Sony A65 ile arada kaldığım makinadır. Arada birazCIK fiyat farkı olması nedeniyle D5100 tercihim gözükse de tecrübeli arkadaşlardan bilgi almaya açığım.
hep en güçsüz olanı istenir gesenin malagayı, malaganın geseyi istemesi gibi, daha önce de schalkenin geseyi gesenin de schalkeyi istemesi gibi.
Şimdi de febe baseli istiyor acaba basel de febeyi istiyor mudur***
UEFA kupasındaki bütün takımlar formsuz chelsea sidik zoruyla steauyu eledi,totenham
4-1 yenilmesine rağmen balıyla çıktı. Tüm iş aykutta fatih gibi gazı versin bu febe kupayı alır.
kura çekimi
lazio-new castle united
benfica-rubin kazan
şeklinde olmasını beklediğim kura çekimidir.
eskişehirli olunmasa da üniversitelerin başladığı zamanlarda * eskişehirde bulunmaktan zevk alanlar ya da almaya çalışanlar olabilir örneğin (bkz: sözlerimi geri alamam)
children of bodom'un gaz bir parçası
silent night,bodom night
On the eve of their death
they are baptized
in the unholy waters of Bodom
With no hint of the torture awaiting
to greet them at the break of dawn
When the calm is setting in
we'll watch it swiftly disappear
Too many years of silence
soon he's bound to reappear
The Reaper
is calling for you to come home
With the thrust of a switchblade
on the grip of a madman
And the waters of Bodom
turn a blood shade of red
As the Children Of Bodom
lake their last breath.
And now decades later
on this haunted shore
we all better take caution...
for the reaper wants more...
bir diğeri (bkz: every time i die)
golden era
we are the iron angels, we are the courriers
we are the children of the endless light and love
we are the steel saviours, we are the warriors
we are the children of the sky and the sun
the freedom is in our eyes
the hero is in our hearts
darkness will be no more in the Golden Era
the courage is in our eyes
the power is in our hearts
light and justice will return in the Golden Era
in the golden era, people will be free in the freedom time
the sun will rise and the darkness will end in the endless sky
children of tomorrow will live forever in the brothers' hearts
the war will end & light will return under the rising sun
The Tone Of Which His Birth Ascend
The Beat That Of A Heart Descend
Repeating In The Infinite
An Insight Made It Clear
Order Stormed The Surface
Where Chaos Set Norm
Had There Always Been Balance?
... Surely Not
Therein Lies The Beauty
It Was Solid
Yet Everchanging
It Was Different
Yet The Same
So I Starve Myself For Energy
The Song Around His Soul Will Bend
The Notes That In This Hole Will Melt
Crawl Out Of Science
A Dreamland If You Dear
Disorder Clawed The Boundaries
We're Ordered To Stand Clear
Was It Always Different
... Never The Same?
Therein Lies The Beauty
It Was Solid ... [See Above]
As There Were No Witnesses
There Was Nothing To Be Told
As Nothing Could Be Grasped
The Story Could Unfold
Superimposed On The Elemtens Of Anger
/ Fear / Anxiety / Hate / Despair / Remorse
So Break From All That Fear Hold Fast
Exposed Now Turn To All You Lack
Let Echoes Be The Answers
Return From All The Screams
Wordless Now The Last Attack
So Silent It Hurts To Listen
Was It Always Solid
... To Never Change?
Therein Lies The Beauty
megadeth'in kurucusu dave mustaine'in attığı sololar metallica'nın kirk'ünden daha iyi olmakla birlikte şarkılarından özellikle hangar 18,holy wars * ,angry again,sypmhony of destruction,something that i'm not*dinlenilmesi gerekilmektedir...
izmir mavişehirde bir alış-veriş merkezi olmakla birlikte içerisinde 4 tane sinema salonunu barındırmaktadır *
edit:içerisinde bowling salonu da bulunmaktadır...