Bulunduğu köyde 'hala' lakabı ile tanınan eşcinsel birey ve muhteşem insan. Eşcinselliğin sadece şehirli şımarıklığı olmadığını belgeselinden göreceksiniz. izlenmesi gereken müthiş bir hikaye. Hakkında açılmış başlık göremedim. Ya da sadece ben görmedim. Belgeseli icin buyrun;
gel bir şeyim ol
ister sevdalım, ister dostum
el olma işte
tanıdık yeller gibi ol, kırağı eriten çayırlarımda
giden trenlerime el sallayan ol
ve karşılayanım, garlarda gülümseyen yüzünle
giden gitsin, sen kapımı çalanım
'bendim' diyenim ol
şiirlerim sahibini aradığında
bir şeyim ol işte
ister sevdalım, ister dostum
biraz yalnızlığıma sokul, biraz kal seslendiğim yerlerde.
kankacığım merhaba. çaylaklığı ben de bilmiyorum ve bu yüzden sana mesaj gönderemiyorum. arada yazıcam sana ama hep çaylaklığa denk geliyor. bi film izledim 5 to 7, aşağıda sevdiğim bi kısmı var. güzel tavsiye ederim ama duygusallı biraz. sen nasılsın kanka anlatsana biz mektup arkadaşı sayılırız.
.......I started working when I was 11. By 25, I could feel the end of my career coming. I thought, "What happens now?" What will be my life?" I was terrified. And so I made an error of youth. Some of the girls were lucky. They had fallen in love, but not me. Not once. Even though I had been all over the World and I had met everyone. That spring, I was introduced to Valery. He was then just as he is now. Solid. Substantial. And good. The salt of the Earth,"as American like to say. I felt a great affection for him. A great respect. That is a kind of love. I thought it was the only kind I would ever know. I didn't believe enough. I didn't believe in love. 8 years later I discovered that I should have. It has stunned me, this new happiness which came out of nowhere. This secret door that has opened in me. I have never felt so alive.. as when I am in your arms. It is tempting, so tempting to forget about everything and just accept this gift. But I cannot. And not because I don't believe that you would be a marvelous stepfather to Marc and Elodie. And a wonderful father to the children we might have had together. Not because of lifestyle or the difference in our ages or the opinions of others. When Valery and I married, we wrote our own vows. He has always kept his promise and I feel I must keep mine. But it's more than a matter of honor. One day, Brian, when you have children you'll understand that to leave them is to leave yourself. And to injure them, unthinkable. I told you, I'm an old-fashioned girl. Please do not try to contact me. It will not change anything. I am so sad to say goodbye. To be parted. I can't believe it, really. We had so many adventures still ahead of us. Maybe... if we had had more time I would have found something about you I didn't like, really couldn't stand which would be very useful right now. But I doubt it. They say that no love is perfect. But then, they never met you.
Kakao hasat sürecinde afrikadaki cocuk iscilerin istismarini ve bu konuda uluslararasi kuruluslar ile sektorun en buyuk firmasi nestlenin tutumunu gosteren 2010 yapimi bir belgesel.
Belgeselin bir bolumunde Nestle firmasinin ceo'su o çamur fransiz aksaniyla kesinlikle cocuk isci calistirmiyoruz, kelime oynu yapmayin varsa bana kanit gosterin diyor. Yapimci cok iclenmis olacak ki cektigi belgeseli hicbir suclamayi kabul etmeyen nestlenin yan binasina dev bicimde yansitarak durumu ibret-i aleme gosteriyor. Demek ki neymis cok bos konusmamak lazim.