msn'de konuşmaların sonuna geldiğimizi gösteren sözcükler bütünüdür. ayrı ayrı anlamları olduğu gibi, hepsi beraber söylendiğinde daha bir manidar ve güzel durur.*
(bkz: msn dili)
Antalya'nın 30 kilometre kuzeybatısında Denizden ortalama yüksekliği 200 metre olan Antalya dağları çevresindeki travertenlerden 1.665 metre yükseklikte, Güllük Dağı'nın tepesinde kurulu tarihi kenttir.
Termessos'un bilinen tarihi Büyük iskender'in i.Ö. 333 yılında Termessos'u kuşatmasıyla başlar. iskender, şahin yuvasına benzettiği bu kenti alamamıştır. Termessos i.S. V. yüzyıla kadar varlığını sürdürebilmiştir. Kent Surları, Hadrian Kapısı, Su Sarnıçları, Tiyatrosu, Gymnasiumu, Agorası, Odeonu ve Hereonu kentin önemli yapıtlarından bazılarıdır. Geniş bir alana yayılmış mezarlığı, Alketas, Agatemeros ve Arslanlı Mezar gibi anıt mezarlar dikkat çeken kalıntılarıdır.
Termessos insanlarına Solym'ler denilmekteydi. Solym'ler diğer antik kentlerdekinin aksine denizden gelen kavimler değildiler, Tamamen Anadolu kökenliydiler.
genelde kızlar ve erkekler şeklinde ayrılıp oynanılan hatta bazen uğruna turnuvalar düzenlenen çocukluğun vazgeçilmez oyunudur.yakala fiil kökünden -mbaç* ekiyle oluşturulmuş bir sözcüktür.**
(bkz: saklanmak-saklambaç)
doğan kitabevinin 'şeytanın müridi' isimli kitabı için kullandığı tamlama.çok dikkat çekicidir efendim.çok işe yarayacaktır bence.tırnak yemek isteyenlerin evlerinde bulundurmaları gereken yegane kitaptır.(bkz: ölüler cinayet işler mi? korkudan tırnak yedirten bir gerilim)
pain of salvation ın remedy lane adli albumunden bir şarkı.
please let me be yours please never leave
please stay here close to me
all love we shared where is it now?
please let me be better than i was
please don't give up on us
the thought of leaving you - i don't know how
i can feel the pain you have inside
i see it in your eyes
those eyes that used to shine for me
i can feel the wildness in your heart
that's tearing us apart
my love how can i help if you don't want me?
there is nothing you can do to help me now
i am lost within myself as so many times before
there's nothing you can do to ease my pain
i am so, so sorry but if you love me you must let go
two young souls in the dance of a chain sling
love once born from the ink of solitude
bidding to dance in the swing of a rope end
walking their remedy lane
trough this interlude of pain
who will be there now?
when i lose one true love?
(when i lose my love)
i am falling now
darkness below and above
there is nothing you can do to help me now
i am lost within myself as so many times before
there's nothing you can do to ease my pain
i am so, so sorry but if you love me you must let go
two young souls in the dance of a chain sling
love once born from the ink of solitude
bidding to dance in a swing of a rope end
walking their remedy lane through this interlude of pain
who will be there now when i lose my one true love?
(i am falling now)
have i lost myself? to love someone else...
please let me be yours please never leave
please stay here close to me
all love we shared where is it now?
please let me be better than i was
please don't give up on us
the thought of leaving you...
pain of salvation the perfect element adli albumundeki 8.parça.
mother, at my first breath
every paragraph was set
as i inhaled the scent of debt
mother, that first stolen air
on papers saying i'm not mine
"we crown you, the king of loss...
better get on your feet
best be one of us
better get yourself on the list
for success
dress up as a state investment
charm the press
a breed from the seed of only
one short breath"
mother, hence we cry:
some of us are free to stand
most of us are bound to lie
in those bloodstained beds
no one can afford to pay
the prices on their babies' heads
i am the king of loss!
for every dear smile i feel i'm not one of us
"an ivory coin for every plus on your stone"
"one more governmental blade
now drawn from its sheath
quite a bargain i'd say since either way
you will live by the show of our teeth!"
mother, i wish that we could talk
you see
i'm not fit to play this game
bound by its rules just the same
my talents turned to talons
every monetary pile
will buy me a precious smile...
so smile for the king of loss
feed from the juices
bleeding from this cross
then tell me our lives mean more
than this vain thirst!
"a governmental blade
drawn from its private sheath
quite a bargain i'd say, since either way
you'll be living by the show of our..."
i hold up my head
this was my life
now i'm with the dead
so i lay my bare neck
this is your call
dub a king or a wreck
(mother, listen to me mother)
this was my life
this is your call
is this all i am? is this all i'll be?
this is not enough!
we're all crying for respect and attention
we're all dying for a painless redemption!
this is not what i wanted
but for every drop of blood i lost myself
i, too, lay bleeding on the sidewalk...
long live the dying king
"a governmental blade
now drawn from its private sheath
quite a bargain i'd say, since either way
i will live by the show of your teeth..."