2007-2008 yılları civarında kurulmuş, Ukraynalı genç üyelerden oluşan ve depresif rock türünde başarıyla ilerleyen müzik grubu. Yalnızca Streets of Sheryl adında bir albümleri bulunan grup, yakın zamanda Danger Dancer adında bir single yayınlamıştır.
Darkness in the eyes
Flowing skins and a noise of silence
In the rotten world behind the closed door
There was a great expectation shit
With a golden sea...
When the chill rise
We shall rise to Cloud Loneliness
Scream with fear like a morning star desperation
As we escape to a great white home welcome us
This is the one we hope to see
This is the expected one
No more dreams to hope for
Lay down! And begin tryin' to tell
No more dreams to live for
Cry out! Inside Cloud Loneliness ***
in the ruins of the land
withered like an autumn flower
like little automation ants
doomed people of the city
rush from one place to another
there the pale man stands
his still rest, his silent dance
grey man sees the rainbow's end
all the colors above the ground
yet so poor as one color blind
grey man sees, grey man feels
with all these things he knew
grey man wonders, he dreams
will all these things make him,
or break him?
at the point that's seen by no one
in the middle of no where
i'm there
in everywhere with everyone
living in subconcious
standing on the corner that you never dare to look
searching, watching
seeing your ways of self punishment
your methods of self destruct
named as;living the life; by yourselves
but still with insistence
grey man sees, grey man feels
with all these things he knew
grey man wonders, he dreams
will all these things make him