bir joy division sarkisi. sarki biter ama "where have they been" demeye devam edilir.
here are the young men,
a weight on their shoulders
here are the young men,
well where have they been?
we knocked on doors
of hell's darker chambers
pushed to the limits,
we dragged ourselves in
watched from the wings as
the scenes were replaying
we saw ourselves now as
we never had seen
portrayal of the traumas and degeneration
the sorrows we suffered
and never were freed
where have they been
where have they been
where have they been
where have they been
weary inside, now our hearts lost forever
can't replace the fear
or the thrill of the chase
these rituals showed up the door
for our wanderings
opened and shut, then slammed
in our face
where have they been
where have they been
where have they been
where have they been
leyla ile mecnun'da gecen bir replik. iskender leyla'nin babasi metin'e sinirlenip agir kacmayacak laf arayislarina girer ve mecnun'dan yardim alip agizlara dolanabilecek bu cumleyi soyler.
herhangi bir sanal platforma kayit olurken kan ter icinde kalmaniza neden olan fobidir. kayit olacaginiz ana kadar aklinizda mukemmel nickler varken kayit sayfasiyla burun buruna geldiginizde heyecan yaparsiniz ve bedeli olarak her zaman utanacaginiz hatta kayit oldugunuz yere ugramak dahi istemeyeceginiz bir nick alirsiniz. mesela bazen bende nickime bakip "aklim basimda miydi lan acaba" diye dusunmuyor degilim.