atreyu grubunu davulcusu ve vokalidir kendisi.o siskolukla nasil bu kadar iyi çaliyor anlamak mümkün degildir. vokaline gelince akan sular durur.hem vokal yapip hem davul çalmak.. gerçekten yetenekli müzik kisisi.
(bkz: death grip on yesterday) albumunden harika bir atreyu sarkisi **
You took me home
I drank to much
Cause of you my liver turns to dust
Cold rust takes cold creeping cool pain
Do you understand what I need?
When u feel your soul drop to the floor
Like a whole like an open bleeding sore
Then you'll have bleed like ive bleed
Then youll have bleed this all left
Suck me down, its time rock and roll
Lets hit the bar, lets loose control
One false move you took me home
One false move your all alone
But it looks so good and it feels so nice
I've paid my price
I'll cut you out just to hear you scream,
Get away from me
And I can feel my heart beat racin'
As I realize what I must do
Get away from you
Shouldve turned around like you
Last time I got a taste of you
I shouldve turned around like you
And i say we're through
You have haunt me like a plague
Weakness, we've worked at
But I degress
After all this...
You're just like all the rest
Suck me down, its time rock and roll
Lets hit the bar, lets loose control
One false move you took me home
One false move your all alone
atreyu nun 28 mart 2006 da çikardigi enfes albüm.
tracklist ise soyle
3-Our Sick Story (Thus Far)
4-The Theft
5-We Stand Up
6-Ex's and Oh's
7-Your Private War
8-My Fork in the Road (Your Knife in My Back)
9-Untitled Finale
atreyu nun can alıcı şarkılarından biridir.sözleriyle muziğiyle * harika bir şarkıdır.kesinlikle dinlenmelidir.
I feel eyelashes on my cheek
They lacerate my flesh,
A pain so good.
So put your hand in mine, never let go,
Never wake up 'cause I'm done with promises
I'm taking blood oaths.
Feels like you could kiss
My imperfections, my imperfections away.
And I would stand, stand by your side
Until the sun turns the sky
All the colors I see in your eyes.
And I'll never need to see the sun again,
There's enough light in your eyes to light up our little world.
So take me, take me away.
Kill me slowly, I'll never be the same.
And I swear to you, on everything I am,
And I dedicate to you all that I have
And I promise you that I'll stand right by your side
Forever and always until the day I die.
The bite marks on my neck never felt so good.
I'm losing control
And it's all that I can do not to blackout
Fall into lust with you.
Your kisses infect me.
The dark gift is loving you,
And I'll never need to see the sun again,
There's enough light in your eyes to light up our little world.
So take me, take me away.
Kill me slowly, I'll never be the same.
And I feel immortal
And I want to make you feel the same.
So stand by me as we immolate.
We can burn in each other's arms.
And I feel immortal
And I want to make you feel the same.
So stand by me as we immolate.
We can burn in each other's arms.
A wraith with an angel's body.
A demon with a smile of gold.
You soul-sucker.
I won't become like you.
A killer with the perfect weapons,
crystal eyes and a heart of coal.
You soul-sucker.
I won't lose myself in you.
Look how pretty she is, when she falls down.
now there's no beauty in bleeding mascara. Lips are quivering
Like a withering rose, she's back again.
What the fuck do you think love means?
It's more than words and more than feelings
sucking me dry. Is my marrow that sweet?
Your dead lovers have left a trail of broken hearts and misspent hopes.
Sucking them dry. Does their marrow taste of
Sweetness, Sweetness? I hope you choke.
Look how pretty she is, when she falls down.
And there's no beauty in bleeding mascara. Lips are quivering
like a withering rose, she's back again, she's back a-, shes back again.. shes back
atreyu nun son albumunden duyulan ilk şarkı.album çikmadan nete surduler.
Come on!!!
Grab the bull by the horns the old addage goes.
nobody tells you where to go from there.
I see whats grateful in you.
Decisions have to be made.
The worse part is the hardest earned.
Back and forth the struggle consumes us all.
Trying to keep a level head.
In the most unsettling of times.
Today I'll become the bull.
There is so much at steak.
I'll stumble I'll loose my place.
Crowded in while surrounded by sin.
Destiny takes its hold.
Find it or let it go.
But I choose how it ends we'll end.
This small heart can get lonely.
I lose myself inside myself.
No one can touch you when you're outside staring in.
Remove myself from this pride race.
harikulade atreyu şarkısı.klibiyle olayı iyice bitirmiş aşmış şarkı.
He bends and he breaks
If he gives they will take away
His passion, his pain, his grace
He exhales
A thousand black flowers explode
Into butterflies as they're away
Rip them out, take them
Burn to coals as they crush him
And leave nothing
That resembles a soul of a man
See him numb, see him crushed
See him numb, see him crushed
Rip them out, take them
Burn to coals as they crush him
And leave nothing
That resembles a soul of a man
Leave him numb, leave him crushed
Leave him numb, leave him crushed
Took the fire inside, one too many times
He's burning over and out now he flails
Up against the raging tides
No more fights
Everything you ever wanted to see
see it in his eyes
One more time, one more time
Climb down to test the waters
My hands feel like they're rusting away yeah yeah yeah
So I'll pace around like a lamb before the slaughter
I'll stay here, as long as you'll let me
Decisions been made obvious,
So I will return where I started,
I'll stay there unfinished
Unfinished I'll wither away
Rip them out, take them
Burn to coals as they crush him
And leave nothing that
Resembles a soul of a man
See him numb, see him crushed
See him numb, see him crushed
Rip them out, take them him
Burn to coals as they crush
And leave nothing that
Resembles a soul of a man
Leave him numb, leave him crushed
Leave him numb, leave him crushed
harika bir atreyu şarkısı.underworld evolution'ın soundtrack albumunde bulabilirsiniz.**
hold your your breath quiet now dont say a word
You could run it but wont do any good
Prayers forsaken when you lose faith inside
It's not time to die
Your life
Is it a lie
when you get what your looking for
Your feelings subside
Or will you crawl into
A homemade casket
An early tomb
Lay down and give up inside
She'll never die
When you fall
So spent from emotion
She is what
Brings you to your feet
Where challenges lie
On the brink of destruction
She pulls you back
And she gives you wings
(death wont hold you as tight as she will)
Can you feel her
blood burning through your veins
She will always live forever
(can you bear the burden?)
Can you feel her
burning through your veins
She will always live forever
(can you bear the burden?)
[verse 3]
you'll turn your back, you'll patronize
She's bleeding
You will question your every want
She's bleeding out
She's bleeding out
She's bleeding out
Death won't hold you as tight as she will
Can you feel her blood through your veins
She will always live forever
(can you bear the burden? )
Can you feel her blood through your veins
She will always live forever
[Guitar Solo]
She's bleeding out
She's bleeding out
She's bleeding out
[heart beat gradually slows]
Death won't hold you as tight as she will
Can you feel her blood through your veins
She will always live forever
(Can you bear the burden?)
Can you feel her blood through your veins
She will always live forever
(can you bear the burden?)
Can you feel her blood through your veins
She will always live forever
(can you bear the burden?)
Can you feel her blood through your veins
She will always live forever
(can you bear the burden?)
beni benden alan atreyu nun en harika şarkısı.sözleri,müziği herşeyiyle muthiş anlam içeren hayatimda dinlediğim en saglam şarkılardandır.*
I feel it welling up inside
And Robert Smith lied,
Boys do cry and with
Blood tears in my eyes I'm an Anne Rice novel come to life.
I can't hide the monster.. anymore.
One can, only feel desolate for so long until
One starts to change into
a fag the mirror do it not recognize.
The darkness has been biding its time
To claim its latest victim,
Fresh meat for carnal desires,
To become, what I became.
I viewed the sun for the last time.
Will you still hold me when you see what I have done?
Will you still kiss me the same,
When you taste my victim's blood?
So crimson and red,
I feel it flowing from your lips. (Crimson and red)
My heart is dead and so are you.
And it pulses through,
The desire to change, to deconstruct
All of my,
All of my, past failings.
But where to begin, because when you live in sin
It's easy to look at saints,
Without them reflecting your jet black aura back on you.
And all I have no hope left you funking idiot,
My inner burn's not fading,
I'll wipe the blood from my cheek and get on with my day.
Will you still hold me when you see what I have done?
Will you still kiss me the same,
When you taste my victim's blood?
So crimson and red,
I feel it flowing from your lips. (Crimson and red)
My heart is dead and so are you.
And all I have is hope
And all I need is time
To bury in pine under six feet of time
The lies I told me about myself.
Claw my way out,
Pick the splinters from under my fingernails.
I won't lose hope,
I won't give in.
Just live and breathe, try not to die again.
Just live and breathe, try not to die again.
Just live and breathe, try not to die again.
I try not to die again.
Will you still hold me when you see what I have done?
Will you still kiss me the same,
When you taste my victim's blood?
So crimson and red,
I feel it flowing from your lips. (Crimson and red)
My heart is dead and so are you.
Will you still hold me when you see what I have done?
Will you still kiss me the same,
When you taste my victim's blood?
So crimson and red,
I feel it flowing from your lips.(When you taste my victim's blood)
My heart is dead and so are you.
bullet for my valentine nin çıkarttıgı enfes canli performans dvdsi.bizi bizden almıştır.izlemeyenler çok şey kaçırmıştır. (bkz: bullet for my valentine).şiddetle tavsiye edilir.
zina eylemi yapıldıktan sonra duyulan pişmanlığı anlatan cümledir.her türk genci muhakkak bir ya da iki kez bu pişmanlığı duymuştur. (bkz: böyle kahpedir dünya)