gidemeyeceğim bir konserin başlığını açmak ne kadar üzücüde olsa açıyorum. biletleri bugün satışa çıkacaktır. aslında ben gidemiyorsam hiçbiriniz gitmeyin istiyorum ama işte maalesef..
I'm falling in love with party, friends and
I'm falling in love with party, friends and
We falling in love with party, friends and
That's why I'm falling in love, falling in love
with you tonight
Spent my whole life waiting for a girl like you
Baby tell me what I gotta do
We can leave this party, back to my room
You could show me a thing or two
'Cause I've been spending all my money
On these pretty girls and alcohol
But honey they ain't got a thing on you
You shoot me once, you shoot me twice
Now take me to your paradise
You know there's just one thing left to do
Let me show you I'm talking about
If you let me be your lover
I'd do anything for you
I could rock you like no other
Oh oh come on girl get loose
Na na na na na na na
Baby shake that body, now turn around
Slow motion for me now (oh yeah)
Girl you got me going I'm going down
Yeah you know what I talking about
'Cause I've been spending all my money
On these pretty girls and alcohol
But honey they ain't got a thing on you
You shoot me once, you shoot me twice
Now take me to your paradise
You know there's just one thing left to do
Let me show you I'm talking about
If you let me be your lover
I'd do anything for you
I could rock you like no other
Oh oh come on girl get loose
Na na na na na na na
I'm the mailman I deliver
Take her to dinner
Conversate a little
Then I split her down the middle like Miam's
I like my women one up one down Kerry Kittles
Here's a riddle
What's the opposite of walk? Run
What's the opposite of go? Come
That means I hit it, I run, you come
Fe fi fo fun
Tear the club up!
All my sexy ladies that came to lose their
Put you hands up high
Tear the club up!
She ain't looking for a man, she is just looking
for a really good time.
That's right.
Tear the club up!
Let's drink that bottle and forget what we
doing tonight
Tear the club up!
I ain't trying to be your lover for life just your
lover tonight
That's right.
If you let me be your lover
I'd do anything for you
I could rock you like no other
Oh oh come on girl get loose
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zorunlu tanım: facebook twitter tumblr kullanan erkekler.
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tumblr cı kesim ise hani kay kay sürmeye çalışan ergenlerimiz varya onlarda oluşmaktadır. yılmadan denerler.