bazı bilim insanlarının (özellikle beyanatı veren dişi ise) cinsel münasebet esnasında sadece penisi değil, vüducun bildiğimiz bir bölgesini aldıklarını gösteren sözdür.
Yeah this one right here goes out to all the baby's mamas, mamas...
Mamas, mamas, baby mamas, mamas
Yeah, go like this
I'm sorry Ms. Jackson [OOOH]
I am for real
Never meant to make your daughter cry
I apologize a trillion times
I'm sorry Ms. Jackson [OOOH]
I am for real
Never meant to make your daughter cry
I apologize a trillion times
A baby drama mama, don't like me
She doing things like havin her boys come from her neighborhood
To the studio tryin to fight me
She need to get a, piece of the american pie and take her bite out
That's my house, I disconnect the cable and turn the lights out
And let her know her grandchild is a baby, and not a paycheck
Private schools, daycare, shit, medical bills, I'll pay that
I love your mom and everything, see I aint the one who laid down
She wanna rip you up, start a custody war, my lawyer stay down
She never got a chance to hear my side of the story we was divided
She had fifths out, cookouts, on my child's birthday I aint invited
Despite it, show her the utmost respect when I fall through
All you, do is defend that lady when I call you, yeah
I'm sorry Ms. Jackson [OOOH]
I am for real
Never meant to make your daughter cry
I apologize a trillion times
I'm sorry Ms. Jackson [OOOH]
I am for real
Never meant to make your daughter cry
I apologize a trillion times
Me and your daughter
Got a special thang goin on
You say it's puppy love
We say it's full grown
Hope that we feel this
Feel this way forever
You could plan a pretty picnic
But you can't predict the weather, Ms. Jackson
Ten times out of nine, now if I'm blind fine
The quickest muzzle throw it on my mouth and I'll decline
King meets queen, then the puppy love thing, together dream
Bout that crib with the goodyear swing
On the oak tree, I hope we feel like this forever
Forever, forever, ever, forever, ever?
Forever never seems that long until you're grown
And notice that the day by day rule can't be too long
Ms. Jackson my intentions were good I wish I could
Become a magician to abacadabra off the sadder
Thoughts of me, thoughts of she, thoughts of he
Askin what happened to the feelin that her and me
Had, I pray so much about it need some knee, pads
It happened for a reason one can't be, mad
So know just know that everything is cool
And yes I will be present on the first day of school, and graduation
I'm sorry Ms. Jackson [OOOH]
I am for real
Never meant to make your daughter cry
I apologize a trillion times
I'm sorry Ms. Jackson [OOOH]
I am for real
Never meant to make your daughter cry
I apologize a trillion times
Uh, uh, yeah
"Look at the way he treats me", shit, look at the way you treat me
See your lil nose ass homegirls got they ass up in the creek G
Without a paddle, you left the straddle and ride this thing on out
And the union girl aint speakin no more cuz my dick all in her mouth
Know what I'm talkin about, jealousy, and fidelity, envy
Cheating, beating, and to the G's they be the same thing
So who you placin the blame on, you keep on singin the same song
Let bygones be bygones, you can go on and get the hell on
You and your mama
I'm sorry Ms. Jackson [OOOH]
I am for real
Never meant to make your daughter cry
I apologize a trillion times
I'm sorry Ms. Jackson [OOOH]
I am for real
Never meant to make your daughter cry
I apologize a trillion times
I'm sorry Ms. Jackson [OOOH]
I am for real
Never meant to make your daughter cry
I apologize a trillion times
I'm sorry Ms. Jackson [OOOH]
I am for real
Never meant to make your daughter cry
I apologize a trillion times
This is how we do it.
Its friday night, and I feel all right
The party is here on the west side
So I reach for my 40 and I turn it up
Designated driver take the keys to my truck
Hit the shore cause Im faded
Honeys in the street say, monty, yo we made it!
It feels so good in my hood tonight
The summertime skirts and the guys in kani
All the gang bangers forgot about the drive-by
You gotta get your groove on, before you go get paid
So tip up your cup and throw your hands up
And let me hear the party say
Im kinda buzzed and its all because
(this is how we do it)
South central does it like nobody does
(this is how we do it)
To all my neighbors you got much flavor
(this is how we do it)
Lets flip the track, bring the old school back
(this is how we do it)
This is how we do it, all hands are in the air
And wave them from here to there
If youre an o.g. mack or a wanna-be player
You see the hoods been good to me
Ever since I was a lower-case g
But now Im a big g. the girls see I got the money
A hundred-dollar bills yall
If you were from where Im from then you would know
That I gotta get mine in a big black truck
You can get yours in a 64
Whatever it is, the partys underway
So tip up your cup and throw your hands up
And let me hear the party say
Im kinda buzzed and its all because
(this is how we do it)
South central does it like nobody does
(this is how we do it)
Ynv, scc, all my homies
(this is how we do it)
Ill never come wack on an old school track
Check it out!
Once upon a time in 94
Montell made no money and life sure was slow
All they said was 68 he stood
And people thought the music that he made was good
There lived a d.j. and paul was his name
He came up to monty, this is what he said
You and og are gonna make some cash
Sell a million records and well make in a dash
öğrenci sıfatının gencin küçücük(tamam o kadar değil ama küçüğüz işte) omuzlarına bindirdiği yüklerden biri olan parasızlığın yaptırdığıdır. bir arkadaş, evinde kahvaltıya davet eder. müthiş bir haberdir bu keza evde makarna dahil hiçbir şey, cepte de para yoktur. bir iki gönülsüz reddetme girişiminden sonra davet kabul edilir. eve gidilir, çaktırmadan, dört gözle kahvaltının bir an önce hazırlanması beklenir. sucuklu yumurtalar, van peynirleri(arkadaş van'Lıdır), kaçak çaylar bir bir masaya konur. deli gibi aç olunmasına rağman o güzelim kahvaltılıklardan 3-4'er yudum alınır(7-8'de olsa çok değil,ne?), nezaket gereği aç ve kalbi kırık bir şekilde sofradan kalkılır...
her zaman ve ortamın en harbi markası olan rakının dahi sahtesinin çıkması üzerine, kafası güzel kişinin güvensizliğe kapılarak kız arkadaşına söylediği sözdür.
bu tip hastalar, genellikle, kadınlardan oluşan arkadaş ortamında kocalarının penislerinin boyutlarını deklare edip, bir tür rekabet ortamı yaratmaya çalışan garip insanlardır. aramızdan biri olabilecekleri gibi, toplumun büyük kesimi tarafından hayranlıkla takip edilip sevilen insanlar da olabilirler.
seri eksi editi: tamam lan sizin kocanızınki en büyük.
çeşitli televizyon kanallarında izlenebilecek sunuculardır. haber bülteni başlarken sanki cemre kafasına düşmüş, kadir inanır kendisini motive etmiş gibi mutlu, gülümser ve hayat doludur. aurasını izleyenlerin gözüne gözüne sokarak, "iyi akşamlar sayın seyirciler. xxx haber bültenine hoşgeldiniz." der ve haberlere geçilir. sunacağı ilk haber toplumun büyük kesimini üzen bir haber ise, sunucu insan saniyeler içinde sol yanından şimşek yemiş, the day after tomorow başına gelmiş gibi ağır bir üzüntü, melankoli, skerim böyle hayatı moduna girer. takip eden haberde de farklı bir tavır...