77 (sürprizlerle dolu)
dördüncü nesil yazar 1 takipçi 2.80 ulupuan

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  1. maclari radyodan dinledigimiz zamanlarda, spikerlerin sık sık kullandıgı kelime obegidir.
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  2. indian summer

  3. guzel bir manic street preachers sarkisi.
    bunlar da sozleri.

    If God persists, persists in saying yes
    I guess we'll have, we'll have to test ourselves
    Maybe the Summer, will come and clear our minds
    And find the impulse, to love the sunshine

    I guess we'll have to test, until there's nothing left
    We said the truth was fixed, it's lost without a trace

    This crime is eternity
    When time lost its certainty
    The Indian Summer

    Maybe this time
    We'll kiss and we'll not shake hands
    Indian Summer, still hurt and broken
    And leave all this material belief
    Remember the reasons
    The reasons that made us be

    I guess we'll have to test, what's darker than ourselves
    We said the truth was fixed, it's lost without a trace

    This crime is eternity
    When time lost its certainty
    The Indian Summer

    I guess we'll have to test, until there's nothing left
    We said the truth was fixed, it's lost without a trace

    This crime is eternity
    When time lost its certainty
    The Indian Summer
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