tear it out of these open pages,
women and kids of all ages,
millions of men with blank faces,
italicised lies, headlines, bold type
living lives just like deer in headlights,
terrified, blind, and wait to die,
i wonder when they'll come get me,
i wonder when they'll come get me.
we want you, have to need you.
and we'll tell you when they're hungry again,
and we'll tell you when they're hungry again,
it never ends, never ends.
we want you, have to need you.
and we'll tell you when they're hungry again,
and we'll tell you when they're hungry again,
it never ends, never ends, never ends.
big shot screaming, "put your hands in the sky,"
he says, "give it up boy, give it up or you're gonna die,
you'll get a bullet in the back of the neck,
in the back of the neck right between the eyes."
big shot screaming, "put your hands in the sky,"
he says, "give it up boy, give it up or you're gonna die,
you'll get a bullet in the back of the neck,
in the back of the neck right between the eyes."
big shot screaming, "put your hands in the sky,"
he says, "give it up boy, give it up or you're gonna die,
you'll get a bullet in the back of the neck,
in the back of the neck right between the eyes."
big shot screaming, "put your hands in the sky," (tear it out of these open pages)
he says, "give it up boy, give it up or you're gonna die, (women and kids of all ages)
you'll get a bullet in the back of the neck, (millions of men with blank faces)
in the back of the neck right between the eyes." (italicised lies, headlines, bold:)
tear it out of these open pages,
women and kids of all ages,
millions of men with blank faces,
italicised lies, headlines, bold type.
we hold out we hold on
ı'm older colder
here it comes light up my sky
yeah we share the same sun
yeah we share the same sun
white lights blinding
headlights driving
to see you to feel you
to be with need you
we hold out we hold on
ı'm older colder
here it comes light up my sky
when my light is out for you at home
ıt shines for me in early dawn
we're worlds apart but now ı see
ı'm in your heart whenever we are apart
and the sky shines bright
within the morning sun (in the morning sunday morning sun)
our time has just begun (time has just begun has just begun)
ın the morning sun (in the morning sunday morning sun)
our time to end will come
when my light is out for you at home
ıt shines for me in early dawn
we're worlds apart but now ı see
ı'm in your heart whenever we are apart
and the sky shines bright
bunun başlıca nedeni; her geçen gün geçim sıkıntısı derdinin daha da öncelikli hale gelmesidir. asgari ücret değil hadi 1000 - 1200 lira maaş almış olsunlar. bir tiyatro bileti veya bir roman parası ayırmaları çok güç. hele hele bir de kira ödüyorlarsa vay hallerine.
-hayır oğlum aslen nerelisin?
-baban nereli senin?
-tamam da baban aslen nereli?
şeklinde yedi nesil ataların memleketleri sorulana kadar diyaloğa sebep verecek cevaptır.