98 (enerjik)
altıncı nesil yazar 1 takipçi 2.80 ulupuan

    paper aeroplane

  1. i spilled the ink across the page trying to spell your name
    so i fold it up and i flick it out
    paper aeroplane
    it wont fly the seven seas to you
    cause it didnt leave my room
    but it awaits the hands of someone else
    the garbage man

    got to say mmm mmm mmm x2

    so he opens it up and reads it out to all his friends
    amongst the crowd a heart will break and a heart will mend
    he walks on home tired from work
    the letter falls from his hand
    he reaches out only to catch the sky
    its gone with the wind

    got to say mmm mmm mmm x2

    i spilled the ink across the land
    trying to spell your name
    up and down there it goes
    paper aeroplane
    it hasnt flown the seven seas to you
    but its on its way
    it goes through the hands
    then to someone else
    to find you girl

    got to say mmm

    angus & julia stone
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  2. in thy never ending way

  3. codeword uprising

  4. barakah

  5. vayehi or

  6. new jerusalem

  7. disciples of the sacred oath ii

  8. orphaned land' in the never ending way of orwarrior albümündeki 8. parça. içerisinde nur suresi 35. ayet arapça olarak duyulmaktadır. ayrıca çok feci bir şarkı.

    (bkz: sözlerini de yazayım tam olsun)

    followers are we, disciples are we all
    bonded by a sacred oath, as we heed the silent call
    though we know it not, our purpose is but one
    to crack the night sky, letting in the sun

    the life we live is not enough; we know there's something more
    a place that frightens most, what lies beyond the door
    still searching for the truth, the paradise before
    have we lost the path, denied innocence's shores?
    like a ship afloat at sea, a flying dutchman are we?
    destined to roam the seas, locked out without a key

    is it curtain call on this theatre so black?
    will the actors all bow down before the ending stark?
    torches lit as the flames light up the dark
    all it takes is a spark for us to leave our mark
    war is a gaping wound an appetite that knows no fill
    do not bleed for sand and stones mend these wounds and heal

    break bread with us, nomad - hear our tale
    how brother fought brother as fire burnt the sails
    an oath we took, one we shall not fail
    steadfast we stand
    oak and shield are we, water in the grail

    lay down your swords, blood and flesh you share
    seed of abraham, sons of ishmael
    grieve for ones lost, memory stains the trail
    the road to or-shalem

    allahü nurus semavati vel ard
    meselü nurihi ke mişkatin fiha misbah
    yehdillahü li nurihi mey yeşa' ve yadribüllahül emsale lin nas
    vallahü bi külli şey'in alîm.

    shall we see the end of war, blood brothers?
    or shall we fill another grave, for ourselves we couldn't save

    weapon of mass obstruction, our hate does blind us all
    to the grief of a widow's tears, to the sum of all our fears
    throughout these blood-red years
    for land, for faith
    for that eternal thirst within, that we pray for death to fill
    for revenge, for hate,
    for these innocent souls that with their lies they steal

    we view this land of destruction,
    after the siege that broke through the wall
    a trial is held for the guilty, before a court of their pears
    "sentenced to death!" is the sound that they hear
    for war, for death
    for the pain bestowed upon those they swore to protect
    for us, for them
    for taking our rights and our will to object

    land. faith. revenge. hate. death. us.
    them. fight. stand. live. on. we. must.

    or shall we fill another grave, for ourselves we couldn't save
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  9. his leaf shall not wither

  10. olat ha tamid

  11. the path part 2 the pilgrimage to or shalem

  12. the path part 1 treading through darkness

  13. bereft in the abyss

  14. from broken vessels

  15. orphaned land' in the never ending way of orwarrior albümündeki 2. parça. Son derece progresif rifflerden oluşuyor. Albümün en vurucu şarkılarından.
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  16. sapari

  17. the never ending way of orwarrior

  18. malum ortamlara düşen, tamı tamına 1 saat 18 dakikalık albümdür. Prodüktörlüğünü Steven Wilson yapmıştır.içindeki şarkılara bakarsak:

    2.from broken vessels
    3.bereft in the abyss
    4.the path part 1 - treading through darkness
    5.the path part 2 - the pilgrimage to or shalem
    6.olat ha'tamid
    7.the warrior
    8.his leaf shall not wither
    9.disciples of the sacred oath ii
    10.new jerusalem
    11.vayehi or
    12.m i ?
    14.codeword: uprising
    15.in thy never ending way

    dün geceden beri dinliyorum. iyice sindirerek dinlemek lazım tabii ama şu anda yapabileceğim tek yorum son derece progresif ve farklı enstrumanlar kullandıkları bir albüm olmuş. Adeta şarkıları birbirine karıştırıyosunuz. Orphaned Land genel olarak çok güzel bir iş çıkarmış diyebiliriz. En kısa zamanda albümün tanıtım turnesi için de Türkiye' ye geleceklerdir.
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  19. © 2025 uludağ sözlük