209 (power ranger)
beşinci nesil yazar 2 takipçi 4.50 ulupuan

    the pariah the parrot the delusion

  1. california lı progressive rock grubu olan dredg in 9 haziran 2009 tarihinde çıkacak olan albümüdür.
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  2. ince sozluk

  3. kadrosu :

    yöneticiler :
    karabortlen enonka burack

    yazarlar :
    onerium haqan hakan280 iqt cikoo oguzdemirci josep89 eageanboy tekeli316 kobee maziz omur

    ispitciler :
    haqan hakan280 iqt

    olan, yeni doğmuş sözlük sitesi.

    anında edit:
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  4. fox hound project

  5. yakında yazar olmasını umduğum 6. nesil adayı. hoşgelecektir.
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  6. uh huh

  7. munchausen by proxy grubunun yes man filmindeki muhteşem yaratıcı sözleri olan şarkılarından biri.

    I should have been the one to break up with you
    You said, Who are you? Who are you?
    I wanna snap your neck and spit on you.
    You said, Who are you? Who are you?
    If I got a call and said you were dead
    You said, Who are you? Who are you?
    I'd shrug my shoulders and I say what-ev
    You said, Who are you? Who are you?

    Hey have we met before? Oh yeah I think we have
    Because we only dated for four and a half years
    No big deal, I've only witnessed you sitting on the couch
    Watching Next in your undies,
    But its cool that you act like you have no idea who I am.

    I saw you a my records last night
    You said, Who are you? Who are you?
    You straighten your hair and had a henna tatto
    You said, Who are you? Who are you?
    I wanna shove your face just shove it.
    You said, Who are you? Who are you?

    My mother thinks youre in the closet
    You said, Who are you? Who are you?
    Its so weird because when we used to go out you never even liked the TJ wantons
    And now we have to drive all the way to marvista or some stupid place and eat
    Some stupid butter-nut squash raviolli or something becuase you took the last bag like some
    immature little clown.

    I saw you thursday at the arclect
    You said, Who are you? Who are you?
    I was on a date you ruined my night
    You said, Who are you? Who are you?
    I saw you shopping at the trader just
    You said, Who are you? Who are you?
    I see you everywhere it really blows.
    You said, Who are you? Who are you?

    Hey, did you ever meet my friend Ian?
    He's a coumputer hacker.
    He helped me erase your Myspace page,
    And your band's Myspace page,
    And your Facebook page.
    Happy networking asshole.

    So rememebr all the stuff you forgot
    You said, Who are you? Who are you?
    After you just bought.
    You said, Who are you? Who are you?
    I'd like to see the look on your greasy face.
    You said, Who are you? Who are you?

    And so for sixteen hundy on audi base?
    He said, I know you. I know you.
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  8. two story town

  9. 2000 yılı çıkışlı crush albümünden fevkalade bir bon jovi şarkısıdır.

    I couldnt sleep
    Took a walk down second avenue

    Sick of dreaming dreams that never come true
    One way street and I know where its leading to
    Theres a for sale sign on the front door of the city hall
    The subway line got graffiti crawling off the wall
    I could take a hit but I dont want to take the fall

    Thats just one side of the story
    In this two story town

    Its just the same old sights
    And the same old sounds
    I want to take my car and drive out of this two story town
    Its the same old ship going down
    Im going down, down ,down, down, down
    Its a two story town

    Theres a girl that I sleep with
    Shes got ecstasy eyes
    He promised her roses and american pie
    I called her and my demons
    And I kissed them both goodbye

    Seven days of monday morning
    In a two story town

    Its just the same old sights
    And the same old sounds
    I want to take my horse and ride him off this merry-go-round
    Its the same old ship going down
    Im going down, down, down, down, down
    Its a two story town

    One shot to make a move now
    The ghosts are calling me out

    Guitar solo

    And me Im just one story
    In a two story town
    But youre never going to find me in the lost and found

    Its just the same old sights
    And the same old sounds
    I want to take my horse and ride him off this merry-go-round
    Its the same old ship going down
    Im going down, down, down, down, down
    Its a two story town

    Chorus 2:
    Its just the same old sights and the same old sounds
    I want to take my horse and ride him off this merry-go-round
    I wont give in and I wont back down
    Im going down, down, down, down down
    I aint going down, down, down, down, down
    Im never going down, down, down, down, down
    Its a two-story town
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  10. hayatin anlamini sorgulamak

  11. "nefret yalnızlık hüzün keder özlem sevgili aşk öpmek gözyaşı hayal gelecek umut boşluk"
    aslında hepsi de aynı duygu değil mi kendini insana aptal gibi hissettiren..
    ağlamak istersin gözyaşın, gözpınarından geriye damlar sonra damarlarında oluk oluk akar,,
    akan gözyaşı yüreğine iner, orda hüzne dönüşür
    sonra fiziksel birşey hissedersin ağlayamamanın verdigi haz ve acı
    kalbini acıtır beynini uyuşturur
    sen uyuşursun, kalbin ısınır ama ellerin soguktur
    düşüncelerin sıcak ama beynin donuk.
    belki o esnada bi gölge görünür sana
    karanlık ama gözlerinde ışık vardır, o ışıkta bi umut görürsün hayatı siktir et der o umuda sarılırsn
    yaşamaya başlarsın..
    sonuç: yine başladığın yerdesn
    doğdun ve yavaş yavaş ölüyorsun
    dünyaya kattığın her iyi şey ve kötü şey eşitleniyor
    artık kocaman bir sıfırsın.
    belki hatırlanırsın belki hatırlanmaz
    belki çok ağlarsın belki mutlu gidersin
    sonuç yine de aynı değil mi
    asıl farketmiyorsun
    diğer dünyayı burda yaşadığını, burda hissedebilmeyi burda sevmeyi öğrendiğini
    bunları farketmeden yaşarken sen varolursun, yaşadığın koca bomboş hayat seni sen yapar...
    öleyse neden hissetmedin, hissetmeyi öğrendiğin ilk yerde neden sevinmedin
    neden tutunmadın hayata bi ucundan
    seni sevenleri neden görmedin
    sevilmediğin zaman neden çekildin bir köşeye...
    2+2=4 kadar basit bir hayat. ya yarı yarıya varsın kendinle bir olup yaşarsın..
    ya da içinden eksilen bir parçayla denklemi bozarsın ve sonuç bilinmez olur.
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  12. fortress of tears

  13. him in tekrar tekrar dinlenesi şarkılarından biri.

    No one can hurt you now in this haven safe and sound
    No one can save you now from this grace you are drowning in
    Just hold your breath on your way down

    This fortress of tears
    Ive built from my fears for you
    This fortress wont fall
    Ive built it strong for you

    No one can free you now
    From the chains around your heart
    Dont be afraid now
    Just dive in this emptiness
    And hold your breath on your way down

    This fortress of tears
    Ive built from my fears for you
    This fortress wont fall
    Ive built it strong for you

    No one can hurt you now
    In this haven safe and sound
    Just hold your breath on your way down

    This fortress of tears
    Ive built from my fears for you
    This fortress wont fall
    Ive built it strong for you...
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  14. 20 kasım 2008 sabancı üniversitesi nin çıldırması

  15. gece 01.00 sularında birkaç kızın çığlık atmasıyla başlayan ve arkasından neredeyse tüm okulun yurtların önünde çığlık atmasıyla devam eden,tuvalet kağıtlarının odaların camlarından konfeti olarak atıldığı, milletin midterm stresini attığı, akabinde remember remember the 20th of november sloganlarının çıktığı çılgın olay.
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  16. that s what you get

  17. paramore adlı, şeker bir vokale* sahip olan grubun parçasıdır.

    No sir, well I don't wanna be the blame, not anymore.
    It's your turn, so take a seat we're settling the final score.
    And why do we like to hurt so much?

    I can't decide
    You have made it harder just to go on
    And why, all the possibilities where I was wrong

    That's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa.
    That's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa.
    I drowned out all my sense with the sound of its beating.
    And that's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa.

    I wonder, how am I supposed to feel when you're not here.
    'Cause I burned every bridge I ever built when you were here.
    I still try holding onto silly things, I never learn.
    Oh why, all the possibilities I'm sure you've heard.

    That's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa.
    That's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa.
    I drowned out all my sense with the sound of its beating (beating)
    And that's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa.

    Pain make your way to me, to me.
    And I'll always be just so inviting.
    If I ever start to think straight,
    This heart will start a riot in me,
    Let's start, start, hey!

    Why do we like to hurt so much?
    Oh why do we like to hurt so much?

    That's what you get when you let your heart win!

    That's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa.
    That's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa.

    Now I can't trust myself with anything but this,
    And that's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa

    edit: noktalama işareti.
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  18. mesut cetin

  19. panikatak hastalığını hipnoterapi ile çözen, gata haydarpaşa hastanesi psikiyatri kliniği şefi.
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  20. ekşi sözlük ten s o s uyarıları

  21. mesaj butonunun anlamsız yere yanıp sönmesi durumunda ekşi sözlük ten bir yardım çağrısı olabileceğini düşündüren hede.
    (bkz: çok işim var sonra)
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  22. you were the last high

  23. the dandy warhols un her sabah aynı dozda alındığı takdirde kalıcı mutluluk sağlayan parçası.

    I am alone but adored
    By a hundred thousand more
    Than I said when you were the last (high)
    And I have known love
    Like a whore
    From at least ten thousand more
    Than I swore when you were the last

    When you were the last high

    You were awake
    And I should've stayed
    But wandered
    I was only out for a day
    Out for a day
    It was Chicago for a moment and then
    It was Paris and London for a few days
    But I am alone but adored
    By a hundred thousand more
    Than I swore when you were the last

    When you were the last high

    When you were the last high

    I was the first to have spoken
    And I said just about
    All of the things you shouldn't say
    So maybe you loved me but now
    Maybe you don't
    And maybe you'll call me
    Maybe you won't (oh)

    So I am alone but adored
    By a hundred thousand more
    Than I said when you were the last (high)
    And I have known love
    Like a whore
    From at least ten thousand more
    Than I swore when you were the last -

    When you were the last high

    And you were the last high
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  24. everday is exactly the same

  25. nine inch nails ın wanted filminde kullanılan insanı gaza getiren, süper ötesi parçasıdır.

    I believe I can see the future
    Cause I repeat the same routine
    I think I used to have a purpose
    But then again
    That might have been a dream
    I think I used to have a voice
    Now I never make a sound
    I just do what I've been told
    I really don't want them to come around

    Oh, no

    Every day is exactly the same
    Every day is exactly the same
    There is no love here and there is no pain
    Every day is exactly the same

    I can feel their eyes are watching
    In case I lose myself again
    Sometimes I think I'm happy here
    Sometimes, yet I still pretend
    I can't remember how this got started
    But I can tell you exactly how it will end

    I'm writing on a little piece of paper
    I'm hoping someday you might find
    Well I'll hide it behind something
    They won't look behind
    I'm still inside here
    A little bit comes bleeding through
    I wish this could have been any other way
    But I just don't know, I don't know what else I can do
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  26. diamonds for tears

  27. poets of the fall un son albümünden yine yaratıcı bi klibe sahip olan, başlarında carnival of rust ı aratsa da sonlarına doğru adrenalin pompalayan, vokal Marko nun ayrı bir tarz yaptığı, sözlerine tapılası parça...


    In these days of manmade wonders we still bicker over flies
    When you come seeking for forgiveness, I'll be forced to choose my side

    If I deny you what you're searching, do I do it out of fear
    Am I ruling out my reason, killing that which I hold dear

    Out of my way I'm running, with an excuse just underway
    Reality is so daunting, and I've got no way to explain

    Cos when you're sleeping right next to me, I know you're the one
    So when I hear you calling my name, why do I turn away and run
    I guess that's why it's raining diamonds, sweet happiness in tears
    Crying heaven shed your diamonds, diamonds for tears

    In the light of recent findings, there's no greater taint than grace
    But to relinquish all our bindings, always finds us out of place

    If I rested here a while more, would you hold me to your heart
    If I knew what it was meant for, would I know to play my part

    Out of my way I'm leaving, another excuse before I'll stay
    Reality's applauding, I know I don't know the right way

    Cos when you're sleeping right next to me, I know you're the one
    So when I hear you calling my name, Yeah, I know you're the one
    I guess that's why it's raining diamonds, sweet happiness in tears
    Crying heaven shed your diamonds, diamonds for tears

    Is it a lost cause,
    Can we overlook this taint
    Are these the dead laws
    Like a doubt eating the saint

    And though I fear these shackles, like my darkness closing in
    I will hold out my hands, I will hold out my hands

    Cos when you're sleeping right next to me, I know you're the one
    So when I hear you calling my name, I'll know the good I've done
    I guess that's why it's raining diamonds, sweet happiness in tears
    Crying heaven shed your diamonds, diamonds for tears
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  28. william beckett

  29. the city is at war

  30. cobra starship grubunun eğlenceli parçası

    The city is at a war
    Playtime for the young and rich
    Ignore me if you see me 'cause I just don't give a shit
    The city is at war
    Bless the young and rich
    With designer drugs and designer friends

    Here's how it goes
    It's about who you know
    If you
    Got money you get in for free
    Get on your knees if you wanna reach the top
    The party never stops (never stops)
    Don't stop now (don't stop now)

    Come on!
    Stick around and see how it ends
    Get the money and run
    And meet me at the parking lot
    Bang bang! Shoot 'em up yeah

    The city is at a war
    Playtime for the young and rich
    Ignore me if you see me 'cause I just don't give a shit
    The city is at war
    Bless the young and rich
    With designer drugs and designer friends

    This little girl was alone in the world
    Until she
    Found a way to get a fix for free
    Oh pretty please
    It breaks my heart to see
    Another tragedy she finally got her picture on TV

    Come on!
    Live it up while you can
    We all lose in the end
    No you don't get another shot
    Bang bang! Shoot 'em up, yeah

    The city is at a war
    Playtime for the young and rich
    Ignore me if you see me 'cause I just don't give a shit
    The city is at war
    Bless the young and rich
    With designer drugs and designer friends

    The city is at war
    The city is at war
    The city is at war

    Bang bang! Shoot 'em up,
    Shoot 'em up, yeah
    Bang bang! Shoot 'em up,
    Shoot 'em up, yeah (the city is at war)
    Bang bang! Shoot 'em up,
    Shoot 'em up, yeah
    Bang bang! Shoot 'em up,
    Shoot 'em up, yeah.
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  31. cobra starship

  32. the city is at war adlı müthiş bir şarkıya ve klibe sahip olan, hollaback boy şarkıyısıyla eğlendiren, Gabe Saporta nın yan projesi olan pop-punk grup.
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  33. kwan

  34. tainted love ve shine parçaları dinlenmesi gereken Finlandiya lı grup.
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  35. dothetest

  36. © 2025 uludağ sözlük