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1997 çıkışlı, broken hope diskografisinin 4. albümü. gelmiş geçmiş en iyi death metal albümlerinden biri, kilometre taşı. mükemmel davullara ve gitarlara sahip. mutlaka dinlenmeli.
Siamese Screams
The Cloning
High On Formaldehyde
A Window To Hell
Skin Is In
Auction Of The Dead
He Was Raped I Am God
Deadly Embrace
In a government bio lab, a gruesome experiment
A new warefare tool, a larvae implement
Nuclear grown Super Larvae created to kill
Toxic maggots implanted against one's will
Project almost finished, nearly completed
For research a human host is needed
Strapped in the lab and force fed a parasite
Inside my thorax, the terror grows
A bio weapon to kill our foes
Government guinea pig forced to be
My abdomen now is a parasitic womb
The wriggling grub inside is my doom
My belly bloats as it gestates
The immense maggot within incubates
Bowels liquify into a matter so heinous
Blood and worms blow out my ripping anus
Absorbing body fluids, this maggot sucks me dry
Inside my thorax, the terror grows
A bio weapon to kill our foes
Government guinea pig forced to be
A human surrogate mother lying helpless
My sustenance nurtures it's metamorpisis
Inside my guts the pupa twists and turns
Form writhes and churns
In hunger and size it's grown rapidly
From the inside out I'm eaten ravenously
It bursts from my withered body into the world
A biohazard horror for warefare unfurled
1999 çıkışlı broken hope albümü olan Grotesque Blessing'in 6. ve en gaz parçalarından biri. şarkı sözleriyle olayı bitirmiştir.
The gods made me it's said
Forged from the tears they shed
The last chapter of a prophecy, I am a global catastrophie
Sent from a divine origin to cleanse a world soiled with sin
My arrival is violent and loud
I kill the earth in a mushroom cloud
Quarelling stops by my hand
Mute protest as I scorch the land
My agenda is genocide
All are extinct as I turn the tide
A global shudder as I vent my rage
The planet blasted back into the stone age
Like a nuclear wrath, devastation complete
The world crumbles beneath my feet
People are disease that the earth must purge
I come to kill this human, this human scourge
All humans perish, this is my way
the earth's veneer now stripped away
The time has come for mankind's fate, I smite burn and eradicate
The gods made me it's said
Forged from the tears they shed
The last chapter of a prophecy, Feeding on a global catastrophie
Sent from a divine origin to cleanse a world soiled with sin
1999 çıkışlı broken hope'un yayınladıktan sonra kariyerine son verdiği album. her ne kadar loathing kadar 4-4'lük olmasa da birçok kişi tarafından en iyi broken hope albümlerinden biri sayılır.Earthburner ve War Maggot parçaları kesinlikle dinlenilmelidir.
track list:
Wolf Among Sheep
Chemically Castrated
Necro Fellatio
Christ Consumed War-Maggot Earthburner
Internal Inferno
Razor Cunt
Hate Machine
80'li yılların sonlarında kurulan amerikalı death metal grubu. 1999 yılında son albümleri olan Grotesque Blessing'i yayınlamışlar ve 2002'de resmi olarak dağıldıklarını ilan etmişlerdir.. gitar riffleri ve vokal tekniklerinde aşmış bir gruptur.
Swamped In Gore - 1991
The Bowels Of Repugnance - 1993
Repulsive Conception - 1995 Loathing - 1997 Grotesque Blessing - 1999
I am God
Creator of all
You will see my power
Once I get past these padded walls
I am God
I made your mortal soul
Delusions, disillusioned
No hallucinations here.
I am your God
See me bleeding from my eyes
I am the light, the hope, I am the creator of all
I am God
Leteth the purity of my heavenly protuberance
Penetrateth the inner canals of your sin-soaked frame
And leteth me wash away your dirtiness
With godly emissions from your lords holy scepter
I am God
The reward shall be great
When thou ingutgitates the seminal honeydew of thine lord
Happy is he who gelds himself during unholy hardness
I am God
Creator of all
You will see my power
Once I get past these padded walls
I am God
I made your mortal soul
Delusions, disillusioned
No hallucination here.
I am your God
Loosen these straps that bind and tighten me
So I may lead you from my straight-jackeled confinement
And into the planes of theomaniacal salvation
I am God
See my babbling the meaningless
I am the lunatic, the crazed and the mentally ill
And leteth me wash away your dirtiness
With godly emissions from your lords holy scepter
I am God
Creator of all
You will see my power
Once I get past these padded walls
I am God
I made your mortal soul
Delusions, disillusioned
No hallucinations here.
I am your God
Idolize me now
Blessed words of psychosis
This asylum is no house of holiness
See my raving aberrations
I am the creator of delirium
I am the savior you refuse to believe
I am the madness, crazed and unsound
And leteth me wash away your dirtiness
With dogly emissions from your lords holy scepter
I am God
The reward shall be great
When thou ingurgitates the seminal honeydew of thine lord
Happy is he who gelds himself during unholy hardness
amarilli, mia bella,
non credi, o del mio cor dolce desio,
d'esser tu l'amor mio?
credilo pur: e se timor t'assale,
dubitar non ti vale.
aprimi il petto e vedrai scritto in core:
amarilli, amarilli, amarailli
è il mio amore.
8 ekim 1551 - 10 aralık 1618 tarihleri arasında yaşamış italyan besteci, öğretmen ve şarkıcı. rönesans devrinin sonu barok devrinin başlarında oldukça etkili olmuştur. en bilinen eseri Amarilli, mia bella'dır.
Disgorge(U.s) ile yollarını ayırmış liturgy ve cinerary ile hala devam etmekte olan death metal efsanesi.. guttural vokal dendiğinde akla gelen ilk isim.bir diğeri için (bkz: wayne knupp)
devourment, ruthless beatings gibi sağlam death metal gruplarını kurmuş 1976 doğumlu müzisyen. ne yazık ki, geçtiğimiz eylül ayında alkolden kaynaklanan rahatsızlığı nedeniyle 31 yaşında vefat etmiştir.matti way ile beraber guttural vokalin tanrılarından biri sayılır.
1995 yılında Teksas'da Wayne knupp tarafından kurulmuş olan brutal death metal grubu. line up'ında yaşadığı birçok değişikliğe rağmen kalitesinde herhangi bir kayıp yaşamamış olan nadir gruplardan.
Line Up:
Dusty Boisjolie - vokal
Jared Deaver - Guitar
Murray Fitzpatrick - Bas
Troy Fullerton - Davul
track list:
1- One by One
2- Buried Again
3- Brutality is Law
4- Unholy Member
5- Bloody Prolapse
6- Blessed by the Beast
7- Forced to Bleed
8- Severed Savior
9- Public Mutilation
10- Death is just the Beginning*
*(R.I.P. Rob 'so vile' Lumbre)