don't you ever, be sad
lean on me, hen times get bad
when the day come, and you know your down
in a river of trouble, your bout to drown
hold on, cause i'm coming
hold on, i'm coming
i'm on my way, your lover where
if your cold, i will be your cover
never have to worry, because i am here
you dont need to suffer, cause i am near
hold on cause i'm coming
hold on cause i'm coming
hold on, cause i'm coming
hold on, i'm coming
lemme hear ya'll
you talk to me
for satisfaction, oh, hold on
call my name, oh, call my name yeah for quick reaction
yeah yeah yeah yeah
oh dont you ever,
oh dont you ever, be sad,
i want you to lean on me, when times get bad,
when the day comes, and i know you been around,
in a river o trouble, you you you you about to drown
hold on i'm coming
hold on cause i'm coming
hold on cause i'm coming
hold on i'm coming
(just hold on baby)
hold on, i'm coming (here i come)
hold on, i'm coming (take my hand)
hold on, (dont you ever) i'm coming (here i come)
halihazırda 15 milyon adet kitabın kopyasını internete yükleyerek dünyanın en büyük kitabevini kuran google haksız rekabet gerekçesiyle mahkemeye takıldı, haber link.
Dünya üzerinde 60 - 70 milyon kara mayını bulunuyormuş ve bunların yerlerinin saptanması açısından, hem ucuz hem de kolay taşınabilir bir madde olması değerli kılan şeylerden biriymiş.
i'm gonna leave you woman, before i commit a crime.
i'm gonna leave you woman, before i commit a crime.
you tried so hard to kill me, woman it just was not my time.
you put poison in my coffee, instead of milk or cream.
you put poison in my coffee, instead of milk or cream.
you're the meanest woman, that i ever seen.
you mixed my drinks, with a can of red devil lye.
you mixed my drinks, with a can of red devil lye.
then you sit back and watch me, hopin that i would die.
saf sodyum hidroksit'in özellikle su tesisatındaki boruları temizlemek ya da açmak için pazarlanırken aldığı isim.
protein çözücü özelliğinden ötürü biriken saç gibi şeyleri de ayrıştırır, çürütür. howlin' wolf'un what a woman! parçasında "what a woman!" dediği kadın; üstadı zehirlemek üzere, üstadın çorbasına karıştırır bu maddeyi.
you mixed my drinks, with a can of red devil lye.
you mixed my drinks, with a can of red devil lye.
then you sit back and watch me, hopin that i would die.
i got ramblin', i got ramblin' on my mind
i got ramblin', i got ramblin' all on my mind
hate to leave my baby, but you treats me so unkind
i got mean things, i got mean things all on my mind
little girl, little girl, i got mean things all on my mind
hate to leave you here, babe, but you treats me so unkind
runnin' down to the station, catch the first mail train i see
(spoken: i think i hear her comin' now)
runnin' down to the station, catch the old first mail train i see
i got the blues about miss so-and-so and the child got the blues about me
and i'm leavin' this mornin', with my arm' fold' up and cryin'
and i'm leavin' this mornin', with my arm' fold' up and cryin'
i hate to leave my baby, but she treats me so unkind
i got mean things, i've got mean things on my mind
i got mean things, i got mean things all on my mind
i got to leave my baby, well, she treats me so unkind
ingilizce'de; kin tutmak, garez beslemek gibi anlamlara gelir.
hold grudge againstsomeone / somebody şeklinde kullanılır.
örneğin; chuck berryno particular place to go parçasında, sevdiceğinin emniyet kemerini çözememesinden kelli oluşan sinirini şöyle ifade eder;
all the way home i held a grudge,
for the safety belt that wouldn't budge
ingilizce'de; yukleme kapasitesinin asilmasi, fazla yükleme gibi anlamlara gelir. diablo ii'de inventory dolu oldugu vakit yerdeki eşyaya tiklanması durumunda karakter; "i can't carry anymore" ya da "i'm overburdened" der.