518 (sözlük idol)
beşinci nesil yazar 2 takipçi 25.70 ulupuan

    never deny you

  1. ziggy marley'e ait pek bir güzel parça.

    all the love that we share could never just disappear
    and all that we've been through I believe in you

    I will never deny you

    friends said to me one day I should forget you
    but my experience say what we have is true

    I will never deny you

    hey Judas they will betray you
    Thomases they will doubt you
    Peters they will deny you
    but I will never deny you

    I will never deny you

    all the love that we share could never just disappear
    and all that we've been through I believe in you

    I will never deny you
    will never deny you will never deny you oh I
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  2. the loudest song

  3. the cure parçası

    side by side in silence
    they pass away the day
    so comfortable, so habitual...
    and so nothing left to say

    nothing left to say
    nothing left to say

    side by side in silence
    his thoughts echo round
    he looks up at the sky...
    she looks down at the ground

    stares down at the ground
    stares down at the ground

    side by side in silence
    they wish for different worlds
    she dreams him as a boy...
    and he loves her as a girl

    loves her as a girl...

    and side by side in silence
    without a single word...

    it's the loudest sound
    it's the loudest sound...

    it's the loudest sound i ever heard
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  4. play for today

  5. seventeen seconds albümünden pek bir hoş the cure parçası.

    it's not a case of doing what's right
    it's just the way i feel that matters
    tell me i'm wrong
    i don't really care

    it's not a case of share and share alike
    i take what i require
    i don't understand...
    you say it's not fair

    you expect me to act
    like a lover
    consider my moves
    and deserve the reward
    to hold you in my arms
    and wait...
    for something to happen

    it's not a case of telling the truth
    some lines just fit the situation
    you call me a liar
    you would anyway

    it's not a case of aiming to please
    you know you're always crying
    it's just your part
    in the play for today*
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  6. gönlünüz var mı

  7. kanayana kadar

  8. komik günler'in en sağlam parçalarından biri.

    sözleri de şu şekildedir:

    kanayana kadar kanat çırptın
    aklını hiç bulandırmadın
    aradığını sandın aslında
    çok çoook yalnızdın
    kanayana kadar kanat çırptın
    aklını hiç bulandırmadın
    aradığını sandın aslında
    çok çoook saftın
    sen şimdi acıyı içsen
    tek kelime çıkmaz dilinden
    içindeki acıyı bi döksen
    neşeye döner keder yeniden
    kan akana kadar sana inandım
    aklımı hiç bulandırmadım
    aradığımı sandım aslında
    çok çoook saftım
    kan akana kadar sana inandım
    aklımı hiç bulandırmadım
    aradığımı sandım aslında
    çok çoook saftım
    ben şimdi seni bi görsem
    tek kelime çıkmaz dilimden
    içimdeki acıyı bi içsem
    neşeye döner keder yeniden naaay*
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  9. bomba etkisi

  10. bomba gibi, süper ötesi ankaralı grup.

    pazartesi geceleri nefes'te sahnedeler. kesinlikle gidilip dinlenesi, coşulası.*
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  11. denia

  12. bir manu chao şarkısı...
    neşe dolu müziğe inat acı dolu sözler. yine de oturup dinlemek güç, kalkıp dans ediyor insan.

    pazartesi günleri nefes'te sahne alan bomba etkisi de süper yorumluyor parçayı.
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  13. crying song

  14. pink floyd'un 1969'da çıkan more albümünden hoş bir parça.

    We smile and smile
    We smile and smile
    Laughter echoes in your eyes
    We climb and climb
    We climb and climb
    Footfalls softly in the pines
    We cry and cry
    We cry and cry
    Sadness passes in a while
    We roll and roll
    We roll and roll
    Help me roll away the stone
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  15. bira kapağı

  16. lise yıllarında okuldan kaçılıp deniz kenarında içilen biraların içindeki beyaz kısma tarih, isimler vs. yazılıp saklanan kapaklardır. bir yerden sonra biriktiremiyor tabi insan, hiçbir yere sığmaz oluyorlar.*
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  17. bateri çalan erkekler

  18. çok iyi seviştikleri iddaa edilen erkeklerdir.**
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  19. dead leaves

  20. sentenced'ın 1998'de çıkardığı frozen albümünün üçüncü parçası.

    Yes, autumn´s here again…
    to put all forms of life to an end
    -Death has taken over and slowly fades the light away

    The deadly shadows fall…
    and the bleeding sun sinks down below
    -The first flakes of snow guide me on my last pathway

    Alive no more… what once was green has turned to red
    Leaves start their fall… gray with the whiteness of what´s dead

    The wintry frost comes crawling
    freezing all life that´s on its way
    The first dead leaves come falling,
    hovering in the air with the rain

    I feel the flaming frost…
    I feel the burning ice and snow for the first time
    since the night she was taken away

    Alive no more… what once was green has turned to red
    Leaves lightly fall… gray with the whiteness of what´s dead

    The wintry frost comes crawling
    ceasing all life that´s on its way
    Dead frozen leaves come falling,
    hovering in the air with the rain

    …hovering in the air…

    "…and as the last leaf hovers down upon the ground,
    the end is at hand - I´ll find the one I came looking for…"

    Alive no more… what once was green has turned to red
    Leaves lightly fall… gray with the whiteness of what´s dead

    The wintry frost comes crawling
    freezing all life that´s on its way
    The last dead leaves come falling,
    hovering in the air with the rain

    The End of Life comes crawling
    ceasing my bleeding heart and now;
    The last dead leaf comes falling,
    hovering lightly down upon the ground

    …upon the frozen ground…
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  21. not i

  22. samuel beckett'ın en mükemmel eserlerinden biridir. oyun sadece bir ağızın konuşması üzerine kuruludur ve özellikle çığlıklar çok etkileyicidir.

    MOUTH: . . . . out . . . into this world . . . this world . . . tiny little thing . . . before its time . . . in a godfor– . . . what? . . girl? . . yes . . . tiny little girl . . . into this . . . out into this . . . before her time . . . godforsaken hole called . . . called . . . no matter . . . parents unknown . . . unheard of . . . he having vanished . . . thin air . . . no sooner buttoned up his breeches . . . she similarly . . . eight months later . . . almost to the tick . . . so no love . . . spared that . . . no love such as normally vented on the . . . speechless infant . . . in the home . . . no . . . nor indeed for that matter any of any kind . . . no love of any kind . . . at any subsequent stage . . . so typical affair . . . nothing of any note till coming up to sixty when– . . . what? . . seventy?. . good God! . . coming up to seventy . . . wandering in a field . . . looking aimlessly for cowslips . . . to make a ball . . . a few steps then stop . . . stare into space . . . then on . . . a few more . . . stop and stare again . . . so on . . . drifting around . . . when suddenly . . . gradually . . . all went out . . . all that early April morning light . . . and she found herself in the--– . . . what? . . who? . . no! . . she! . . [Pause and movement 1.] . . . found herself in the dark . . . and if not exactly . . . insentient . . . insentient . . . for she could still hear the buzzing . . . so-called . . . in the ears . . . and a ray of light came and went . . . came and went . . . such as the moon might cast . . . drifting . . . in and out of cloud . . . but so dulled . . . feeling . . . feeling so dulled . . . she did not know . . . what position she was in . . . imagine! . . what position she was in! . . whether standing . . . or sitting . . . but the brain– . . . what?. . kneeling? . . yes . . . whether standing . . . or sitting . . . or kneeling . . . but the brain– . . . what? . . lying? . . yes . . whether standing . . . or sitting . . . or kneeling . . . or lying . . . but the brain still . . . still . . . in a way . . . for her first thought was . . . oh long after . . . sudden flash . . . brought up as she had been to believe . . . with the other waifs . . . in a merciful . . . [Brief laugh.] . . . God . . . [Good laugh.] . . . first thought was . . . oh long after . . . sudden flash . . . she was being punished . . . for her sins . . . a number of which then . . . further proof if proof were needed . . . flashed through her mind . . . one after another . . . then dismissed as foolish . . . oh long after . . . this thought dismissed . . . as she suddenly realized . . . gradually realized . . . she was not suffering . . . imagine! . . not suffering! . . indeed could not remember . . . off-hand . . . when she had suffered less . . . unless of course she was . . . meant to be suffering . . . ha! . . thought to be suffering . . . just as the odd time . . . in her life . . . when clearly intended to be having pleasure . . . she was in fact . . . having none . . . not the slightest . . . in which case of course . . . that notion of punishment . . . for some sin or other . . . or for the lot . . . or no particular reason . . . for its own sake . . . thing she understood perfectly . . . that notion of punishment . . . which had first occurred to her . . . brought up as she had been to believe . . . with the other waifs . . . in a merciful . . . [Brief laugh.] . . . God . . . [Good laugh.] . . . first occurred to her . . . then dismissed . . . as foolish . . . was perhaps not so foolish . . . after all . . . so on . . . all that . . . vain reasonings . . . till another thought . . . oh long after . . . sudden flash . . . . . very foolish really but– . . . what? . . the buzzing? . . yes . . . all the time buzzing . . . so-called . . . in the ears . . . though of course actually . . . not in the ears at all . . . in the skull . . . dull roar in the skull . . . and all the time this ray or beam . . . like moonbeam . . . but probably not . . . certainly not . . . always the same spot . . . now bright . . . now shrouded . . . but always the same spot . . . as no moon could . . . no . . . no moon . . . just all part of the same wish to . . . torment . . . though actually in point of fact . . . not in the least . . . not a twinge . . . so far . . . ha! . . so far . . . this other thought then . . . oh long after . . . sudden flash . . . very foolish really but so like her . . . in a way . . . that she might do well to . . . groan . . . on and off . . . writhe she could not . . . as if in actual agony . . . but could not . . . could not bring herself . . . some flaw in her make-up . . . incapable of deceit . . . or the machine . . . more likely the machine . . . so disconnected . . . never got the message . . . or powerless to respond . . . like numbed . . . couldn't make the sound . . . not any sound . . . no sound of any kind . . . no screaming for help for example . . . should she feel so inclined . . . scream . . . [Screams.] . . . then listen . . . [Silence.] . . . scream again . . . [Screams again.] . . . then listen again . . . [Silence.] . . . no . . . spared that . . . all silent as the grave . . . no part–. . . what? . . the buzzing? . . yes . . . all silent but for the buzzing . . . so-called . . . no part of her moving . . . that she could feel . . . just the eyelids . . . presumably . . . on and off . . . shut out the light . . . reflex they call it . . . no feeling of any kind . . . but the lids . . . even best of times . . . who feels them? . . opening . . . shutting . . . all that moisture . . .but the brain still . . . still sufficiently . . . oh very much so! . . at this stage . . . in control . . . under control . . . to question even this . . . for on that April morning . . . so it reasoned . . . that April morning . . . she fixing with her eye . . . a distant bell . . . as she hastened towards it . . . fixing it with her eye . . . lest it elude her . . . had not all gone out . . . all that light . . . of itself . . . without any . . . any. . . on her part . . . so on . . . so on it reasoned . . . vain questionings . . . and all dead still . . . sweet silent as the grave . . . when suddenly . . . gradually . . . she realiz–. . . what? . . the buzzing? . . yes . . . all dead still but for the buzzing . . . when suddenly she realized . . . words were– . . . what? . . who?. . no! . . she! . . [Pause and movement 2.] . . . realized . . . words were coming . . . imagine! . . . words were coming . . . a voice she did not recognize at first so long since it had sounded . . . then finally had to admit . . . could be none other . . . than her own . . . certain vowel sounds . . . she had never heard . . . elsewhere . . . so that people would stare . . . the rare occasions . . . once or twice a year . . . always winter some strange reason . . . stare at her uncom-prehending . . . and now this stream . . . steady stream . . . she who had never . . . on the contrary . . . practically speechless . . . all her days . . . how she survived! . . even shopping . . . out shopping . . . busy shopping centre . . . supermart . . . just hand in the list . . . with the bag . . . old black shopping bag . . . then stand there waiting . . . any length of time . . . middle of the throng . . . motionless . . . staring into space . . . mouth half open as usual . . . till it
    was back in her hand . . . the bag back in her hand . . . then pay and go . . . not as much as good-bye . . . how she survived! . . and now this stream . . . not catching the half of it . . . not the quarter . . . no idea . . . what she was saying . . . imagine! . . no idea what she was saying! . . till she began trying to . . . delude herself . . . it was not hers at all . . . not her voice at all . . . and no doubt would have . . . vital she should . . . was on the point . . . after long efforts . . . when suddenly she felt . . . gradually she felt . . . her lips moving . . . imagine! . . her lips moving! . . as of course till then she had not . . . and not alone the lips . . . the cheeks . . . the jaws . . . the whole face . . . all those– . . what?. . the tongue? . . yes . . . the tongue in the mouth . . . all those contortions without which . . . no speech possible . . . and yet in the ordinary way . . . not felt at all . . . so intent one is . . . on what one is saying . . . the whole being . . . hanging on its words . . . so that not only she had . . . had she . . . not only had she . . . to give up . . . admit hers alone . . . her voice alone . . . but this other awful thought . . . oh long after . . . sudden flash . . . even more awful if possible . . . that feeling was coming back . . . imagine! . . feeling coming back! . . starting at the top . . . then working down . . . the whole machine . . . but no . . . spared that . . . the mouth alone . . . so far . . . ha! . . so far . . . then thinking . . . oh long after . . . sudden flash . . . it can't go on . . . all this . . . all that . . . steady stream . . . straining to hear . . . make some-thing of it . . . and her own thoughts . . . make something of them . . . all– . . . what? . . the buzzing? . . yes . . . all the time the buzzing . . . so-called . . . all that together . . . imagine! . . whole body like gone . . . just the mouth . . . lips . . . cheeks . . . jaws . . . never– . . . what?. . tongue? . . yes . . . lips. . . cheeks . . . jaws . . . tongue . . . never still a second . . . mouth on fire . . . stream of words . . . in her ear . . . practically in her ear . . . not catching the half . . . not the quarter . . . no idea what she's saying . . . imagine! . . no idea what she's saying! . . and can't stop . . . no stopping it . . . she who but a moment before . . . but a moment! . . could not make a sound . . . no sound of any kind . . . now can't stop . . . imagine! . . can't stop the stream . . . and the whole brain begging . . . something begging in the brain . . . begging the mouth to stop . . . pause a moment . . . if only for a moment . . . and no response . . . as if it hadn’t heard . . . or couldn’t . . . couldn't pause a second . . . like maddened . . . all that together . . . straining to hear . . . piece it together . . . and the brain . . . raving away on its own . . . trying to make sense of it . . . or make it stop . . . or in the past . . . dragging up the past . . . flashes from all over . . . walks mostly . . . walking all her days . . . day after day . . . a few steps then stop . . . stare into space . . . then on . . . a few more . . . stop and stare again . . . so on . . . drifting around . . . day after day . . . or that time she cried . . . the one time she could remember . . . since she was a baby . . . must have cried as a baby . . . perhaps not . . . not essential to life . . . just the birth cry to get her going . . . breathing . . . then no more till this . . . old hag already . . . sitting staring at her hand . . . where was it? . . Croker's Acres . . . one evening on the way home . . . home! . . a little mound in Croker's Acres . . . dusk . . . sitting staring at her hand . . . there in her lap . . . palm upward . . . suddenly saw it wet . . . the palm . . . tears presumably . . . hers presumably . . . no one else for miles . . . no sound . . . just the tears . . . sat and watched them dry . . . all over in a second . . . or grabbing at straw . . . the brain . . . flickering away on its own . . . quick grab and on. . . nothing there . . . on to the next . . . bad as the voice . . . worse . . . as little sense . . . all that together . . . can't– . . . what? . . the buzzing? . . yes . . . all the time the buzzing . . . dull roar like falls . . . and the beam . . . flickering on and off . . . starting to move around . . . like moonbeam but not . . . all part of the same . . . keep an eye on that too . . . corner of the eye . . . all that together . . . can't go on . . . God is love . . . she'll be purged . . . back in the field . . . morning sun . . . April . . . sink face down in the grass . . . nothing but the larks . . . so on . . . grabbing at the straw . . . straining to hear . . . the odd word . . . make some sense of it . . . whole body like gone . . . just the mouth . . . like maddened . . . and can't stop . . . no stopping it . . . something she– . . . something she had to– . . . what? . . who? . . no! . . she! . . [Pause and movement 3.] . . . something she had to–. . . what? . . the buzzing? . . yes . . . all the time the buzzing . . . dull roar . . . in the skull . . . and the beam . . . ferreting around . . . painless . . . so far . . . ha! . . so far . . . then thinking . . . oh long after . . . sudden flash . . . perhaps something she had to . . . had to . . . tell . . . could that be it? . . something she had to . . . tell . . . tiny little thing . . . before its time . . . godforsaken hole . . . no love . . . spared that . . . speechless all her days . . . practically speechless . . . how she survived! . . that time in court . . . what had she to say for herself . . . guilty or not guilty . . . stand up woman . . . speak up woman . . . stood there staring into space . . . mouth half open as usual . . . waiting to be led away . . . glad of the hand on her arm . . . now this . . . some-thing she had to tell . . . could that be it? . . something that would tell . . . how it was . . . how she– . . . what? . . had been? . . yes . . . something that would tell how it had been . . . how she had lived . . . lived on and on . . . guilty or not . . . on and on . . . to be sixty . . . something she– . . . what? . . seventy? . . good God! . . on and on to be seventy . . . something she didn't know herself . . . wouldn't know if she heard . . . then forgiven . . . God is love . . . tender mercies . . . new every morning . . . back in the field . . . April morning . . . face in the grass . . . nothing but the larks . . . pick it up there . . . get on with it from there . . . another few– . . . what? . . not that? . . nothing to do with that? . . nothing she could tell? . . all right . . . nothing she could tell . . . try something else . . . think of something else . . . oh long after . . . sudden flash . . . not that either . . . all right . . . something else again . . . so on . . . hit on it in the end . . . think everything keep on long enough . . . then forgiven . . . back in the– . . . what? . . not that either? . . nothing to do with that either? . . nothing she could think? . . all right . . . nothing she could tell . . . nothing she could think . . . nothing she– . . what? . . who? . . no! . . she! . . [Pause and movement 4.] . . . tiny little thing . . . out before its time . . . godforsaken hole . . . no love . . . spared that . . . speechless all her days . . . practically speechless . . . even to herself . . . never out loud . . . but not completely . . . sometimes sudden urge . . . once or twice a year . . . always winter some strange reason . . . the long evenings . . . hours of darkness . . . sudden urge to . . . tell . . . then rush out stop the first she saw . . . nearest lavatory . . . start pouring it out . . . steady stream . . . mad stuff . . . half the vowels wrong . . . no one could follow . . . till she saw the stare she was getting . . . then die of shame . . . crawl back in . . . once or twice a year . . . always winter some strange reason . . . long hours of darkness . . . now this . . . this . . . quicker and quicker . . . the words . . . the brain . . . flickering away like mad . . . quick grab and on . . . nothing there . . . on somewhere else . . . try somewhere else . . . all the time something begging . . . something in her begging . . . begging it all to stop . . . unanswered . . . prayer unanswered . . . or unheard . . . too faint . . . so on . . . keep on . . . trying . . . not knowing what . . . what she was trying . . . what to try . . . whole body like gone . . . just the mouth . . . like maddened . . . so on . . . keep– . . . what? . . the buzzing? . . yes . . . all the time the buzzing . . . dull roar like falls . . . in the skull . . . and the beam . . . poking around . . . painless . . . so far . . . ha! . . so far . . . all that . . . keep on . . . not knowing what . . . what she was– . . . what? . . who? . . no! . . she! . . SHE! . . [Pause.] . . . what she was trying . . . what to try . . . no matter . . . keep on . . . [Curtain starts down.] . . . hit on it in the end . . . then back . . . God is love . . . tender mercies . . . new every morning . . . back in the field . . . April morning . . . face in the grass . . . nothing but the larks . . . pick it up–
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  23. metallicaci misin

  24. insanın içinde küfür etme isteği uyandıran sorudur.
    bilmeden konuşma ve yorum yapma hastalığına tutulmuş bu kişiyi bir an önce susturmak gerekir.
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  25. alacagin temliki

  26. borç ilişkisinden doğan belli bir talep hakkının devrine yönelik olarak, alacaklı ile onu devralan üçüncü kişi arasında, borçlunun rızasını aramaksızın yapılan ve sadece kazandırıcı bir tasarruf işlemi niteliğini taşıyan şekle bağlı bir sözleşmedir. Temlik ile alacaklı değişir ve alacak, temlik alan üçüncü kişiye geçer. Bu andan itibaren, borcun ödenmesini istemek hakkı da yeni alacaklıya geçer.


    1) bir alacağın mevcudiyeti,

    2) sözleşmeye bağlanması,

    3) temlik edenin tasarrufa yetkili olması,

    4) temlikin yasaklanmamış olması.

    Alacağın temliki bir akittir. Bu nedenle yalnız temlik edenin tek taraflı iradesiyle meydana gelmez, alacağı temlik alanın da (temellük edenin de) açık ya da örtülü (zımni) kabulü gerekir.

    Temlik akdi şekle bağlıdır. Yazılı şekilde yapılmadıkça alacağın temliki muteber olmaz. Temlik senedinde yalnızca temlik edenin imzasının bulunmasıyla şekil şartı yerine getirilmiş olur.
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  27. dark star

  28. love me to the end

  29. deine lakaien'in dark star albümünde yer alan üst üste onlarca kez dinlenilebilecek pek hoş bir parça.
    insanın içine işler resmen, böyle bir "love me" deyiş olamaz.

    Waiting for the dawn
    Waiting for the night
    Waiting for the dawn
    Waiting for the night
    The day's too long
    The day's too bright
    The day's too long
    The day's too bright
    Love me,
    love me to the end

    This man pursues you
    A dagger in his hands
    This man pursues you
    A dagger in his hands
    Yet he will never
    Get into our land
    Yet he will never
    Get into our land
    Love me,
    love me to the end

    Fall down by my side
    Down in my arms
    Fall down by my side
    Down in my arms
    This night forever
    No morning will come
    This night forever
    No morning will come
    Love me,
    Love me to the end
    Love me,
    Love me to the end
    Love me, love me..
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  30. sun fading

  31. sıkılmadan üst üste dinlenebilecek en güzel paradise lost parçalarından biri.
    sözleri de şu şekildedir:

    got a right to show you how i feel
    got a right the truth i can't conceal
    gotta lie to show you some appeal
    gotta lie to cherish all that's real

    sun fades in some way
    enter tragedy
    some where there's some way
    like all you ever dreamed

    got a mind to show you how i feel
    criticise the smallest of ordeals
    gotta try to show you how to fear
    gotta try to make you disappear

    sun fades in some way
    enter tragedy
    some where there's some way
    like all you ever dreamed

    sun fading
    sun fading
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  32. bride of the crimson sea

  33. eternal tears of sorrow'un Chaotic Beauty albümünün en güzel parçalarından biri.

    I saw her standing by the crimson sea...
    Her gazing was intense but so dead...
    The teardrops corroded the soil...
    She couldn't say a word to me...

    I know I want to be the young bride of the crimson sea
    I'm here to join the dark waves on this sacred night
    I know I must return my heart to the Gods of the seas
    to become the maiden of those crimson skies

    Isolated by the silent thoughts...
    They were too strong for her mind...
    Misguided by the burning desires...
    She couldn't resist them at all...

    I know I want to be the young bride of the crimson sea
    I'm here to join the dark waves on this sacred night
    I know I must return my heart to the Gods of the seas
    to become the maiden of those crimson skies

    I heard her whispers of remorse...
    Her naive mind was much too weak...
    Her fragile soul was hurt by the night too black...
    All she wanted was to be a part of the sea...
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