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243 (ilaç gibi)
beşinci nesil yazar 3 takipçi 16.90 ulupuan

    david vincent

  1. morbid angel'ın vokal ve bass gitaristi olan insan. bir ara gruptan ayrılıp Terrorizer'da vokallik yapmıs olsa da sonunda yine muhtesem bir dönüş yapmıstır kendileri. gayet yakısıklı olan bu heriften bir de brutal vokal dinleyin *.
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  2. jeff keith

  3. geçici dolgu

  4. görüp görülecek en illet seydir. genelde kanal tedavisinden sonra koyulur. bir kac gün sonunda gercegi yapılır ama o süre içinde agzınız coktan insaat alanına dönüşmüştür. cimento renginde ve tadındadır. büyük bir huzursuzluk yaratır.
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  5. bombfood

  6. artillery'nin By Inheritance albümünden enfes şarkı. has thrashtir, yok böyle birşey dedirtenlerden. insanı dağıtır vesselam.


    All of your life
    You idolized them
    Those men with pride
    Want to be like them
    Never alone
    All parts of a team
    No course of their own
    It sounds like a dream

    You're not worth a damn
    Take orders - is all that you can
    They'll teach you every rule
    Bombfood - you're nothing but a tool

    made up your mind
    The papers were signed
    Recruited and paid
    For wastin' your time
    The sweat and the blood
    A price you must pay
    Work for your country
    With nothing to say
    The sergeant commands
    To act like a rock
    You had to admit
    You ran out of luck
    It's not out of lust
    It's not even need
    One thing's for sure
    Rocks don't bleed

    Grenades are hammering down on your head
    You lie in your hole, you wish were dead
    Your partner lies splattered all over the place
    There's no recognition he once had a face
    You want you had stayed at home with your mum
    But you are out here equipped with a gun
    You're feelin' so helpless but what can you do
    'Cause you volunteered, the blame is on you

    Out in the fields, where battles are fought
    As ordered above, not one human thought
    You sit in your hole, just waiting for death

    The enemy cause, an eternal threat
    Why don't you go home, why don't you just leave?
    Why not work for things in which you believe?
    The orders you take, won't do you no good
    So why don't you split, you ain't nothin' but bombfood!
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  7. giving in

  8. trip hop baslıcalarından olan saltillo sarkısı.


    You're born, raised and then torn down,
    to look a little more like, everyone you meet,
    And everyday that goes by,
    you look a little less like who you used to be.

    I don't mind the people staring,
    cause I know they never see me anyway,
    In these days, all the worlds the stage,
    and everyone one just wants to be the star.

    This is all too heavy,
    If you believe in your self,
    But no one can hurt you with out your consent,
    And I am not giving in.
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  9. emo sapiens

  10. sapiens'in akıllı demek oldugunu düşünürsek insanda ironik bir faaliyetin baslangıcı sayılacak türden oluşumdur.
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  11. gates of ishtar

  12. 1992 yılında isveç'te kurulmus melodic death metal topluluğudur. 98 yılında son albümlerini cıkararak dağılmışlardır. her ne kadar death metal türünde pek sık rastlanmasa da bu grupta melankolik, depresif izlenimlere rastlamak mümkün.


    A Bloodred Path- 1996
    The Dawn Of Flames - 1997
    At Dusk And Forever - 1998
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  13. rope ends

  14. isveçli progressive metal grubu pain of salvation'ın 2002 albümleri Remedy Lane'de yer alan harika sarkı.


    She is still young...

    Another day of emptiness
    This life is wearing her down
    The room around her is a mess
    Her children safe with her mom

    She is still young but feeling old
    Two children with different fathers
    She sits on the bathroom floor alone
    The shower chain broke
    Her neck hurts

    Then another night of emptiness to wear her down
    Naked to the world she wraps her sadness in a gown
    Her children fast asleep she sears the dark with glassy eyes
    Choosing carefully among her husband's business ties

    "Over!" she cries through rope ends and silk ties
    Beautiful life escaping her young blue eyes
    But life holds her hand, refusing to let go
    Leaving her breathing on the floor

    They're still asleep don't hear her cry
    And she's still obsessed with rope ends
    This time she picks a stronger tie
    With Winnie the Pooh and friends

    She is still young but feeling old
    A child dying to be a mother
    Now she hangs from the ceiling all alone
    All pressure is falling from her

    Seeing guilt has taught her guilt she's raised on disbelief
    Merely twenty beautiful but with a taste for grief
    She has learnt all that there is to know about hopelessness
    Seeing that no effort in this world can stand her test

    "Over!" she cries through rope ends and silk ties
    Beautiful life escaping her young blue eyes
    And Winnie is strong, would never let her fall
    Prevents her from breathing till she's not there at all
    But life holds her hands, refusing to let go
    Leaving her breathing on the floor

    [Johan Hallgren]

    [Daniel Gildenlow]

    Seeing guilt has taught her guilt she's raised on disbelief
    Merely twenty beautiful but with a taste for grief
    She has learnt all that there is to know about helplessness
    Seeing that no caring in this world can ease her stress

    Helpless she lies in rope ends and undies
    Unseeing eyes fixating Eeyore's smile
    "Over!" she cries as she's going unblind
    Still in this life
    Still in this troubled mind
    The ceiling let go, the old house let her fall
    Dropping her breathing to the hard cold floor
    Hitting her head - a broken china soul
    Red stains on porcelain and she's not there at all

    Breathing she cries for rope ends and silk ties
    Beautiful eyes Piglet stands shy behind
    Broken she lies undead and unblind
    Beautiful life
    Beautiful crying young eyes
    Blackened and bruised, learning how to see
    Staring at her tooth - crimsoned ivory
    Hours they pass this broken china soul
    Red stains on porcelain
    And she's not there at all...

    "...and years later I would find You hanging
    alas the subte irony in shortering life with an extension lead
    before I could get You down I died so many times...
    thoughts about running to the kitchen for a knife to cut You down
    but I learned that there is no way of leaving the room
    when someone is hanging from the ceiling
    Your body just won't allow You that rest
    You stay
    to watch her face slowly turn blue
    finally to let You weight add to hers
    doubling the burden
    awaking her to the burden
    that brough her there in the first place:

    "The Sisters of Solitude...

    They love and hurt, break and are broken, the sisters of solitude
    They cannot shake the dust from the ground
    Cannot rise from the ashes, the sisters of solitude
    They reach out to embrace the world, good and evil, weak and strong
    They will settle for nothing less, the sisters of solitude
    They love that they be loved, give that they be given
    Hurt that they get hurt, the sisters of solitude
    Hence, one loses weight by the second
    Throws up what she can instead of what she cannot
    Hence, two have tried to hang themselves, too strong to shut life out
    Yet too weak to live it
    Hence, the little one dissapears, melts into the walls, stands back
    Agrees, unsatisfied
    They all carry the end of the world in their chests
    Heirs of sadness and irony, of settling for less, of bitter consent
    Of mothers and mothers of solitude
    They all carry to break free, the sisters of solitude
    I fear them all so...
    I love them all so..."
    * * *
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  15. muge anli nin programinda metallica calmasi

  16. sabah erken kalkıp, tv'yi acıp, cay koyan bünyelerin * tv'de babalarının sevgilisine tecavüz eden gençleri gösterip arkada metallica'dan enter sandman çaldıgını duyması durumudur. gülelim mi aglayalım mı bilemiyoruz. reklamlara geçiyoruz.
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  17. holy symphony of war

  18. fin grup kalmah'ın bu yıl cıkarmıs oldukları muhtesem albüm olan for the revolution'da yer alan tarifsiz şarkı *.


    State of the world today
    Nothing but the same
    Violence and disgrace
    And no-one to blame

    A murder on a TV-screen
    The adults playing their game
    PlayStation controls children's lives
    As they grow up they'll do the same

    I sing - you sing - we all sing
    Holy Symphony of War

    Fearful thoughts hide in people's minds
    Control those who can't deny
    Under the patronage of steel
    The great man is turning the wheel

    Behind the scenery of abundance
    No-one hates more than the poor
    The scribe are spreading the word
    Declare the peace in the name of war

    I sing - you sing - we all sing
    Holy Symphony of War
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  19. journey through lands unknown

  20. belçikalı funeral doom metal grubu pantheist'in bu sene cıkmıs olan albümüdür. muhtesem bir albüm olmustur.


    1. Deliverance
    2. Unknown Land
    3. Dum Spiro Despero
    4. Haven
    5. Oblivion
    6. The Loss of Innocence
    7. Eternal Sorrow
    8. Mourning the Passing of Certainty
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  21. blood money

  22. guillotine'nin bu sene cıkarmıs oldukları harika albümleri.


    1. Insane Oppression
    2. Rebellion
    3. Insanity
    4. Liar
    5. Die Live
    6. Skeleton City
    7. Madness
    8. Dying World
    9. Welcome to Dying *
    10. War
    11. Our Darkest Day
    12. Blood Money
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  23. giden benim

  24. rain without end

  25. october tide adlı death/doom metal grubunun 97 yılında cıkardıkları ilk albümü. harika melodiler içeren albümün playlist'i şu şekildedir:

    1. 12 Days of Rain
    2. Ephemeral
    3. All Painted Cold
    4. Sightless
    5. Losing Tomorrow
    6. Blue Gallery
    7. Infinite Submission
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  26. 12 days of rain

  27. isveçli grup october tide'ın 97 yılında cıkan ilk albümleri Rain Without End'de yer alan muhtesem şarkı.

    (bkz: girişi güzel sarkılar)
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  28. viii the time unchained

  29. 45 dakikada bir servis alinir

  30. bazı adisyonların altında yazan yazıdır. girdiği yerde oturan ve kalkamayan ben, bu yazıyı okuduktan sonra kendime dönüp "acaba cok mu zenginim lan ben?" ya da "burası mı cok klas bir ortam?" sorularını yine kendime sorduran 25 harften oluşmuş 5 kelimedir.
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  31. watson and crick

  32. James Dewey Watson ve francis crick tarafından bulunan ve isminide buradan alan çift sarmallı dna yapısı.
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  33. the last goodbye

  34. down of the angry

  35. morbid angel'ın 95 yılında cıkan domination albümündeki muhteşem şarkı. bateri, gitarlar, vokal bu denli iyi birleşebilirdi.
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  36. corn flakes i sutsuz yemek

  37. genelde günlük kahvaltılar için birebir olan corn flakes'in sütsüz yeme durumunu yansıtır. cogu insan içine süt katmadan çerez gibi de yemiştir bu yiyeceği.
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  38. christina christina olali boyle sevgi gormedi

  39. sözlügün bir anlık delirmesi sonucunda akla gelen cümle. bende eksik kalmadan duruma ayak uydurup christina ile ilgili baslık acanlardan oldum.

    (bkz: sen cok yasa christina) *
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  40. a disease for the ages

  41. mourning beloveth'ın 2008 yılında cıkardıkları güzel albümleri. gercek doom metal izleri tasınmakta.


    1. The Sickness
    2. Trace Decay
    3. Primeval Rush
    4. The Burning Man
    5. Poison Beyond Al
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  42. six waves of woe

  43. forest of shadows'un bu yıl cıkarması beklenen albümü. * diğer albüme göre daha sakin bir albüm oldugunu düşünmekteyim.


    1. Submission
    2. Selfdestructive
    3. Detached
    4. Moments In Solitude
    5. Pernicious
    6. Deprived

    myspace sayfalarından Selfdestructive sarkısını dinleyebilirsiniz.
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  44. ningizza

  45. iki muhtesem grup olan * forest of shadows'dan Niclas Frohagen ve inborn suffering'den Stephane Peudupin'in 97 yılında meydana getirdigi muhtesem fransız doom/death metal grubudur. 2003 yılında cıkardıkları tek albümleri Dolorous Novella'dan sonra kendi müzik gruplarındaki aktif calısmalarına devam etmişlerdir.
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  46. kediye light süt içirmek

  47. şişko bir kediye karsı diretilen zayıflatma yönteminin aksine evde normal tam yaglı inek sütü kalmaması durumunda light sütü tercih etme durumudur. *
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  48. poşet görünce deliren kediler

  49. her gördügü ucan kacan nesneye meraklı gözlerle bakan kedilerin poşetlere karsı delicesine saldırma durumudur. ses cıkaranlarına karsı ilgi daha da büyüktür. hatta bazıları vardır ki bu carsı poşetlerinin içinde bile yatarlar.
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  50. 50 yaşında çocuk sahibi olmak isteyen adam

  51. torununu görmek istemeyen insandır. nitekim cocuguyla arasında daglar kadar fark olusmus olup, cocugunun babasına dede deme ihtimali yüksek hadisedir.
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  52. reinkaos

  53. isveç'li topluluk dissection'ın 2006 cıkıslı, melodilerin delicesine savruldugu muhtesem albümü. hafif etnik hava sezmekte mümkün. özellikle albümün son sarkısı maha kali'de.


    1. Nexion 218
    2. Beyond The Horizon
    3. Starless Aeon
    4. Black Dragon *
    5. Dark Mother Divine
    6. Xeper I set
    7. Chaosophia
    8. God Of Forbidden Light *
    9. Reinkaos
    10. Internal Fire
    11. Maha Kali
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  54. phoenix rising

  55. annihilator'ın 93'te cıkarmıs oldugu Set the world on fire albümünden durgun bir parca.

    (bkz: ballad)


    day by day, watching you disappear
    wishing that you were still here beside me
    on my own, swimming against the tide
    there's nobody on my side but your memory

    then you'll rise right before my eyes
    on wings that fill the sky
    like a pheonix rising
    like a pheonix rising

    wings on fire, tearing into the night
    screaming into the light of another day
    carry me out the hurricane
    into the smoke and flame and we'll fly away

    and we'll rise right before their eyes
    on wings that fill the sky
    like a pheonix rising
    like a pheonix rising

    higher, higher, hear the thunder roar from above
    fire, fire, fire makes me whole
    into the smoke and flame and we'll fly away

    and we'll rise right before their eyes
    on wings that fill the sky
    like a pheonix rising
    like a pheonix rising
    wings on fire, tearing in to the night
    and we'll fly away
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