her banyodan sonra azıcık jöle (fazla olursa igrenc bir şekilde kıtır kıtır olur) ve fön aletine takılan vigo adlı başlık sayesinde kurutulduğunda hiçbir sorun yaşanmayan saç türüdür. önemli olan doğru kesimdir kıvırcık saçlar kat kat kestirilmeli ve içten azaltma yöntemiyle kesilmelidir. bu aşamalar tamamlandıktan sonra at kendini sokaklara..
moloko'nun portishead'le duet yaptıgı super tatlı sarkı..
i dreamt that i was dreaming
i was wired to a clock
tickled by the minute hand
tick tock tick tick tock
i dream i'm on a train
and it is making music
i don't remember getting on
clickity click clickity click
i dreamt that i was very tall
i was bigger than king kong
i heard the bells
the bells are ringing
a ding dong a ding dong
i dream that i am sitting in the devil's company
he gave a solemn promise
fe fi fo fun for me
i dreamt that i was chasing the monster out of me
i caught him in the corner
ha ha hee hee hee hee
i dream i'm in a tunnel between here and now
scooby doobie where would you be?
bow wow wow wow
i dream i'm at a crossroads
no place left to go
i look in each direction
eenie meanie miny mo
i dream that i am spying
it's you i'm looking at
there's a knocking at the window
a rin tin tin tin a rin tin tin
i dream i am an ostrich
head deep in the sand
there is a rhythm that's a playing
fantastic elastic band
i dreamt that the bogeyman went down on mr. spock
sugar was a flowing
sock it to 'em sock
i dreamt i saw a moo cow jump across the moon
just a flight of fantasy
zoom zoom zoom
i dreamt i met a spaceman
he took me to his ship
you know he cut my hair off
snip snip snip
i dreamt that i was sleeping
asleep for heaven's sake
the dream that i was dreaming
it caused me to awake
bop beep bop
i dreamt that i was jumping in a circus through a hoop
someone shut the lights off
i dreamt that i was fast
i was never shutting up
i was going in a hurry
i was giddy-up giddy-up
i dream i'm in the park
i'm standing in the nudey
i'm getting what i wanted
tootie fruity tootie fruity
fe fi fo fun for me
fun for me
i dreamt i was dreaming
i was wired to a clock
tickled by the minute hand
tock tick tock
i dream i'm on a train
and it is making music
don't remember getting on
clickity click
i dreamt that i was very tall
bigger than king kong
i heard the bells are ringing
a ring ding dong
i dream i am an ostrich
deep in the sand
rhythm is a playing
elastic band
fe fi fo fun for me
fun for me
dan "the automator" nakamura'nın mike patton, damon albarn ve kid koala gibi müzisyenlerle gerceklestirdigi projenin adı. ilk albümleri 2001 yılında çıktı. ozellikle anger management ve jennifer charlesla mike patton'ın duet yaptıkları sex l'm a sarkıları mukemmeldir..
insanı bulutların uzerine cıkaran ve oralarda hic bilmedigi yerlere teker teker,zevkini cıkara cıkara goturen muzik turudur.. bir kere dinledin mi kopamazsın, kendini kaptırdıkca kaptırır, yerinde duramazsın..
If I should die this very moment
I wouldnt fear
For Ive never known completeness
Like being here
Wrapped in the warmth of you
Loving every breath of you
Still in my heart this moment
Or it might burst
Could we stay right here
Until the end of time until the earth stops turning
Wanna love you until the seas run dry
Ive found the one Ive waited for
All this time Ive loved you
And never known your face
All this time Ive missed you
And searched this human race
Here is true peace
Here my heart knows calm
Safe in your soul
Bathed in your sighs
Wanna stay right here
Until the end of time
til the earth stops turning
Gonna love you until the seas run dry
Ive found the one Ive waited for
The one Ive waited for
All Ive known
All Ive done
All Ive felt was leading to this
All Ive known
All Ive done
All Ive felt was leading to this
Wanna stay right here
til the end of time till the earth stops turning
Im gonna love you till the seas run dry
Ive found the one Ive waited for
The one Ive waited for
The one Ive waited for
Wanna stay right here
til the end of time till the earth stops turning
Im gonna love you till the seas run dry
Ive found the one Ive waited for
The one Ive waited for
The one Ive waited for
I know its late, I know youre weary
I know your plans dont include me
Still here we are, both of us lonely
Longing for shelter from all that we see
Why should we worry, no one will care girl
Look at the stars so far away
Weve got tonight, who needs tomorrow?
Weve got tonight babe
Why don t we stay?
Deep in my soul, Ive been so lonely
All of my hopes, fading away
Ive longed for love, like everyone else does
I know Ill keep searching, after today
So there it is girl, Ive got it all now
And here we are babe, what do you say?
Weve got tonight, who needs tomorrow?
Weve got tonight babe
Why dont we stay?
I know its late, I know youre weary
I know your plans dont include me
Still here we are, both of us lonely
Both of us lonely
Weve got tonight, who needs tomorrow?
Lets make it last, lets find a way
Turn off the light, come take my hand now
Weve got tonight babe
Why dont we stay?
Weve got tonight babe
Why dont we stay?
bunların 2 versiyonu vardır. birinciler gayet temiz kalpleriyle sizden yana olarak ah evladım olucak olucak hic merak etme sen seklinde destek olan sevinci yada uzuntuyu paylasan yakınlar, ikinciler ise nerede,nasıl sekilde olurlarsa olsunlar kucuk kıyaslamalar yapmak ve sinir bozmak amacıyla vakit kaybetmeden sizi arar ve uzuntunuzu paylasırken bile alttan alttan bole olacagı belliydi tavırlarıyla laf sokarlar..
kadıkoy carsısındaki dicle balıkcısı calısanları buna iyi bir ornektir. arada bır suyun altına getirdigi balıklar icin devamlı acık tuttukları musluklarla suyu ziyan ederek hic ciddiye almadıklarını cok guzel gosteriyorlar..
nedense son zamanda iyice azıtmıs gsm operatoru(msu).. mesaj atıyorsunuz gonderilemiyor ibaresiyle karsılasıyorsunuz,arkadaslara soruyorsunuz onlarda gonderemiyor iyice inada bindirip denedikce deniyorsunuz sonuc 1 saat sonra msg yolladıgınız arkadasa 12 mesaj gitmesi.. ha bu kadarla bitmiyor tabi saf saf kontur yollamak istiyorsunuz aksam 9 sularında sabahın 7sinde onaylamanız icin mesaj geliyor.. su aralar 5bin ve 5yuz uygulaması dısında rezil mi rezil bir operatordur daha iyisini bulsam kırıcam hattımı..
bir turlu yerlerinde duramazlar,surekli degisiklik isterler,cok cabuk sıkılırlar,istedikleri yapılana kadar arsız bir cocuk gibi davranırlar,iyi niyetli,dısa donuk,hayatı seven,ogrenmeye ac ve sonsuz mutlulugu arayan insanlardır..
resim kursunda hoca butun ogrencileri bir guzel haslamıstır. desenler hala bitmemistir ve hoca cok onemli bir acıklama yaparcasına su cumleyi kurmustur.(ki sadece bir kereyle kalmadı)
+bakın cocuklar bitmemis desen bitmemiştir anlıyormusunuz bit-me-miş-tir..
cay hararet alır bu sıcak,vıcık yaz gunlerinde iyi gelir o yuzden..ama nescafede sabahın korunde kendine gelebilmek icin birebir..yerine gore tercih edilebilirler..