244 (ilaç gibi)
yedinci nesil yazar 1 takipçi 24.90 ulupuan

    aline riscado

  1. it s the chemicals

  2. inspired flight'a ait kanımca gayet olmuş bir parça.

    "Come and lay, I'll kiss you on the eyelids,
    then we'll sleep and dream good things.
    Don't you know it is just the chemicals
    in our brain that cause us pain?"
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  3. the runner

  4. kings of leon'un ruhun gıdası müziklerine yalnızca bir örnek.

    Hard times as we go
    We know what times will change
    I talked to Jesus
    Jesus says I'm okay

    Pushin' and jumpin'
    Jumpin' the mountain range
    And in a railroad
    Railroad from Hell to Maine

    While she says she's on her own
    I'll be pacin' on the phone
    Sneakin' on the train come back

    Awful sick and tired of the gang
    She comes from nothing
    Hopin' for a taste of fame
    She's got a birthmark
    A birthmark the shape of Maine

    While she says she's on her own
    I'll be pacin' on the phone
    Sneakin' on the train come back

    Awful sick and tired of the gang
    And it's cold and it's cold and it's cold when you're near
    Cold when you're near any bottle
    Cold and it's cold and it's cold when you're near
    Cold when you're near any bottle

    Hard times as we go
    We know where times will change
    I talk to Jesus
    Jesus everyday
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  5. fisher and sons

  6. six feet under adlı dizide ailenin işlettiği cenaze evinin adıdır.
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  7. frames

  8. hannover den çıkma alman post rock grubu.
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  9. eits

  10. buyaka

  11. beautiful lies

  12. bol gazlı b-complex şarkısı, The Asgard Project in sonunda jenerikte çalar kendisi.
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  13. hoffmann ın masalları

  14. les contes d hoffmann

  15. Hoffmann'ın masalları adıyla geçtiğimiz günlerde kadıköy Süreyya Opera Sahnesinde gösterilen Jacques Offenbach eseri opera. kendisi 3 perde olup bunların haricinde bir prologla açılıp, kısa bir epilogla son bulmakta. olay bahtsız hoffmann ın aşk hikayeleri etrafında dönüyor. hayatımda izlediğim ilk opera olarak memnun bıraktı beni kendisi. biraz alışmamışlık olduğundan ve de 3 saati aşan bir süreye sahip olmasından dolayı zaten yorgun olan beni o güzel aryalar eşliğinde ara ara uyutmaya kalktıysa da, opera genelinde dikkatimi cezbetmiştir.

    la vita e bella da filmde gidilen opera bizzat bu operadır. o sahnede çalan harika müzik* de oyunun 2. kısmında huzur içinde dinlenebilir.
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  16. rosenbergler ölmemeli

  17. bu ay 8-12 üsküdar musahipzade celal sahnesinde, 22-26 arasında harbiye mushin ertuğrul sahnesinde gosterimde olan alain decaux e ait ibst oyunu.

    detaylı bilgi
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  18. les rosenberg ne doivent pas mourir

  19. creed bratton

  20. karakteri canlandıran aktörün adı da creed bratton dur.
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  21. pirelli s miracle elixir

  22. sweeney todd gibi şahane bir müzikalin yanlızca küçük nadide parçalarından biridir.

    ladies and gentlemen!
    may i have your attention, perlese!
    do you wake every morning in shame and despair,
    to discover your pillow is covered with hair,
    or what not should be there?

    well, ladies and gentlemen,
    from now on you can waken at ease!
    you need never again have a worry or care,
    i will show you a miracle, marvelous, rare.
    gentleman, you are about to see something
    that rose from the dead!
    on the top of my head

    t'was pirelli's
    miracle elixir,
    that's what did the trick, sir,
    true, sir, true.
    was it quick sir?
    did it in a tick, sir,
    just like an elixir
    ought to do!

    how about a bottle mister?
    only costs a penny guaranteed.

    does pirelli's
    stimulate the growth, sir?
    you can have my oath, sir,
    'tis unique.

    rub a minute
    stimulatin', (i'n' it?)
    soon you'll have to thin it
    once a week!

    sweeney todd:
    pardon me ma'm what's that awful stench?

    mrs. lovett:
    are we standing near an open drench?

    mrs. lovett (said with sweeney)
    pardon me sir what's that awful stench?

    sweeney todd: (said with lovett)
    are we standing near an open drench?

    buy pirelli's
    miracle elixir
    anything will slick, sir, soon sprouts curls

    try pirelli's
    when they see a fixir
    you can have your pick, sir,
    of the girls!

    wanna buy a bottle misses?

    sweeney todd:
    what is this?

    mrs. lovett:
    what is this?

    sweeney todd:
    smells like piss

    mrs. lovett:
    smells like, ew!

    sweeney todd:(said with lovett)
    what is this? this is piss. piss with ink

    mrs. lovett: (said with sweeney)
    i wouldn't touch it if i was you, dear

    let pirelli's activate your roots, sir

    sweeney todd:
    keep it off your boots, sir, leaks right through

    you're scared pirelli's is usable and of it,
    ladies seem to love it

    mrs. lovett:
    flies do too.
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  23. 202 taksim bostancı

  24. buckbeak

  25. şahgaga

  26. 3. filmde görelebilen harry poter yaratığı , kendisi hippogrifftir (yarı at yarı griffin). Draco'nun kolunu sakatladığından ölüme mahkum edilmiştir ancak time-turner sayesinde kurtarılmıştır.

    (bkz: buckbeak)
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  27. auror

  28. pig latin

  29. ingilizcede bir dil oyunu.genelde vaziyeti çaktırmadan iletişim kurmak için kullanılır. kelimeyi yamultup ,başını sonuna alıp, sonuna -ay eklerler genelde. trash/ash-tray , plunder/under-play ,scram/amscray, stupid/upidstay... gibi

    ixnay ya da icksnay (nix) yaygındır baya , mesela "skip the raisins" demez de "icksnay on the aisinsray" der.
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  30. christina moore

  31. 1973 doğumlu amerikalı güzel aktris

    two and a half men 5x13* de oynamışlığı vardır, onun dışında tanımam etmem.
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  32. cornhole

  33. ing. bok yolunu seçmek

    (bkz: sodomy)

    ismini aynı adı taşıyan oyundan almış olacak.
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  34. çakıldak

  35. the forger

  36. eames

  37. inception in en kral adamıdır.hayal gücü ve taklit etme yeteneği yüksektir**. filmde tom hardy tarafından canlandırılmıştır.

    ayrıca aksanı süperdir.
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  38. i will follow him

  39. Peggy March* a ait müthiş şarkı , Goodfellas ın soundtrack inden ayrıca.
    insanın eski zamanlara gitme isteğini coşturan şarkılardan,

    Love him, I love him, I love him
    And where he goes I'll follow, I'll follow, I'll follow

    I will follow him, follow him wherever he may go
    There isn't an ocean too deep
    A mountain so high it can keep me away

    I must follow him, ever since he touched my hand I knew
    That near him I always must be
    And nothing can keep him from me
    He is my destiny

    I love him, I love him, I love him
    And where he goes I'll follow, I'll follow, I'll follow
    He'll always be my true love, my true love, my true love
    From now until forever, forever, forever

    I will follow him, follow him wherever he may go
    There isn't an ocean too deep
    A mountain so high it can keep, keep me away
    Away from my love

    I love him, I love him, I love him
    And where he goes I'll follow, I'll follow, I'll follow
    He'll always be my true love, my true love, my true love
    From now until forever, forever, forever

    I will follow him, follow him wherever he may go
    There isn't an ocean too deep
    A mountain so high it can keep, keep me away
    Away from my love

    Do-do do-do-do do-do-do and where he goes
    I'll follow, I'll follow, I'll follow
    I know I'll always love him
    I love him, I love him
    And where he goes I'll follow, I'll follow, I'll follow
    I know I'll always love him...
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  40. mcb

  41. ks. Molecular and Cellular Biology
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  42. mbg

  43. ks. moleküler biyoloji ve genetik
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  44. music within

  45. cnbc-e in katkıları ve yapacak başka bir işimin* olmaması sayesinde yakalayıp izleyebildiğim güzel bir 2007 yapımı film. tanım kapsamında bir genelleme yapacak olursak, normal bir insanı etkilemesi gereken filmdir. algıları değiştirir.

    filmdeki engeliyi, bak şimdi engelli derken de iki kere düşünür oldum, Art'ı canlandıran michael sheen gerçekten harika iş çıkarmış.

    bu arada filmi etkileyici kılan bir unsur da kendisinin yaşanmış bir hikayeden uyarlanmış olması.
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