marillion'ın 1984 tarihli fugazi albümünden dikkat çeken güzel bir parça. albümün ilk single'ıdır. sorunlu evlilikleri konu alan ve fish tarafından yazılan şarkının sözleri şöyle;
punch, punch and judy, punch and judy, punch and judy.
washing machine, pinstripe dream stripped the gloss from a beauty
punch and judy, judy, judy, judy, judy, judy, judy.
found our nest in the daily express, met the vicar in a holy vest.
punch and judy, punch and judy.
brought up the children, church of e, now i vegetate with a color tv.
worst ever thing that happened to me, oh for d-i-v-o-r-c-e. oh judy!
whatever happened to pillow fights?
whatever happened to jeans so tight? friday nights?
whatever happened to lover's lane?
whatever happened to passion games? sunday walks in the pouring
punch, punch, punch and judy,
punch, punch, punch.
curling tongs, mogadons,
i got a headache baby, don't take so long.
single beds, middle age dread, losing the war in the waistlands spread.
who left the cap off the toothpaste tube, who forgot to flush the loo?
leave your sweaty socks outside the door,
don't walk across my polished floor, oh judy!
whatever happened to morning smiles?
whatever happened to wicked wiles? permissive styles?
whatever happened to twinkling eyes?
whatever happened to hard fast drives? compliments on unnatural size?
punch, punch, punch and judy,
punch, punch, punch.
propping up a bar, family car, sweating out a mortgage as a balding clerk.
punch and judy, judy, judy, judy, judy, judy
world war three, suburbanshee, just slip her these pills and i'll be free.
no more judy, judy, judy no more.
goodbye judy!
fish'in çok sevdiği, gruptan ayrıldıktan sonra solo kariyerinde de canlı olarak bir çok kez icra ettiği mükemmel marillion şarkısı. clutching at straws albümünün 2. şarkısıdır.
on promenades where drunks propose to lonely arcade mannequins
where ceremonies pause at the jeweller's shop display
feigning casual silence in strained romantic interludes
till they commit themselves to the muted journey home
and the pool player rests on another cue
last nights hero picking up his dues
a honeymoon gambled on a ricochet
she's staring at the brochures at the holidays
chalking up a name in your hometown
standing all your mates to another round
laughing at the world till the barman wipes away the warm wet circles
the warm wet circles
i saw teenage girls like gaudy moths
a classroom's shabby butterflies
flirt in the glow of stranded telephone boxes
planning white lace weddings from smeared hearts and token proclamations
rolled from stolen lipsticks across the razored webs of glass
sharing cigarettes with experience with her giggling jealous confidantes
she faithfully traces his name with quick bitten fingernails
through the tears of condensation that'll cry through the night
as the glancing headlights of the last bus kiss adolescence goodbye
in a warm wet circle
like a mothers kiss on your first broken heart, a warm wet circle
like a bullet hole in central park, a warm wet circle
and i'll always surrender to the warm wet circles
she nervously undressed in the dancing beams of the fidra lighthouse
giving it all away before it's too late
she'll let a lovers tongue move in a warm wet circle
giving it all away and showing no shame
she'll take a mother's kiss on her first broken heart a warm wet circle
she'll realise that she played her part in a warm wet circle
efsanevi albüm misplaced childhood'un kapanış şarkısı. şarkının ortasında başlayıp bitene kadar devam arka plandaki flüt partisyonları güzeldir. yine fish tarafından yazılan bu şarkının sözleri;
when i hit the streets back in '81
found a heart in the gutter and a poet's crown
i felt barbed wire kisses and icicle tears
where have i been for all these years?
i saw political intrigue, political lies
gonna wipe those smiles of self-satisfaction from their eyes
i will wear your white feather
i will carry your white flag
i will swear i have no nation
but i'm proud to own my heart
i will wear your white feather
i will carry your white flag
i will swear i have no nation
but i'm proud to own my heart
my heart, this is my heart
we don't need no uniforms, we have no disguise
divided we stand, together we'll rise
we will wear your white feather
we will carry your white flag
we will swear we have no nations
but we're proud to own our hearts
we will wear your white feather
we will carry your white flag
we will swear we have no nations
but we're proud to own our hearts
these are our hearts
these are our hearts
you can't take away our hearts
you can't steal our hearts away
i can't walk away
no more
sözlerini tahmin edebileceğiniz gibi dalkeith'li fish'in yazdığı çok güzel marillion şarkısı. steve rothery'nin arka plandaki gitar performansı dehşettir. bitter suite biterken curtain call bölümü ile bu şarkıya bağlanır ve değişen ritmle gaza gelirsiniz. sonrasında ise sözleri;
a) wide boy
wide boys, wide boys, wide boys, born with hearts of lothian
wide boys, we were wide boys, born with hearts of lothian
wide boys, we were wide boys, these hearts of lothian
it's six o'clock in the tower blocks
stalagmites of culture shock
and the trippers of the light fantastic, bow down, hoe-down
spray their pheromones on this perfume uniform
and anarchy smiles in the royal mile
and they're waiting on the slyboys, flyboys, wideboys
rooting, tooting cowboys
lucky little ladies at the watering holes
they'll score the friday night goals
i was born with a heart of lothian
i was born with a heart of lothian
with a heart of lothian
i was born with a heart of lothian, with a heart of lothian.
b) curtain call
and the man from the magazine, wants another shot of you all curled up
'cos you look like an actor in a movie shot.
but you're feeling like a wino in a parking lot
how did i get in here anyway?
do we really need a playback of the show?
'cos the wideboys want to head for the watering holes
marillion'ın misplaced childhood albümünden yine olağanüstü bir şarkı. lavender'dan sonra, heart of lothian'dan önce gelir. geçişler tüm albümde olduğu gibi yine muhteşemdir. sözler yine fish tarafından yazılmış olup harikadır. 5 bölümden oluşur ve dünyanın en iyi sololarından birisine sahip olsa da diğer marillion şarkıları gibi nedense az bilinir * müthiş sözleri için;
a) brief encounter
a spider wanders aimlessly within the warmth of a shadow
not the regal creature of border caves
but the poor, misguided directionless
familiar of some obscure scottish poet
the mist crawls from the canal
like some primordial phantom of romance
to curl, under a cascade of neon pollen
while i sit tied to the phone like an expectant father
your carnation will rot in a vase
b) lost weekend
a train sleeps in a siding
the driver guzzles another can of lager
to wash away the memories of a friday night down at the club
she was a wallflower at sixteen
she'll be a wallflower at thirty four
her mother called her beautiful
her daddy said "a whore".
c) blue angel
the sky was bible black in lyon
when i met the magdalene
she was paralysed in a streetlight
she refused to give her name
and a ring of violet bruises
they were pinned upon her arm
two hundred francs for sanctuary and she led me by the hand
to a room of dancing shadows where all the heartache disappears
and from the glowing tongues of candles i heard her whisper in my ear
"j'entend ton coeur"
"j'entend ton coeur"
i can hear your heart
i can hear your heart
i can hear your heart
d) misplaced rendezvous
it's getting late for scribbling and scratching on the paper
something's gonna give under this pressure
the cracks are already beginning to show
it's too late
the weekend career girl never boarded the plane
they said this could never happen again
so wrong, so wrong
this time, it's looking like another misplaced rendezvous
this time it seems to be another misplaced rendezvous with you
the parallel of you, you
e) windswept thumb
on the outskirts of nowhere
on the ringroad to somewhere
on the verge of indecision
i'll always take the roundabout way
waiting on the rain
for i was born with a habit
from a sign
the habit of a windswept thumb
and the sign of the rain
rain on me!
van halen'in debut albümünden süper eğlenceli bir şarkı. sözleri;
She saw the look in his eyes
N' she knew better
He wanted her tonight
And it was now or never
He made her feel so sad
Oh, whoa, whoa, Jamie's cryin'
Oh, whoa, whoa, Jamie's cryin' Now Jamie wouldn't say all right
She knew he'd forget her
N' so they said ah-good night
Oh, and now he's gone forever
She wants to send him a letter, uh yeah yeah
Uh, just to try to make herself feel better
It said "Gimme (Gimme a call sometime)"
But she knows what that'll get her
Now Jamie's been in love before (Ahh-ahh)
And she knows what love is for (Ahh-ahh)
It should mean a little, a little more (Ahh-ahh)
Than one night stands. Woo!
(Guitar Solo)
She wants to send him a letter, uh yeah yeah
Just to try to make herself feel better
It said "Gimme (Gimme a call sometime)"
But she knows what that'll get her Oh, whoa, whoa, Jamie's cryin'
kansas'ın kurucularından, grubun vokalist ve klavyecisi olan müthiş müzisyen. kansas'ın en önemli iki elemanından birisidir. vinyl confessions haricinde tüm albümlerde yer almıştır. bana göre progressive rock'ın efsanelerinden olmasına rağmen diğer grup elemanları gibi, hatta grup gibi az bilinmektedir ülkemizde.
değeri bilinmeyen müthiş grup kansas'ın kurucusu olan gitarist. kansas'ın en önemli şarkılarından carry on wayward son, dust in the wind, what's on my mind şarkılarının besteleri kendisine aittir. 1984'te dağılan grup 1 yıl sonra bir araya geldiğinde kendisi yerine steve morse ile devam etmiştir. şu anda kansas öncesi kurduğu proto-kaw adlı gruba liderlik yapmakta.
çok güzel bir wishbone ash şarkısı. 2002 tarihli bona fide albümünden. dinlerin kardeşliği temasını işler. şarkının ortasında bir yerlerde ezan sesi duyarsınız, ardından gelen "rahman ve rahim olan allah'tır" sözleriyle "yanlış mı duydum lan" hissine kapılabilirsiniz. sonrasındaki soloyla uçarsınız. sözler;
ready the armies and try as we must,
opening wounds of yore.
under the banner, "in god we trust"
aiming to settle the score.
come rain, come shine,
all travesties we will repay.
come rain, come shine,
till dawns that golden day.
crowns and thrones may perish and fall,
kingdoms rise and wane.
but our trust in holy books and relics prevails,
and constant will remain.
come rain, come shine,
all travesties we will repay.
come rain, come shine,
till dawns that golden day.
rabbis and popes, mullahs in cloaks,
in the end, they're all the same.
the past, the future and the time in between
in the name of peace, re-writing the scene.
come rain, come shine,
all travesties we will repay.
come rain, come shine,
till dawns that golden day.
ready the armies and try as we must,
under the banner, "in god we trust"
marillion grubunun gitaristi. grubun kurucularındandır ve tüm albümlerinde yer alır. müthiş sololar yazar, insanın içine işleyen harika bestelerin altında imzası vardır. kendisini tanımlayacak en iyi kelime;
a) vocal under a bloodlight :
last night you said i was cold, untouchable
a lonely piece of action from another town
i just want to be free, i'm happy to be lonely
can't you stay away?
just leave me alone with my thoughts
just a runaway, just a runaway
i'm saving myself
b) passing strangers:
strung out below a necklace of carnival lights
cold moan, held on the crest of the night
i'm too tired to fight.
so now we're passing strangers, at single tables
still trying to get over
still trying to write love songs for passing strangers
all those passing strangers
and the twinkling lies, all those twinkling lies
sparkle with the wet ink on the paper
c) mylo:
oh i remember toronto when mylo went down
and we sat and cried on the phone
i never felt so alone
he was the first of our own
some of us go down in a blaze of obscurity
some of us go down in a haze of publicity
the price of infamy, the edge of insanity
another holiday inn, another temporary home
and an interviewer threatened me with a microphone
'talk to me, won't you tell me your stories."
so i talked about conscience and i talked about pain
and he looked out the window and it started to rain
i thought maybe i've already gone crazy
so i reached for a bottle and he reached for the door
and i picked up the sleeping pills crushed on the floor
inviting me to a casual obscenity.
d) perimeter walk:
it would be incredible if we could
retrace all the times that we lived here
all the collisions
wasted, i've never been so wasted
i've never been this far out before
perimeter walk
there's a presence here
i feel could have been ancient,
i could have been mystical
there's a presence
a child, my child
my childhood, a misplaced childhood
give it back to me, give it back to me
a childhood, that childhood
oh please give it back to me.
e) threshold:
i saw a war widow in a launderette
washing the memories from her husband's clothes
she had medals pinned to a threadbare greatcoat
a lump in her throat with cemetery eyes
i see convoys curbcrawling west german autobahns
trying to pick up a war
they're going to even the score
oh... i can't take any more
i see black flags on factories
soup ladies poised on the lips of the poor
i see children with vacant stares, destined for rape in the alleyways
does anybody care, i can't take any more!
should we say goodbye?
i see priests, politicians?
heroes in black plastic body-bags under nations' flags
i see children pleading with outstretched hands
drenched in napalm, this is no vietnam
i can't take any more, should we say goodbye
how can we justify?
they call us civilised!
sözlükte nasıl başlığı olmaz inanamadığım mükemmel manowar şarkısı. sözlerinden dolayı 4 nisan 2011'den itibaren artık her dinleyişimde scott columbus'u hatırlatır bana. sözleri;
a hero was he
touching all our lives
as if he lived and died
in a single moment
great were his deeds
all his words were true
he lived and died
a man of honor
he paid with his life
for his life was the price
to pass the gates immortal
thy journey begins
with sword in the wind
stay thy hand rest thy command
for odin’s call was heard above them all
thy name shall never die!
long shall we remember
he who walked the road of danger
master of revenge
death’s no stranger
blood and death lived on his sword
the god of war his only lord
into the depths of hell
go all he fell
take thy shield take thy sword
all thy weapons to the sky
ye shall need them when odin bid thee rise
for none but the brave
shall rise up from the grave
to see the valkyries fly
and so it was by the hand of odin
did the immortal warrior pass through
the gates of valhalla and into legend.
rise brother rise pass valhalla’s gates
here great warriors await
reborn from thy steel
all thy wounds be healed
from the earth to the sky
now the son of odin rise!
take thy place among the kings
for thy soul shall never die!
styx'in en güzel albümlerinden. türkiye'de dinleyeni az olan muazzam grubun muazzam albümü. 1978 çıkışlı. özellikle blue collar man, i'm o.k. styx'in çok bilinen eserlerinden renegade ve albümle aynı adı taşıyan parça albümün en iyileri diyebilirim. pieces of eight şarkısının devamı niteliğindeki aku aku adlı leziz bir enstrümental ile bitmesi de ayrı güzellik. tracklist;
yarısı sırf albüm dolu görünsün diye grubun/şarkıcının kalitesinin altında şarkılarla doldurulan albümlerden olmayıp, tamamı kaliteli olan şarkıları barındıran albümlerdir. bunlar için aklıma gelen ilk örnekler;
sözlükte nasıl başlığı olmaz anlamadığım müthiş kansas albümü. kansas'ın en iyi albümlerinden birisi olup en bilinen şarkıları carry on wayward son da bu albümdedir. aslında sadece kansas değil, progressive rock tarihinin en iyi albümlerindendir. tabiri caizse boş yok albümlerden birisidir.
dünya çapında 6 milyondan fazla satış yapan bu efsane albümün tracklisti de şöyle;