citizen erased
377 (Tsubasa Ozora)
üçüncü nesil yazar 9 takipçi 23.20 ulupuan

    su dalgası

  1. pırasa saçtan bıkmış insanın kurtarıcısıdır. efendim 1 hafta sonra yaptırıp deneyeceğim. iyi mi kötü mü diye bilgilendiricem o zaman. water gigle *
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  2. yard of blonde girls

  3. jeff buckley nin sesinin en seksi olduğu şarkılardan biridir.orjinali the nymphs' e aittir. jeff buckley nin sketches for my sweetheart the drunk adli albümünde yer alır.*

    through the yard, through the yard of blonde girls.
    through the river and the sea.
    gold sharks glittering.
    a tree of white breaks the earth.
    the streets where lola played.
    very sexy, very sexy. okay, okay.
    fear we may come.
    fear we may come.
    fear we may come.
    fear we may come.
    so run, run, run, run, run, run, run.

    it's in your heart, it's in your art, your beauty.
    even in this world of lies, there's purity,
    you've got innocense in your eyes.
    even in this world of lies, you're still hopeful.
    very sexy. okay, okay.
    fear we may come.
    fear we may come.
    fear we may come.
    fear we may come.
    so run, run, run, run, run, run, run.

    through the yard, through the yard of blonde girls.
    through the river and the sea.
    gold sharks glittering.
    a tree of white breaks the earth.
    the streets where lola played.
    very sexy, very sexy. okay, okay.
    fear we may come.
    fear we may come.
    fear we may come.
    fear we may come.
    so run, run, run, run, run, run, run.
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  4. despite the tears

  5. çok hoş bir jeff buckley şarkısı

    he found a letter from his lover
    she said she's never coming home
    his things were lying on her doorstep
    and his tears they fell like rain
    and in his mind, he knew
    he'd love her always

    despite, despite the tears

    and in his town where few knew love
    he'd spend his nights all alone, crying
    and all the love he'd once shared with her
    was gone, long, long, long gone
    and he knew a part of him was dying

    and in his mind
    he knew he'd love her always

    despite, despite the tears

    don't cry, dont'cry, don't cry
    lover we tried, we tried, we tried

    and in his mind he knew he'd love her always

    despite, despite the tears
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  6. glinwelin

  7. 5.nesil yazar.hoşgelmiş sefalar getirmiş.
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  8. cinnabar

  9. parlak kırmızı renginde olan;kristal şeklindeki civa sülfürü.
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  10. go or go ahead

  11. rufus wainwright'ın want one albümünün en güzel parçalarından birisidir.crystal meth bağımlılığının hat safhada olduğu dönemde bestelemiştir şarkıyı. sözleri;

    thank you for this bitter knowledge
    guardian angels who left me stranded
    it was worth it, feeling abandoned
    makes one hardened but what has happened to love
    you got me writing lyrics on postcards
    then in the evening looking at the stars
    but the brightest of the planets is mars
    then what has happened to love
    so i will opt for the big white limo
    vanity fairgrounds and rebel angels
    you can't be trusted with feathers so hollow
    your heaven's inventions, steel eyed vampires of love
    you see over me, i'll never know
    what you have shown to other eyes
    go or go ahead and surprise me
    say you've lead the way to a mirage
    go or go ahead and just try me
    nowhere's now here smelling of junipers
    fell of the hay bales, i'm over the rainbows
    but of medusa kiss me and crucify
    this unholy notion of the mythic power of love
    look in her eyes, look in her eyes
    forget about the ones that are crying
    look in her eyes, look in her eyes
    forget about the ones that are crying
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  12. the one you love

  13. çevirisini de şöyledir;

    zihnimde bir çok resim var,
    neden gözlerim açıkken uyuyamıyorum
    zihnimde bir çok anı var,
    ağladığımda nasıl göründüğümü hatırlıyor musun?

    tatlı ve yumuşak bir dille seni anlatmaya çalıştım,
    ama hiç bir kelime seni anlatamıyordu
    yaptığım onca şeyden sonra, hiç bir kelime seni anlatamıyordu

    ben senin tek sevdiğinim
    ben senin tek sevdiğin miyim?

    bayan kasvet ve eşekarıları etrafımızda uçuşuyorlar
    çığlıklarımız hareketsiz ve en ufak hareketimizde sokulcağımız kesin

    şarkı söylüyorum "ooo jerusalem, ooo jerusalem, bak
    gör o ne almış parkta"
    haydi (dağıtalım) bu iğrenç resim sergisini
    benimle sevişmeni istiyorum ve sadece benimle,

    ben senin sevdiğinim
    ben senin tek sevdiğin miyim?

    resimlerimizi takas ettik
    görünüşe göre ayrılıyoruz
    seni conduit bulvarında sabahleyin terk ediyorum
    sabahın erken saaatlerinde
    benim tek sevdiğim sen misin?
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  14. kadi burhanettin

  15. Doğu Anadolu'da hükümdar olmaya çalışan, ihtiraslı bir devlet-siyaset adamıdır. ayrıca, derin fıkıh bilgisi de vardır. bir divanı vardır. tuyuğ nazım şeklini en çok o kullanmıştır.
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  16. complainte de la butte

  17. moulin rouge'un soundtrackleri arasında yer alan bir rufus wainwright şarkısı.
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  18. sonu gelmez opusler

  19. charles baudelaire'in şiirlerinin bulunduğu kitap.
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  20. though she needs you more than she loves you

  21. the smiths in i know it's over şarkısında geçen sözlerdir.belki de parçanın en can alıcı yeridir.
    (bkz: i know it's over)
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  22. flutter girl

  23. chris cornell'ın ilk solo albumu olan euphoria morning'den bir parça.şarkıyı ilk defa canlı olarak chris in dostu olan jeff buckley söylemiştir.
    sözleri şöyledir;

    flutter girl
    i'm drinking dust
    with eyes of rust
    tonight my tears might stain your wings
    so flutter home
    'cause you're better off alone than with me
    so hide your face
    and tie your lace
    and butterflies across your cheek
    forget how soon you become a fool for words when i speak

    flutter girl you don't wanna know what i live
    you don't wanna take what i give
    'cause i give nothing for free

    my hands are rough
    my fingers cold
    and your heart so young and so naïve to ever feel for a moment
    that i might dare to believe
    i'll tear your wings as i melt in your smile as i run all your colors away

    flutter girl you don't wanna know what i live
    you don't wanna take what i give
    'cause i give nothing for free
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  24. panda reklamindaki yuzsuz panda

  25. kana kana kola icmek

  26. asitten dolayı gözler yaşarasıya kadar içmek ve gözlerinin yanmasından zevk almak.
    (bkz: mutluluktan ağlamak)
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  27. once i was

  28. jeff buckley'nin babasının ölüm yıldönümünde söylediği içlere dokunan bir tim buckley şarkısı.sözleri şöyledir:

    A long time ago, when I was a little kid, my mom sat on the bed and put this record on's like the first song I ever heard..that had my father's voice..and I must admit it...I was..six...and I was bored...I was bored, I'm sorry...(....)

    Once I was a soldier
    And I fought on foreign sands for you
    Once I was a hunter
    And I brought home fresh meat for you
    Once I was a lover
    And I searched behind your eyes for you
    And soon there’ll come another
    To tell you I was just a lie

    Sometimes I wonder
    For a while
    Do you ever remember me?

    Though you have forgotten
    All of our rubbish dreams
    I find myself searching
    Through the ashes of our ruins
    For the days when we smiled
    And the hours that ran wild
    And the magic of our eyes
    And the silence of our words

    Sometimes I wonder
    For a while
    Do you ever remember me?

    şarkı tamamiyle tim buckley e ithafen söylenmiştir jeff tarafından..
    damardan girer..acıtır..
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  29. aşık olunan kişiyi rüyada görmek

  30. rüyanın son evresi de bitip uyanıldığında en uygun küfürlerin tüketilebileceği durum. ****
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  31. a m 180

  32. şeker kıvamında bir grandaddy parçası.ayrıca 28 days later filminde marketli sahnede çalıyor.
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  33. paullina simons

  34. bronz atlı,tatyana ve alexander,on bir saat,limon çiçeği,kızıl yapraklar adlı kitapların yazarı olan paullina simons 1963 te st.petersburga'da doğmuş ve amerika'ya göç etmişlerdir ailesiyle..şu anda the summer garden'ın türkçe'ye çevrilmesini okurları büyük bir sabırsızlıkla beklemektedirler.
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  35. je n en connais pas la fin

  36. içlere işleyen bir jeff buckley şarkısı.fransızca söylediği bölümlerde kendinizi yerden yere vurasınız gelir bu kadar duygulu nasıl söyler diye.ayrıca jeff buckley'nin so real:songs from jeff buckley albümünün (annesinin ticari amaçlı çıkarmış olduğu albüm) on birinci şarkısı.aslen edith piaf'a aittir.fransızcada sonunu bilmiyorum anlamına gelmektedir.sözleri ise şöyledir;

    i used to know a little square
    so long ago, when i was small
    all summer long it had a fair
    wonderful fair with swings and all
    i used to love my little fair
    and at the close of everyday

    i could be found, dancing around
    a merry-go-round that used to play...

    "ah, mon amour
    a toi toujours
    dans tes grands yeux
    rien que nous deux"

    all summer long my little fair
    made everyday like a holiday
    night after night it used to play
    and people came there from so far away
    and everyone sang that little tune
    all around town you heard it played

    even pepi from napoli
    he sang to marie
    this serenade...

    "ah, mon amour
    a toi toujours
    dans tes grands yeux
    rien que nous deux"

    all summer long my little fair
    made everyday like a holiday
    night after night it used to play
    and people came there from so far away
    and everyone sang that little tune
    all around town you heard it played

    even pepi from napoli
    he sang to marie
    this serenade...

    "ah, mon amour
    a toi toujours
    dans tes grands yeux
    rien que nous deux"

    i can't forget my little square
    even though i'm so far away
    i can't forget my little fair
    maybe it's still there, still there today
    i sometimes hear that little tune
    playing in a dream of long ago

    and in my brain runs the refrain
    that old french refrain i used to know...

    "ah, mon amour
    a toi toujours
    dans tes grands yeux
    rien que nous deux"
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  37. © 2025 uludağ sözlük