunuz? Medeniyet icin gerekli yol ve yordamları lutfendiktatorlukle karistirmayiniz. Siz Terakkiperver Cumhuriyet Fırkası'nın irticai faliyetlerinden bahsettiniz mi? Kubilay olayindan ve Ataturkegonlunu vermis diger kemalistlerden bahsettiniz mi? Gercekten birdiktatorluk ve faşizm ornegi gormek istiyorsaniz lutfen bir iran'a bakinbir Misir'a bakin, Afganistan'a, Pakistan'a bakin. Ve hatta hatta ozellikle AKP iktidariyla birlikte son donem Turkiye'sine bakin. Hele hele Turkiyemizde Ergenekon gibi eşi kara carşaflı ve kendisi imamhatipli olan ve adı yolsuzluklara bulaşmış bir savcının yonettiği bir davavarken, Ataturkcu dusunce derneginin uyeleri, profesorler, emeklikomutanlar, Cumhuriyet gazetesi yazarlari, Cumhuriyet mitingleriniorganize edenler, Cumhuriyetle yaşit olan insanlar ve halkin bilinclenmesine gercekten yardım eden insanlar haklarindaki suclama bilenetlik kazanmadan ve onlara bildirilmeden tutuklanirken, ceza evlerinde olume terkedilirken ve DARBECILIKLE suclanirken, sizin cikip da Ataturk'e DARBECI demeniz igrenc ve acıklı bir benzetme olsa gerek! Turkiye'nin her gun PKK teroru yuzunden sehit verdigi gunumuzde, ulke iç savaşın ve bolunmenin eşiğine gelmişken, o kadar sacmalıkla doldurdugunuz belgeselinizin arasında sanki cok gerek varmiş gibi 'Ataturk de Kurtlere Ozerklik verilmesi ile ilgili konusmustu' gibi ifadeler kullaniyor olmaniz yangina benzinle gitmek demek degil de nedir sayin Dundar? Sizin belgeseliniz vizyona girdigi sırada farkında mısınız ki mecliste DTPliler guzelim ulkemi 25 parcaya bolebilmek icin uğraşmaktaydı? Ataturk'un gunde bir şişe raki bitiren, sarhoş ve yalniz bir adam olarak nitelenmiş olması ve devletin onemli meselelerinin tartisildigi ve Cumhuriyetin coşkusunun yaşandığı Ataturk'un sofrasinin bayagi ve sıkıcı olarak gosterilmesi de ayrı bir konu... Sayin Sureyya Ciliv'in ve Turkcell'in sponsorlugunuzu yapmaktan vazgecmiş olmasına şaşmamak gerek. Zaten bu karar bile nasil bir manzara ile karşilaşacagimizi işin en başindan haber vermişti. Zaten size olsa olsa 'Bizim Universitemizde Ataturk'ü bile eleştirebilirsiniz' diyen vakıf universiteleri sponsor olabilirdi ve oldu. Sonuc olarak ben bu belgeseli izledikten sonra sizi gercekten cok ayipladim. Siz benim eskiden tanidiğim Can Dundar olmaktan cıkmışsınız. Bu yapim kanimca sadece iki maksatla yapilmiş olabilir diye dusunuyorum. Yasiz Cumhuriyet'in ve Kemalizm'in ilkelerine ters dusup fethullahcilarin,yobazların ve boluculerin ekmegine yag surer bir hale geldiniz ya da entellektuel anlamda Turkiye'de vatan sevdasini, Ataturk sevdasini yitirmis kimi sanatcilar ve yazarlar gibi doğru bilinen ve kabuledilen degerlere radikal ve uygunsuz bir şekilde ters duşuyor olmanin sanat olduğunu dusunmeye başladiniz. Şahsen ben Turkiye'nin ikinci bir Orhan Pamuk'a ihtiyacı olduğunu duşunmuyorum. Şayet size Ataturk'umuze diktator diyen O Avrupadan ya da O Amerikadan birkac ay icinde 'Mustafa' dan oturu oduller yağmaya başlarsa lutfen bu dediklerimi hatirlayiniz ve ozellikle Şevket Sureyya Aydemir'in 'TekAdam''ini Ataturk'un 'Nutuk''unu tekrar ve bu sefer anlayarak okuyunuz ve Mustafa'ya Ataturk demeyi ogreniniz! Vakit ayirdiginiz icin tesekkur ederim.
perfect little dream the kind that hurts the most
forgot how it feels well almost
no one to blame always the same
open my eyes wake up in flames
it took you to make me realize
it took you to make me realize
it took you to make me realize
it took you to make me see the light
smashed up my sanity
smashed up my integrity
smashed up what i believed in
smashed up what's left of me
smashed up my everything
smashed up all that was true
gonna smash myself to pieces
i don't know what else to do
covered in hope and vaseline
still cannot fix this broken machine
watching the hole it used to be mine
just watching it burn in my steady systematic decline
of the trust i will betray
give it to me i throw it away
after everything i've done i hate myself for what i've become
Turn your radios up
You are now allowed to listen to the radio
The real niggers are back, on the radio
No slacking
no begging, no asking
no fasting
No disrespect to Islam
or Imam
or pastor
No answers
to questions the media is asking
Why we fight each other in public
in front of these arrogant fascists?
They love it
Putting old niggers versus the youngest
Most of our elders failed us
How can they judge us
There's verbal books published by niggers
Produced by niggers
genuine niggers
so I salute my
Not mad cuz Eminem said nigger
cuz he's my nigger
cracker friend
We all black within
we all African
Some Africans don't like us? no way!
A killing happened in Johannesburg, yesterday
Slain artist named Lucky Dube
some saying N double-A-C-P
keep us side-tracked
But I don't buy that
I buy Aston Martins
faster cars than
NASA-Car's and
while riding
eat a dick
see I'm rich
With this N-word jargon
I'm just starting
I'm a nigger
he's a nigger
she's a nigger
we some niggers
wouldn't you like to be a nigger too?
To all my kike niggas
spic niggers
Guinea niggers
chink niggers
that's right, y'all my niggers too
I'm a nigger
he's a nigger
she's a nigger
we some niggers
wouldn't you like to be a nigger too?
They like to strangle niggers
blaming niggers
shooting niggers
hanging niggers
still you wanna be a nigger too?
Wake up in the morning, shake my third leg in the toilet
oozie on the night stand
I'm the man you go to war with
Not the man you go to war against
I'll get you
if that means I can't sleep a whole year, I'mma get you
I'm official
Not a tisket or a tasket
I'll put you in the casket
With the biscuit or the ratchet
They smoke hibiscus ...
That plant shit trees
advance shit we
Don't forsake us
you all are fake bloods like movie makers
I flow tight as Toothie's braces
Who be hating us?
I'll be on a State bus
in shackles if my 8 bust
Cuz y'all some tellers, opposite of bankers
I'm the shit for ages
My click's still real QB gangsters
Click still moving like Freemasons
So if I'm in on the floor
for the law
There's lodgers
all across
the nation
NaS is bred for the plan
To hold a grand dragon's head in my hand
Come and get me, here I am
I'm a nigger
he's a nigger
she's a nigger
we some niggers
wouldn't you like to be a nigger too?
To all my kike niggas
spic niggers
Guinea niggers
chink niggers
that's right, y'all my niggers too
I'm a nigger
he's a nigger
she's a nigger
we some niggers
wouldn't you like to be a nigger too?
They like to strangle niggers
blaming niggers
shooting niggers
hanging niggers
still you wanna be a nigger too?
If I were a boy
even just for a day
I'd roll out of bed in the morning
and throw on what I wanted and go
Drink beer with the guys
and chase after girls
I'd kick it with who I wanted
and I'd never get confronted for it
cause they stick up for me
If I were a boy
I think I could understand
How it feels to love a girl
I swear I'd be a better man
I'd listen to her
Cause I know how it hurts
When you lose the one you wanted
Cause he's taking you for granted
And everything you had got destroyed
If I were a boy
I would turn off my phone
Tell everyone it's broken
so they'd think that I was sleeping alone
I’d put myself first
and make the rules as I go
Cause I know that she’ll be faithful,
waiting for me to come home, to come home.
If I were a boy
I think I could understand
How it feels to love a girl
I swear I'd be a better man
I'd listen to her
Cause I know how it hurts
When you lose the one you wanted
Cause he's taking you for granted
And everything you had got destroyed
It's a little too late for you to come back
Say it's just a mistake,
think i'd forgive you like that
If you thought I would wait for you
you thought wrooong
But you're just a boy
You don't understand
and you don't understand, ohhhh
How it feels to love a girl
Someday you wish you were a better man
You don't listen to her
You don't care how it hurts
Until you lose the one you wanted
Cause you're taking her for granted
And everything you had got destroyed
Dying inside cause
I can't stand it
Make or break up
Can't take this madness
We don't even
Really know why
All I know is baby
I try and try so hard
To keep our love alive
If you dont' know me
At this point
Then I highly
Doubt you ever will
I really need you
To give me
That unconditional love
I used to feel
It's no mistaking
We're just erasing
From our hearts
And minds
And I know we said let go
But I kept on hanging on
Inside I know it's over
You're really gone
It's killing me
Cause there ain't nothing
That I can do
I stay in love with you
And I keep on
Telling myself
That you'll come
Back around
And I try to front
Like "oh well"
Each time you let me down
See I can't get over you now
No matter what I do
But baby, baby
I stay in love with you
Na, na, na, na, na
Na, na, na, na
Na, na, na, na, na
Na, na, na, na, na
Na, na, na, na, na
Na, na, na
I stay in love with you
It cuts so deep
It hurts down to my soul
My friends tell me
I ain't the same no more
We still need each other
When we stumble and fall
How we gon' act
Like what we had
Ain't nothin' at all now
What I wanna do is
Ride shotgun next to you
With the top down
Like we used to
Hit the block
Proud in the SUV
We both know
Our heart is breaking
Can we learn
From our mistakes
I can't last
One moment alone
Now go I know
We said let go
But I kept on hanging on
Inside I know it's over
You're really gone
It's killing me
Cause there ain't nothing
That I can do
I stay in love with you
And I keep on
Telling myself
That you'll come
Back around
And I try to front
Like "oh well"
Each time you let me down
See I can't get over you
Now no matter what I do
Baby, baby
I stay in love with you
We said let go
But I kept on hanging on
Inside I know it's over
You're really gone
It's killing me
Cause there ain't nothing
That I can do
I stay in love with you
And I keep on
Yelling myself
That you'll come
Back around
And I try to front
Like "oh well"
Each time you let me down
See I can't get over you
Now no matter what I do
But baby, baby
I stay in love with you
I believe in never let my strip get hotter
Than something I can get out of
One that heats up on me
I told 'em this would be a once time dance
Meaning one time chance
After I said that, oh
That's when he got close to me
All the other music stopped but the violin
Conversation, one dance,
sip a bottle of the best
Now I'm asking myself
"what has he done to me?"
This can't turn into love, no
The rose petals were all in the air
Just might need that firetruck
To come and get me
Dip me in water
'Cause this boy's fire
It's got a hold of me
Can't say I don't want it
'Cause he really put it on me
In a way that I don't know
If I'm going or coming
Dip me in water
'Cause this boy's fire
It's got a hold of me
Didn't have to know from your body
Put it on me
Not just physically but mentally, andale, on me
Gotta call a cab
If I don't need gonna have me
With every young stunna
in the hood wanna have me
Uh, so much of him
I couldn't surrender
'Cause I know where
this could end up
And with that right now I can't play
I know I drive him loco
But that's just the way
You make a mama's hips go
This can't turn into love, no
The rose petals were all in the air
Just might need that firetruck
To come and get me
Dip me in water
'Cause this boy's fire
It's got a hold of me
Can't say I don't want it
'Cause he really put it on me
In a way that I don't know
If I'm going or coming
Dip me in water
'Cause this boy's fire
It's got a hold of me
Didn't have to know from your body
Put it on me
Not just physically but mentally, andale, on me.
step back, gonna come at you fast
I'm driving out of control
and getting ready to crash
won't stop shaking up what i can
i serve it up in a shot
so suck it down like a man
so baby yes i know what i am
and no i don't give a damn
and you'll be lovin it
some days I'm a Super Bitch
up to my old tricks
but it won't last forever
next day I'm your Super Girl
out to save the world
and it keeps gettin better
kiss kiss gonna tell you right now
i make it sweet on the lips
and simply knock you out
and shut up i don't care what you say
cause when we're both in the ring
you're gonna like it my way
yeah baby there's a villain in me
so sexy sour and sweet
and you'll be lovin it
some days I'm a Super Bitch
up to my old tricks
but it won't last forever
next day I'm your Super Girl
out to save the world
and it keeps gettin better
hold on
it keeps gettin better
hold on
it keeps gettin better
in the blink of an eye
in the speed of light
I'll hold the universe up
and make your planets collide
when i strap on my boots
and i slip on my suit
you see the vixen in me
becomes an angel for you
some days I'm a Super Bitch
up to my old tricks
but it won't last forever
next day I'm your Super Girl
out to save the world
and it keeps gettin better
some days I'm a Super Bitch
up to my old tricks
but it won't last forever
next day I'm your Super Girl
out to save the world
and it keeps gettin better
hold on
it keeps gettin better
hold on
it keeps gettin better