şikayet edilmesi durumunda ikinci kolanın içine bilumum pisliği katıp getirdikleri bilinmektedir.garson siparis sonrasi kola ile gelirken, el cabukluguna meydan bırakılmadan uyarılmalıdır.
sözkonusu yeni ayakkabıyı tenhalarda biraz eskitmeden eş, dostun yanına gitmek pek tavsiye edilmez.
güzel milletimizin siftah kavramı sağolsun, o ışıl ışıl duran ayakkabılar ve altındaki ayaklar kaldırım muamelesi görürler.
heyecandan altına zçan, akabinde çevresindekilerin de ağzına zçan insandır.
bir de yeni cep telefonun özelliklerini anlatmaya utanan insan vardır.
bu insan daha bizdendir, daha bir samimidir.güle güle kullan denesidir.
herhangi bir oyunu ele alırsak, karşıdaki herolara göre hero seçilir, seçilen heroya ve karşı takımdaki herolara göre stratejiler kurulur, karşı takımın stratejisini bozmaya ve takım oyununa yönelik item buildleri ve saldırı & savunma taktikleri izlenir, hatta yüksek seviyeli maçlarda tek bir hata bile 1-2 saattir süren mücadeleyi 5 dakika içinde sonlandırıp oyunun kaybına yol açabilir.işte böyle basit bir oyundur dota.bağımlılık yaratır, kurtulan bir daha geri dönmemelidir.ek olarak, dota bireysel oynanmaz, takım oyunudur.gel 1v1 diyenleri cs sunucularına havale ediniz.
dipnot:küfürden haz etmeyenlerin türk sunucusunda oynaması tavsiye edilmez.*
To the world around he was the perfect person
Planning for an alibi he then starts rehearsing
A human bomb just waiting to explode
This secret rage can't be controlled
Slaughtered the dreams of others
On left to recover
Self-inflicted wounds
Life he has comsumed
Planning a killing spree
Victim of a conspiracy?
Getting bored with his current life
Rearranging with a knife
Greed before despair suspicion starts to grow
His life was spared for this he does not know
Screams filled the air there was no way to help
The ones he mourns he killed himself
Slaughtered the dreams of others
On left to recover
Self-inflicted wounds
Life he has comsumed
Extending a life with total resistance
To fatal disease, future methods of science
Replacing what is real by using technology
Population control, selecting those who will breed
A specific type of form chosen for the unborn
A mind without emotion
Progressive anatomy
Genetic reconstruction
Evolution in production
Producing a race of human machines
A new age of existence the world will see
Replacing what is real by using technology
Population control, selecting those who will breed
A specific type of form chosen for the unborn
A mind without emotion
Progressive anatomy
Transforming your mind from the inside out
Overcoming fear that made you doubt
Observing what is stored in the subconscious
Trusting what you feel with your gut responses
See past the dark and use your energy
Learn from these images
Thoughts that we call dreams
This power lies within the mind
Gain wisdom through abilities
Change what's to come in future time
Avoiding pain and misery
Look through the fake from what is real
Making desicions by what you feel
Live for the future and not the past
The weak of mind will never last
Perceiving visions that reoccur
Analyse your dreams to gain
A better perspective of your life
In control of your destiny with mind and soul
See past the dark and use your energy
Learn from these images
Thoughts that we call dreams
This power lies within the mind
Gain wisdom through abilities
Change what's to come in future time
Avoiding pain and misery
One mind divided into three, for every problem a personality
Each one trying to protect, for the crisis a person they'll select
With sorrow comes reassurance, with confusion there's ignorance
Deny who they are, a fantasy gone gone too far
Protecting the weak points of the mind
Defensive personalities
Violent one minute calm the next
Defensive Personalities
Passed down from generations, years of pain and complication
Darkness was a punishment, memories time cannot mend
Brutalised from the day of birth, to reality they can't return
Existing in a world of three lives inside of one
Protecting the weak points of the mind
Defensive personalities
Violent one minute calm the next
Defensive Personalities
Creating a life only to destroy
Saved from a life of the unemployed
Where crime is the only way to survive
Which is the best to be dead or alive?
Maybe a chance but maybe not
Born to be thrown in the trash to rot
To exist in this world may be a mistake
The one who is with child, it's their choice to make
Death and life taken so easily
Right or wrong, whose choice will it be?
Abortion, when it is needed
Execution, for those who deserve it
The giving and taking of life will always be
Altering the future
Look into the future to prepare us for our fate
Controlling our existence with every life we take
Life for a life should remain the rule
The innocent victim that is what's cruel
Look to the past is what we should do
When justice was done and justice was true
Using our laws to help their escape
An easy way out is what they create
Claiming insane is the way to freedom
People are stupid enough to believe them
Death and life taken so easily
Right or wrong, whose choice will it be?
Abortion, when it is needed
Execution, for those who deserve it
The giving and taking of life will always be
Every day blows by in a world of corrupt addiction
With life comes pain withdrawals and deformation
Breaking the mould human appearance
Contorting bodies with chamical interference
The guilty one, innocent she now cries
A life of hell, better off to die
Born without eyes, hands, and a half a brain
Being born addicted to cocaine
Living monstrosity
A freak for life they'll always be
Never knowing love or hate
Only pain the drug creates
Some say she's naive, she's a stupid bitch
Some say to forgive, guilty she should die
The beginning of the end begins at birth
Breeding masses of twisted screaming flesh
An example we should make out of theses creators of misfortune
A serious crime that should not be forgiven
The guilty one, innocent she now cries
A life of hell, better off to die
Born without eyes, hands, and a half a brain
Being born addicted to cocaine
Go against the ways and experience pain
Leading a life which one might call insane
Bathe in the blood of the one you killed
Slaughter to survive, your needs are fulfulled
Using horrid waste
Some of them will taste
Removing deadly disease
With such primitive ease
Cannibals practising the art of butchery
Emotions don't exist, pain you can't resist
Primitive ways
Conducting ceremonies to meet the ancient ones
While having an outer body experience
Celebrate the kill of the day
Then walk among the guts of the fallen prey
Using horrid waste
Some of them will taste
Removing deadly disease
With such primitive ease
Cannibals practising the art of butchery
Emotions don't exist, pain you can't resist
Deep in your mind there is another side
A morbid truth one cannot hide
Unimaginable gore was your past time high
To hear people scream, to watch them die
Return back to the burial site
Face your dreams upon this night
Severed limbs not far away
Spirit past you now obey
Images of the forgotten past
Your first life revealed at last
Now you'll find to your surprise
All the corpses you left behind
A place you feel you've been to before
Where life would turn right into gore
You dig deep down through the years of decay
The truth is revealed, you found your way
Return back to the burial site
Face your dreams upon this night
Severed limbs not far away
Spirit past you now obey
Images of the forgotten past
Your first life revealed at last
Now you'll find to your surprise
All the corpses you left behind
Brought to this world to wither again
Naive about the ways of life is what they say
Millions live millions die, more are yet to come
Living skeletons - Where they come from
Born dead into this world
To starve and rot in agony
Born dead into this world
It's their choice, why can't you see
Life of misery, soon a corpse you be
As bones show through, nothing you can do
Relief does not exist
When you are born to die
Disease spreads fast across their dying world
Many cemeteries they will have to build
As process goes on for many years to come
A human waste land created when they are done
Born dead into this world
To starve and rot in agony
Born dead into this world
It's their choice, why can't you see
Mangled bodies falling from the sky
Grotesque mutation ripping out your eyes
Now a corpses slave you'll learn to rot
A life of endless gore is what you've got
Rotting till the end of time
In the land of no return
Here your screams remain unheard
Watch your flesh decay and burn
In this land there is no night or day
In pools of blood, the corpses sit and prey
Unholy carcas begging for relief
Existing everyday in morbid grief
Searching for your soul
Nowhere to be found
Wanting to return
Six feet under ground
Rotting till the end of time
In the land of no return
Here your screams remain unheard
Watch your flesh decay and burn
tesadüf sonucu üretilip, meraklısına pazarlanan haber.
leonardo2007 sitesi son 10 günde 15 milyon hit almış.ne güzel, ne hoş.
"leonardo da vinci yaşasaydı kendi bile şaşırırdı bu çıkarımlara.katla, yansıt, evir, çevir, duvara tut, suyun altına sok, amuda kalk, bi şey bulana kadar takla at.. tamam tablolar güzel olabilir ama kasmamak lazım.." *