bayram sabahına hazırlanmak her insan için telaş demektir. kadınlar kuaföre giderler. zaten kadınlar için yeter ki kuaföre gitmek olsun. bayram filan dinlemezler onlar. neyse konumuz bu değil.
erkekler berbere giderler, saçlarını sakallarını kestirirler. bu sebeple arife günlerinde genellikle berberler çift tarife uygularlar. onların yaptığı ibnelikte ayrı bi' durumdur. saç aynı saç, sakal aynı sakal ne çift tarifesi lan tarraaam. neyse konudan sapmayalım.
efendim üniversite genci için durum biraz sıkıntılıdır. bir bayram önce kesmişsinizdir sakallarınızı, sonrasında koy götüne rahvan gitsin anlayışıyla salmışsınızdır ama o da ne? bir bayram daha gelip çatmıştır. burada iki durum meydana gelebilir;
sakallarınızı kesmemeniz durumunda dede, nine gözünde şöyle bir süzülüp ''neden kesmedin o sakalları bayram bugün oğlum?'' serzenişiyle karşılaşırsınız. eve gelip gidenler bir başka bakar. sanki bayrama gereken değeri vermiyormuşsunuz durumu doğar. yeni nesil saygısız genç konumuna oturuverirsiniz insanlar gözünde. insanlar için bir tek hacıların sakal kesmeme hakkı vardır bayramlarda.*
ikinci durum ise birinci durumu yaşamamak için gözünüz gibi baktığınız sakallarınıza ''kökü bende lan nasılsa'' deyip bir süreliğine veda etmektir. zordur. belirli bir süre çıplak hissedersiniz kendinizi ama toplum baskısı galip gelmiştir bu karşılaşmada.
neyse lafı fazla uzattım. gideyimde tıraş olayım en iyisi.*
Oppression deadly reign
Madmen gone insane
They hate and bring us pain
Bloodlust in their eyes
Getting high on torture cries
They hate and terrorize
They sacrifice
They try to break my will
They claim the right to kill
My world is standing still
I`m lost in hell
They try to make me right
A prisoner no reason why
All I try is to survive
The world`s demise
Chained in darkness - Screaming for the light!
Killing pain to save my life
Condemned to hell - I`m facing the end of my days
Condemned to hell - Their torches are burning
Condemned to hell - My freedom will burn at the stake
Condemned to hell - The dark age returning
They don`t care, they close their eyes
Kick away our human rights
A world dehumanized
Now tell me... how many gave their lives?
How many have to die?
Killed by official lies
With stars and stripes
Pain and anger - Killing all the light!
Darkness comes... eternal night
Condemned to hell - I`m facing the end of my days
Condemned to hell - Their torches are burning
Condemned to hell - My freedom will burn at the stake
Condemned to hell - The dark age returning
Chained in darkness - Screaming for the light!
Killing pain to save my life
Condemned to hell - I`m facing the end of my days
Condemned to hell - Their torches are burning
Condemned to hell - My freedom will burn at the stake
Condemned to hell - The dark age returning
I see the church / the town of Edinboro
A tower of memories / of love and sorrow
I remember the past / as I was a child
Dreaming of God and trying to fly
I climb the stairs straight to the top
Thinking and screaming ,about such lowly lot
I know for death who comes for me
But in my mind I cannot see
Hours of Fate are in me neck
I feel the scythe of time and there's no way back
I put my head out through the window
Watching the people on the streets below
And I forgot the tower's clock
A lonely prison what a shock
I feel the pointer cut into my flesh
I lost an eye and blood runs down my neck
I see my head falling down from the tower
I know I'm dead and I lost me power
Hours of Fate are in me neck
I feel the scythe of time and there's no way back
kızların çoğunlukta olduğunu düşündüğüm grup. uludağsözlük x taraftarları başlıklarından bıkmış bireylerde olabilir. sırf bu yüzden takım tutmaktan soğumuş bireyler toplulu diyebiliriz. **
bir annihilator parçası.aradaki solosuyla bazen güldürebilir bazen gaza getirebilir.ruh halinize göre değişir.*
Waking up to face another nightmare day
Blood drips from the mouth, my teeth decay
Deep depression is coming on fast
Got to get me my crystal breakfast
High, chasing the high
Die, chasing the high
High anxiety, panic setting in
Will do anything to get the sin
Sunlight burning my eyes gotta fill the need
Methamphetamine, it's time to feed
Dying to feast
The monster is fed
Call for the priest
One more is dead
The chemical injection, rushing through the vein
Speeding up the system and burning up the brain
Powered and invincible, the pain is at an end
High above, so beautiful, the demon rides again
Cycle starting over but it's too late
Try it just one time, it seals your fate
Deadly consequences, you can't go back
Life is gone, a heart attack
Out of the light into the black
He's the king of Black Jack
Out of the Grave into the life
He's the king of dancing the jive
Wild and dangerous he's coming this way
Smiling and laughing it's reaper's day
Skulls and bones adorning the streets
Jumping around to the reaper's beats
That's the way of rock
That's the way of selling your soul
Move your bones, there's no chance
Move your corpse to the reaper's dance
Out of the light into the black
The reaper's dancing through the night
Like a howling wolf he's on the prowl
Stepping the metal, doing the growl
Wild and dangerous he's coming this way
Smiling and laughing it's reaper's day
Skulls and bones adorning the streets
Jumping around to the reaper's beats
That's the way of rock
That's the way of selling your soul
Move your bones, there's no chance
Move your corpse to the reaper's dance
raistlin karakterini sevmeyenlerin dalga geçmek adına kafadan uydurdukları günlüktür.yoktur öyle bi günlük.eğlenecek başka şey bulamayan yurdum insanının malzeme eksikliği var heralde.aynaya bakın derim ben.*
(bkz: dağılın hadi bakayım küçük afacanlar sizi)
As long as I remember
we've marched across this land
oh, oh
Reached for a new horizon
pulled by the killing hand
oh, oh
All fed up with lies
the time has come
to break these chains and fly
Here we stand, bound forevermore
we're out of this world, until the end
Here we are, mighty, glorious
At The End Of The Rainbow
with gold in our hands
We know the treasure lies
beyond the pouring rain
oh, oh…
Our quest will last forever
for you it's all the same
oh, oh
No one can deny
our futures set
to reach above the sky
Here we stand, bound forevermore
we're out of this world, until the end
Here we are, mighty, glorious
At The End Of The Rainbow
with gold in our hands
Let's fly away through the rain
fly high, to ease the burning pain
oh, the colours fading out
The light is shining in the night
its up to you, its worth the fight
search before the colours fade
Here we stand bound forevermore
we're out of this world, until the end
Here we are, mighty, glorious
At The End Of The Rainbow
with gold in our hands
I've had nothing but bad luck
Since the day I saw the cat at my door
So I came into you sweet lady
Answering your mystical call
Crystal ball on the table
Showing the future-the past
Same cat with them evil eyes
And I knew it was a spell she cast
She's just a devil woman
With evil on her mind
Beware the devil woman
She's gonna get you
She's just a devil woman
With evil on her mind
Beware the devil woman
She's gonna get you from behind
Give me the ring on your finger
Let me see the lines on your hand
I can see me a tall dark stranger
Giving you what you hadn't planned
I drank the potion she offered me
I found myself on the floor
Then I looked into those big green eyes
And I wondered what I'd come there for
She's just a devil woman
With evil on her mind
Beware the devil woman
She's gonna get you
She's just a devil woman
With evil on her mind
Beware the devil woman
She's gonna get you from behind
If you're out on a moonlit night
Be careful of them neighbourhood strays
Of a lady with long black hair
Tryin' to win you with nymphetamine ways
Crystal ball on the table
Showing the future-the past
The same cat with them evil eyes
You'd better get out of there fast
She's just a devil woman
With evil on her mind
Beware the devil woman
She's gonna get you
She's just a devil woman
With evil on her mind
Beware the devil woman
She's gonna get you...
pkk ya verilecek en büyük ders kimsesiz çocuklarımızı onların değil bizim yetiştirmemizdir.
çatışmalarda çok başarılıyız bunu kimse inkar etmiyor lakin biz orda onların tepesine binerken bir nesil daha yetişiyor pkk adına.bunu durdurmak onlara verilecek en büyük ders olur kanaatimce.
One more god damn day
When I know what I want
And my want will be considered tonight AH! AH!
Consider tonight AH! AH!
Just another day
When all that I want
Will mark me as a sinner tonight AH! AH!
I'm a sinner tonight, yeah!
People can no longer cover their eyes
If this disturbs you then walk away
You will remember the night you were struck by the sight of
Power unrestrained
Dead on the mark
Is what we will deliver tonight AH! AH!
Deliver tonight AH! AH!
Pleasure fused with pain
This triumph of the soul
Will make you shiver tonight AH! AH!
Will make you shiver tonight, yeah!
People can no longer cover their eyes
If this disturbs you then walk away
You will remember the night you were struck by the sight of
We are the ones that will open your mind!
Leave the weak and the haunted behind!
We are the ones that will open your mind!
Leave the weak and the haunted behind!
We are the ones that will open your mind!
Leave the weak and the haunted behind!
We are the ones that will open your mind!
Leave the weak and the haunted behind!
People can no longer cover their eyes
If this disturbs you then walk away
You will remember the night you were struck by the sight of
dragonforcetan beklendiği gibi hızlı ve güzel parçası.ahanda sözleri ;
Burning fires, burning lies
On the long distant roads
Through the lost mountains endless
So far away from home
Crossing battles savage seas towards the mountains high
Forest plains of wilderness we're striking out tonight
On towards our destiny we travel far and wide
Journey through the darkenss as your hearts refuse to die
In the flames of hell we fire at will the fires of doom has come
With the forces of the blackest knights they're staring at the sun
Far across the distant plains of ice we're searching for the sword
When the time has come for the battle now we follow with the horde
We will ride with fire burning hot towards the night sky
In the land of long ago forever in our souls
Fly on wings of shining steel are burning so bright
In ancient lands of warriors we're riding on again
Burning fires burning lives on the long distant roads
Through the lost mountains endless so far away from home
Warrior soldiers forever we fought long ago
We're all lost in the darkness so far away from home
Fallen soldiers taste the steel of death the daylight dawning
Sun will shine upon the lives of burning hearts of ice
As you break through the boundaries of life this feeling of despair
And they die in their sleep for the world that will not care
You feel lost in this labyrinth of pain this sickening dismay
There's a voice inside that's calling another wasted day
Can't you see the history the suffocating madness
In the land of fallen souls there's nowhere left no place to go
I have traveled far and wide across the wasteland
Still searching for the answers for the right to understand
Burning fires burning lives on the long distant roads...
Riding through the starlight and smashing the boundaries as hellfire falls from the sky
A shadow of pain will arise from the ashes of those fallen ones who have died
Our only master with fire and fury of hell will see his bidding done
Blasting from high as the battle unfolds to the gates of the city we come
bugün okulun girişinde gerçekleştirilmiş protestodur.organize eden arkadaşlardan birinin kameralar karşısında basın bildirisini sesinin son zerreciklerini kullanana dek okuması sonrasında 10. yıl marşı alkışlamalar ve sloganlarla bitmiştir.*
edit:bu miting geniş çaplı olmamıştır olamamıştır bunun birçok sebebi var fakat en önemlisi organizatörlerin eylem haberini gerekli makamlara duyuramaması gerekçesidir.ama bu bir basamaktır.elimizden gelenin en iyisini yapmaya çabalayan bir topluluğuz.bu mitingi küçümseyenlere önemle duyurulur.
edit 2:birde özel üniversitelerin türban meselesindeki sessizliğinden bahsedilmekte.tüm genellemeler gibi buda yanlıştır.izmir ekonomi üniversitesi her ne kadar ''tiki mekanı'' olarak bilinse de! öyle değildir ve en kısa süre içersinde buda kanıtlanacaktır.
buradan da anlaşılacağı üzere özel üniversiteler de türban konusuna hassasiyetle yaklaşmakta ve ellerinden geldiğince bu saçma duruma karşı koymaya çalışmaktadır.
boş havuzu doldurmak adına haldır huldur dökülen musluktur.yardımseverdir bizim bir an önce havuza girebilmemizi ister.*
ayrıca nedense ortaokul ve lise öğrencilerinin dolu havuzu boşaltan musluktan daha fazla sevdiği musluktur.*
uzun zamandır içi açılmamış kasanın içinin açılması ve toz bulutunun çöpe gönderilmesidir efendim.
uzun zaman boyunca*temizlenmemiş bir kasayı temizlemek bazen ölümcül olabilir.kasayı ilk açtığınızda insanın kendini tutamaması ve ''pöfff'' şeklinde üfürmesi sayesinde bütün bir toz bulutu üstünüze doğru hücum eder.öksürük krizlerine girersiniz.sigaradan bile beter öksürtür.*
velhasıl-ı kelam siz siz olun kasanızı kısa periyodlarla temizlemeyi alışkanlık haline getirin.hadi bakalım kardeş kardeş oynayın şimdi.*
sabaton grubunun ilk albümü ve şarksının ismidir.işte sözleri;
Through the gates of hell
As we make our way to heaven
Through the nazi lines
Primo victoria
We've been training for years
Now we're ready to strike
As the great operation begins
We're the first wave on the shore
We're the first ones to fall
Yet soldiers have fallen before
In the dawn they will pay
With their lives as the price
History's written today
In this burning inferno
Know that nothing remains
As our forces advance on the beach
Aiming for heaven though serving in hell
Victory is ours their forces will fall
Through the gates of hell
As we make our way to heaven
Through the nazi lines
Primo victoria
On the 6th of june
On the shores of western europe 1944
D-day upon us
We've been here before
Used to this kind of war
Crossfire grind through the sand
Our orders were easy
It's kill or be killed
Blood on both sides will be spilled
In the dawn they will pay
With their lives as the price
History's written today
Now that we are at war
With the axis again
This time we know what will come
6th of june 1944
Allies are turning the war
Normandy state of anarchy
başlangıçta üstesinden gelemeyeceğini düşünen fakat yine de olaya girip başaran kişinin hissettiği duygudur.
+babaaa bu soruyu yapamadım baksana*
-getir getir benim matematiğim baya kuvvetlidir lisedeyken...(oeehh o ne lan)
+noldu baba yapamadın mı?
+* aha al bakalım heheee dahi miyim neyim bee..*
hakkında başlık açılmamasına şaşırdığım motorhead şarkısı.ahanda sözleri;
They say music is the food of love,
Let's see if you are hungry enough,
Take a bite, take another, just like a good boy would,
Get a sweet thing on the side,
Home cooking, homicide,
Side order, could be your daughter,
Fingerlicking good
Come on baby, eat the rich,
Put the bite on the son of a bitch,
Don't mess around, don't give me no switch,
C'mon baby eat the rich
C'mon baby eat the rich
Sittin' here in a restaurant,
Tell the waiter just what you want
Is that the meat, you wanted to eat,
How would you ever know?
Hash browns an' bacon strips,
I love the way that you lick your lips,
No fooling, I can see you drooling,
Feel the hunger grow
Eat up, eat you, eat me,
Eat two, get one free
Shetland pony, extra pepperoni
Just pick up the phone,
Eat greek, or eat chinese,
Eat salad, or scarf up grease
You're on the shelf, maybe eat yourself,
Come on, bite my bone
A nation in despair, weakened by war, defeated
Lost their pride in Versailles
A former prisoner, with a vision or a grand delusion
Rise to power in the reich
Rebuilding an army
Make the nation proud
Disregarding the treaty
Secret plans for "lebensraum"
Start the holocaust
The reich will rise
Propaganda, the reich will rise
To last a thousand years
Burning books to spread, anti-semite propaganda
Who will stop the madman's reign?
Night of broken glass, send the Jews to Dachau death camp
On a path to certain death
The "anschluss" completed
On the brink of war
Act brutal with no pity
Be harsh, show no remorse
Start the warmachine
In the last days of peace
Europe holding it's breath
An invasion is coming but when will it start?
Who will be first to fall? who will be last to stand?
Who will stop all this madness that has consequences no man understand?
No man, no land!